Exit Slip

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-MUSIC EXIT SLIPName:_____________________ Date:_________ Homeroom:____________

Today, I learned _______________________________________________ I would rate my knowledge of what we learned today as:
(check one option)

Advanced: I can do this anywhere, any time. Proficient: I can do this right here, right now. Intermediate: Ive got this just let me practice it. Emerging: Im starting to get it. I still have to guess a little. Novice: I dont really get it yet. I still have to guess a lot. Idle: I didnt try and I really dont care.

Mrs. Martins rating: 100 98 96 94 93 0

Check one answer to rate yourself for each statement below:
I ___________ followed the Rules and Procedures today so that we could learn in a smooth and safe way. always almost always sometimes almost never never (10) (9) (8) (7) (6) I ___________ willingly sang, played, moved to, or listened to the music while encouraging and including others with my positive attitude today. always almost always sometimes almost never never (10) (9) (8) (7) (6) I ___________ actively supported my learning today by asking and/or answering questions, by staying on task, and by doing my best. always almost always sometimes almost never never (10) (9) (8) (7) (6)
Optional feedback: (continue on back if more space is needed)

Mrs. Martins rating:

Today, I really liked _____________________________________________ Today, in music I wish that we _____________________________________

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