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Web Based Client Server

Anish Babu S


How It Works
A user runs a web browser on an Internet-enabled PC. The browser sends a request for a particular HTML text file over the Internet to an Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) web server. The web server responds by finding and sending the requested file to the browser. The web browser displays the file to the user according to the HTML formatting tags found embedded in the contents of the file. The user views the document and is presented a menu of various selections that correspond to work transactions or perhaps fills out a data entry form. The user selects one of the menu options or submits a completed data entry form.

How It Works
The browser sends the web server a request for a specific document that corresponds to the option that the user selected. The web server interprets the request as a command to run a particular server-side process. The server initiates the serverside process. The server-side process logs into the DBMS and executes a data manipulation or query language command that corresponds to the menu option chosen by the user.

How It Works
The command might select records based on certain search criteria or even change values for a certain record, depending on the action that the user chose. The server-side process merges the results of the DBMS command with a pre-defined set of HTML tags, thus building an HTML page on the fly. The server-side process passes the new HTML page to the web server, then disconnects from the DBMS and shuts the connection down.

How It Works
The web server sends the new HTML page to the web browser. Depending on the action that the user originally chose and the results of the server-side process, the browser could display an HTML page containing actual data retrieved from the DBMS, a message stating that data has been changed in the DBMS, an error message from the DBMS, or another appropriate message.

Thanks . . .

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