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Taylor Quintero Professor Massey ENC1101 10/20/13 Childhood Obesity in America Annotated Bibliography: Childhood Obesity in America Armstrong,

Tyler J., et al. "The battle against childhood obesity: orthopaedic surgeons must take a leadership role." AAOS Now(2011): 23. Academic OneFile. Web. 21 Oct. 2013. Armstrongs article on pediatric obesity is stating that orthopedic surgeons should be leaders in the fight to end pediatric obesity. Some parents and children are not encouraged and informed enough to change their life style to prevent obesity and prevent serious health risks in the future. Because of this, orthopedic surgeons have stepped up to encourage children and their parents to live healthier life styles to prevent and treat obesity as it becomes a growing issue in society. A multidisciplinary approach in treating obese patients must be taken. This includes helping patients and their parents find the appropriate dietary and activity programs that will facilitate weight loss. This article is very informative in the sense that not only do children and their parents need to get involved in the fight to end obesity, even orthopedic surgeons need to get involved. By doing so, together they can continue to make a difference in the fight to end child obesity in America. This Article will benefit my assignment because it supporting the fight against child obesity.

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Bedroom TV viewing increases risk of obesity in children. Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week 29 Dec. 2012: 106. Academic OneFile. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. In the article written by a reporter whose name is not stated, shows a correlation between viewing television and obesity in children. Statistics, facts, and previous studies show that children who watch television in their rooms tend to be overweight. Not only does it affect children at the moment of their lives, but TV viewing time during childhood and adolescence continues into adulthood, resulting in overweight and elevated total cholesterol. So the habit of watching television usually sticks with the individual and can cause health issues in the future. Statistics in the article show that children who have a television in their bedrooms, tend to watch more television than those who dont which causes them to become overweight because of their lack of exercise. Not only does having a television in the room affect a childs weight, but it also affects other things such as sleep, and lack of family meals. Both short sleep and lack of regular family meals have been related to weight gain and obesity, says notes study co-author Amanda Staiano, PhD. This article is definitely beneficial and informative to my semester topic which is on childhood obesity in the US. It displays a major contribution to the rapidly growing number of obese children in the US. Blanco, Lisa, Lloyd, Samantha, Horsch, Arielle, Ortega Angela. Tipping the Scales- A Documentary on Childhood Obesity. YouTube. 2011. Web. 28 Oct. 2013 In Tipping the Scales, its producers were showing the ever-growing numbers of obese children in the United States. They showed not only the kids perspective, but the adults, and the professionals perspective on this important matter of obesity. They speak with kids and ask them why they seem to be overweight or obese and most of the kids will respond with the

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answer that they are obese or overweight because their parents are too. The reason for this is not only genetics, but the facts that they cannot afford to eat healthier. For example, in the documentary they showed a little girls family who was overweight. The little girls mother said that she only has time to cook on the weekends because she has to work on the weekdays; therefore, the little girl has to eat food that is easy and cheap to acquire, such as junk food. The mother of the little girl blames herself for her daughter being overweight. Then the documentary showed another family, which the two siblings are not overweight. This family was healthier and fit, but they were financially stable, and the mother of the two kids is a stay at home mom that can take the kids to play their sports and cook healthy meals for them. This shows that financial status has a large influence on childrens hea lth in America. The documentary was helpful because it was informational by showing the causes of child obesity in America and can be helpful with my topic of child obesity in America. "Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association and Partnership for a Healthier America Bring 40 'Play Streets' to 10 Cities to Combat Childhood Obesity." Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week 1 Dec. 2012: 70. Academic OneFile. Web. 31 Oct. 2013. This article written by a reporter on Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week talks about the generous and helpful things that the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association (BCBSA) has done to help
reduce the large number of obese children in cities in America. Many cities do not have playgrounds and parks for children to play in and be active in so the BCBSA selected Minneapolis, Minnesota; Savannah, Georgia; Durham, North Carolina; Buffalo, New York; New Orleans, Louisiana; Omaha, Nebraska; York, Pennsylvania; San Francisco, California; Chicago, Illinois; and Caguas, Puerto Rico to host 4 play streets each. This was to help

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promote physical exercise in a fun approach and help children avoid obesity or even recover from obesity. The play streets would be streets that are closed and transformed into skating rinks, skate parks, farmers markets, bike fittings, and rentals and lessons. The BCBSA also helped by providing the ten winning cities with funds, technical assistance, and communications and marketing support. This article is very helpful for my topic because it shows how an association is helping to reduce the large number of obese children in America.

Emmanuel, Uzem. "Challenges of Parents to Address Obesity in Children." Journal of Pakistan Medical Students 30 June 2013. Academic OneFile. Web. 21 Oct. 2013. In Uzem Emmanuels article pertaining to parents awareness to obesity, he discusses the fact that some parents are not educated in the sense that they cant tell if their children are obese or not, and how to prevent it from taking over their lives; some parents are just careless and think that their children are healthy when in reality, they are not. Whitaker inferred that mothers of low education status were three times likely to misidentify their children as overweight or obese than educated mothers, parents' lack of trust for "growth chart" as an accurate way of measuring and the inability of parents to acknowledge that their children are obese. This shows that obese children might have uneducated parents, and that needs to change in order for there to be less obese children in the United States. Parents must be educated on the matter, and taught that it is not okay. Childhood obesity typically does not stay with a person only throughout their childhood; it stays with them throughout their adult life too. Parents have to take these things into account and make sure their children live healthy lives to prevent them from getting any unwanted health risks later on. Emmanuel has a very good argument and is a great contributor to my overall topic of child obesity in America because he is bringing awareness to the fact that parents need to step up to the plate and help end child obesity.

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Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Web. 20 October 2013. This website made by an agency called Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities, is where one can find anything they need to know about their agency. Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities is a program that helps communities across the United States to prevent child obesity. They are currently assisting 49 different communities across the US to make them healthier and safer by making new parks, bike lanes, and crosswalks for encouraging physical exercise. Not only do they help with making communities more physically active, but they also help communities receive much needed foods such as fruits and vegetables which are vital to a healthy community. Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities either supply existing community stores with healthy foods, or create community gardens for communities who lack the foods in which they need in order to live a healthier lifestyle. This website is targeted to my exact topic, which is childhood obesity in America. The website is crammed with crucial information of current communities in America which are suffering with obesity and about how the agency is helping to change that. Scott, Barbara J., Brie A. Moore, and William T. O'Donohue. Handbook Of Pediatric And Adolescent Obesity Treatment. New York: Routledge, 2008.eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 28 Oct. 2013. This book offered many different ways to treat pediatric and adolescent obesity by using the many different approaches, one being the behavioral approach. The behavioral approach is a theory that environmental forces and reinforcements are the main cause of behaviors. In this case, the behaviors that are being focused on are unhealthy habits such as unhealthy eating and lack of exercise. The book explains that by changing an environment can change a childs behavior. Sometimes a child might not eat healthy foods or do exercise because those things

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are not easily accessible. For example, a parent can change their childrens eating habits by taking unhealthy foods out of the kitchen and keeping a bowl of fruits in view and easily accessible so that their children can easily reach them. In order for parents to make their children exercise more often, they can keep things such as bicycles in the house to motivate their kids to exercise. This book is helpful to my topic because it demonstrates several ways to treat child obesity. Tavernise, Sabrina. Obesity in Young Is Seen as Falling in Several Cities. New York Times 10 December, 2012. Web. 10 October, 2013. In Tavernises periodical, she expresses the fact that there was a small amount of decrease in the number of obese children in some cities such as Los Angeles and New York City. Although the percent decrease was not very large, it was something to be proud of. The small drop gave people hope that the nations epidemic of obesity has hope of reversing its course. Tavernise also wrote about the changes that the school board made in Philadelphia to decrease the large number of obese children in schools. They removed all of the sugary drinks that they used to sell to children in school such as, sweet ice tea, fruit punch, and sport drinks. They also made some of the potato chips that were sold in smaller portions. One thing that the schools did not want to give up was the deep fryers. Deep fryers are used in schools to make French fries. Eventually the schools were forced to unplug the deep fryers because the school board was no longer buying the oil for them. This periodical was helpful to my topic of child obesity in America because it shows that there is a slight decrease of obese children in some places and it shows what was done to make that decrease possible.

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