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Crimson Waller APES Period 1

Western gorilla (gorilla gorilla)

These species of gorillas are found in several different places such as Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo etc. They are usually found in lowland swamp forests. Their main reason for extinction is due to hunting. The secondary cause for their extinction is habitat loss and the spread of infectious diseases.

Diella Pallida W.H Wagner (Diella Pallida)

This plant species grows in tufts of three to four light green lance shaped fronds. They are found in Hawaii and on the island of Kauai. They are found in bare soil, steep, rocky, dry slopes of lowland forests such as Waimea and Koaie canyon. Their primary competition is with alien species. Their secondary is with Feral Pigs that eat the plant. They are a native plant to the Hawaiian people so we must continue to try to conserve them.

Goliath Frog (Conraua goliath)

This species is found in Equatorial Guinea and Cameroon South from the basin of the Sanaga River to the Benito, Wolo and Mbini Rivers. Its primary reason for extinction is because their habitat has been deforested to make way for agriculture. The secondary reason for their extinction is humans eating them. In the area where they live, these frogs are considered a delicacy and are collected as food from the locals. They are the largest frogs in the world which can weigh up to 3 kilograms so we must protect them!

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