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Scarlet R. Young-Sink
To utilize current educational research to help design curriculum and learning structures in order to foster learning for all student populations by utilizing a variety of modalities, arts integration and rich experiential learning opportunities.


North Carolina Licensure lementary ducation !"-#$ National Board Certified Teacher- %iteracy& Reading-%anguage 'rts


())*-+resent 'rts ,ased lementary School Elementary School Teacher

-inston-Salem, ./

0esign and implement engaging arts based curriculum for students in my classroom based on essential 1uestions and masterpieces designated by the 'rts /oordinator. +repare students for nd of 2rade testing 3hile maintaining school4s philosophy during instruction. /ommunicate effectively 3ith parents and co-3orkers to ensure student success. Share ideas for curriculum across grade levels and help implement procedures and ne3 standards for student academic success. School %eadership Team& Secretary- ())5-()6) Third 2rade Team %eader& ()6)-+resent

())7-())* 8ountain 9f %ife %utheran +reschool Preschool Teacher

"ernersville. ./

/reate and :mplement curriculum for (-7 year old children. Share ideas and curriculum 3ith peer teachers. /ommunicate effectively 3ith parents regarding student progress.

Scarlet R. Young-Sink
())(-())# -omen4s -ellness and 8itness /enter -inston-Salem, ./ Jazzercise instructor

0esign and instruct cardiovascular classes for 3omen based on the <azzercise format. 'ttend training sessions and learn routines from corporate head1uarters. =elp establish rapport 3ith customers to help build strong customer base.


6>55-6>>* Appalachian State University ,oone, ./ ,achelor4s 0egree in "indergarten-Sixth 2rade lementary ducation 6>5?-6>55 R.J. Reynolds High School -inston-Salem, ./

Training and Achievements

@ / RT%- /enter for xcellence Research Teaching and %earning- +roblem ,ased %earning certification- ())5 @ %incoln /enter :nstitute :nternational ducator -orkshop- ()6) @ +resenter at ./ /harter School /onference in ()6)- AThe :mpossible +ip=arnessing ,oys4 nergy for SuccessB @ +resenter at .//TC /onference ()6(-

Skills and Hobbies

@ /omputer- Cicrosoft 9ffice @ Strong 9rganizational skills @ 'vid Reader-'ll 2enres @ "nittingD/rafts @ Cusic- +iano, 8lute, /larinet @ 'rt- +astels, /harcoal, +encil, Carker @ 0ance-

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