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Bothalreadyandyetare used for talking about changes, actions, or states that happened or existed before the present time

or before a particular time that you are referring to. We use still to show that something continues up to a time in the past present or future, for talking about actions, conditions, or states that continue happening or existing without changing. It goes in front of the main verb: The children still enjoyed playing games. They are still living next door. We will still be on holiday. or after the present simple or the past simple of be: !er grandfather is still alive. They were still unhappy. We use yet in a negative or interrogative clause, usually with perfective aspect "especially in #ritish $nglish%, to show that something has not happened by a particular time, especially when you think that the change, action, or state should happen or exist soon. Yet comes at the end of the sentence: It was late, but they hadn&t arrived yet. !ave you fixed the car yet' (he won&t have sent the email yet.

It can also come after )don)t), )hasn)t) etc, before )why), We use already to show that or something has )whether) happened sooner than it was expected to happen. It is also used in *uestions to show surprise that something has happened sooner than expected + !ave you been there already' ,ike still, it comes before the main verb: The car is -.. I&ve already fixed it. It was early but they were already sleeping. or after the present simple or past simple of the verb be: It was early but we were already tired. We are already late.


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