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Learning Goal(s) Solve word problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and (Content pennies, using $ and symbols appropriately. Example: If you have 2 Standard) dimes and 3 pennies, how many cents do you have? Students will count money using dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies, being able to get to the predetermined amount of money, using the smart board. Students will also be able to count out money using play money and their worksheets. Assess"ent Worksheets - see if students have down the correct answers to the (Criteria#Loo$ questions. Fors) bserve- walk around the room to see how they are getting their answers. !roup activity - ask questions, such as how we can get our answers. Materials Smart board "# money worksheets "# pencils "# sandwich si$ed baggies enough play money for each student to have five single dollar bills, % quarters, & dimes, & nickels, and '# pennies. '# small dry easer boards '# dry easer markers Ti"e (ntro)demonstration - % mins (Total % S&eci'ic) Smart *oard activity)participation - '% mins +ractice) worksheet - '# total - ,# mins Instruction Introduction - .alk about what we will be doing today in our lesson. Procedures /onnect with how they have already learned about money and this - Introduction is a review. - (e"onstration (e"onstration - show how the smart board works and how the - Partici&ation lesson is. 0emonstrate how the game works, how they will be able to - Practice pick something on the board and then drag the money to make the correct amount to buy it. Partici&ation - Students will come up one at a time to pick something on the smart board when they click on it, an amount of money will show up that they will need to buy that item. .hey can use any combination of dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels and)or pennies to get to that amount. Practice - Students will then go to their desks and work alone with a worksheet using play money to count the predetermined amounts of their worksheet. With the e1ception of a small group of students that will work with me , that need the e1tra help. )uestions 2ow can we get to the amount of money that we need3 4re there others ways to get to that amount using different coins and)or dollars3 2ow much is a dollar worth3 2ow much is a quarter, dime, nickel, or penny worth 3 Acade"ic 5ocusing on words such as 6 dollar, quarter, dime, nickel penny. Language Focus adding, spending, counting, cents Closure .alk about how we can find different ways to get to the same amount of money. . What were some of the problems that we had when working on our own 3 What were some of the things that were easy and )or fun 3 Instructional Ob ecti!es

Student Acco""odations Sel' Re'lection

7ame8 5elicia 9eech /ontent 4rea(s):ath ( counting money)

0ate8 7ov. "#th "#', !rade(s)8 ,rd grade

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