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Kaitlin Thrapp EDUG 789 Final Paper 5/8/13 Part I Jason Smith is a 7th ra!

er at Geor e "# E$ert Interme!iate S%hool in Staten Islan!& 'e( )or*# Jason en+o,s spen!in time (ith his lar e -amil, an! ro.p o- -rien!s# /e is a h. e sports -an an! his -a0orite teams are the ') Jets an! the ') )an*ees# /e (at%hes their ames on T1 (ith his .n%les an! his ,o.n er $rother# Jason is athleti% an! is on a -oot$all team# /e pra%ti%es as m.%h as he %an in his spare time an! is !e!i%ate! to his team# D.rin m, sessions (ith Jason& I o$ser0e! that he (as a 0er, har! (or*in st.!ent (ho (as ea er to !o his $est# /e ne0er a0e me a har! time a$o.t %ompletin the (or* I has assi ne! -or him# I %o.l! tell that he too* the assessment, an! (ante! to impress me $, sho(in me all that he *ne(# Reading: Stren ths2 Jason seems to ha0e oo! rea!in %omprehension s*ills# /e $arel, ot an, ans(ers %ompletel, in%orre%t# /e (as a$le to !e%ipher the ans(er& ho(e0er& sometimes he !i!n3t respon! (ith eno. h !etail or onl, mentione! one ans(er in a 4.estion that re4.ire! t(o ans(ers# /e has e5%ellent (or! re%o nition an! prono.n%e! the ma+orit, o(or!s in less than 3 se%on!s (ith %lear e5pression# D.rin the r.nnin

re%or!& he ha! no tro.$le prono.n%in (or!s#

6ea*nesses2 Jason has a !e%ent 0o%a$.lar,& ho(e0er& in the re%epti0e 0o%a$.lar, se%tion& he (as .na(are o- some (or!s that a 7th ra!er sho.l! $e -amiliar (ith# /e (as .na$le to point to the pi%t.res ill.stratin the (or!s !o7e& asto.n!e!& an! %.rren%,# I -elt that (ith his hi h ra!es in s%hool he sho.l! ha0e $een a$le to -i .re o.t the meanin o- these (or!s (ith ill.strations to assist him# In the rea!in %omprehension se%tion& he ans(ere! a 4.estion a$o.t theme in%orre%tl,& in!i%atin he ma, not $e -amiliar (ith the e5a%t !e-inition o- a theme# 6hen i0en the r.nnin re%or!& he (o.l! sometimes omit (or!s& o-ten times the ones he !i! not *no( the meanin s o-#

Writing: Stren ths2 Jason is s*ille! in *no(in (hen to .se %ommas to $rea* .p senten%es# In the essa, %omposition& he (as a$le to %reate a! essa, $ he too* the time to .se the $lan* pa e to +ot !o(n his i!eas# /e %reate! a separate para raph -or ea%h reason he %hose an! at the en! s.mme! .p (h, -oot$all (as his -a0orite ame# Jason also !ispla,e! oo! spellin a$ilit, -or a 7th ra!er& ten!in to onl, misspell (or!s that he ha! ne0er, $een e5pose! to# 6ea*nesses2 Jason ma*es small me%hani%al errors (hen %omposin senten%es# /e (o.l! .se 8a9 instea! o- 8an9 in -ront a (or! that $e an

(ith a 0o(el# /is han!(ritin is some(hat slopp, an! is at times ! to rea!# :lso& he (as a$le to %om$ine senten%es (hen i0en t(o in!epen!ent $.t (as .na$le to ma*e %ohesi0e senten%es (hen i0en three in!epen!ent In the essa, %omposition& he ha! !, %reatin a thesis statement that o.tline! his ar .ment# /e also str. le! (ith ma*in %ohesi0e transitions $et(een

para raphs# In spellin & on m.ltiple o%%asions& Jason (o.l! (rite the letter 8s9 instea! o- the letter 87#9 Math Stren ths2 Jason is 0er, -amiliar (ith his $asi% math -a%ts an! there-ore ha! reat -l.en%,# /e (as a$le to ans(er almost all o- the a!!ition& s.$tra%tion& an! m.ltipli%ation 4.estions in less than ;< se%on!s %orre%tl,# /e is also a$le to .n!erstan! (hat is $ein as*e! o- him in (or! pro$lems !.e to his oo! rea!in %omprehension s*ills# 6ea*nesses2 In the math pro$lem sol0in se%tion& Jason (o.l! sometimes thro. h his (or* an! ma*e sill, %omp.tation errors# I ha! to *eep remin!in him that he (as not $ein time! an! that he sho.l! not -eel r.she!# 6hen he (o.l! re!o the 4.estion slo(l,& his ans(ers (ere %orre%t .nless the %on%ept (as too ! -or him to ta%*le# Part II IEP Goals =ea!in 2 1# 6ithin one ,ear J (ill impro0e his rea!in %omprehension s*ills

$, .sin %onte5t to !e%o!e the meanin o- .n-amiliar 0o%a$.lar, (ith 7<> a%%.ra%,# ?# 6ithin one ,ear J (ill learn to rea! more %losel, so he %an ans(er literal an! in-erential %omprehension 4.estions (ith 7<> a%%.ra%,# 6ritin 1# 6ithin one ,ear J (ill impro0e his .sa e an! me%hani% s*ills in or!er to (rite more -l.entl,# @ath 1# 6ithin one ,ear J (ill learn to %omplete $asi% %omp.tations more %are-.ll,# ?# 6ithin one ,ear J (ill rea! (or! pro$lems (ith reater attention in or!er to %omp.te (hat the 4.estion is as*in -or# Lesson Plan 2nd grade Goal: St.!ents (ill $e a$le to .n!erstan! an! i!entit, %ompo.n!s (or!s# Objectives (students will be able to): Identify compound words Describe what is a compound word Match root words to make compound words Select words that make up a compound word Standards: 'e( )or* State Stan!ar!s2 ELA1.0 .!E1" Lan#ua#e for Information and $nderstandin#. Students will read% write% listen% and speak for information and understandin#. Per-orman%e In!i%ator2 ELA1.0 .!E1.0&" Students locate information in a te't that is needed to sol(e a problem% with assistance ELA.0 )0&.LI.01" Apply correcti(e strate#ies% usin# classroom resources% such as teachers% peers% and reference tools.

E": Aommon Aore Stan!ar!s2 !*. .+. ,now and apply #rade)le(el phonics and word analysis skills in decodin# words. L. .&. Determine or clarify the meanin# of unknown and multiple)meanin# words and phrases based on #rade readin# and content% choosin# fle'ibly from an array of strate#ies. Per-ormer In!i%ator2 $se knowled#e of the meanin# of indi(idual words to predict the meanin# of compound words -e.#.% birdhouse% li#hthouse% housefly. bookshelf% notebook% bookmark/. @aterials2 !eal life ob0ects -baseball% football% and flashli#ht/ Inde' cards 1onstruction paper Markers 1rayons "esson Presentation2 SetBin!.%tion2 Students will be introduced to real life ob0ects% which all represent compound words. 2he teachers will write the names of the ob0ects in the board% students are to analy3e what all these words ha(e in common -football% baseball% and flashli#ht/. Students are to reco#ni3e that all these words are made of two words. Pro%e!.re2 0 After students ha(e noticed the commonality of these words% the teacher will introduce the concept of compound words. 1 2he teacher will then create the aim with the students% 4what are compound words56 After the aim% the teacher will discuss what a compound word is% what it consists of% and what a root word is. An e'ample from the set induction will be taken% to further e'plain what a compound word is% students must understand that the root words chan#e their meanin#s when they are put to#ether to make one word. *or e'ample% the root word 7utter -food/ and the root word fly -insect/ chan#es their meanin#s to make the compound word butterfly. + After students ha(e understood the concept of compound words% the teacher will ha(e a few root words scattered around the board% and students are to or#ani3e these words into compound words. *or e'ample% roots words like air% plane% cup% and cake will be posted on the smart board. & Students are responsible for puttin# these words to#ether. they ha(e to reali3e that

air 8 plane 9 airplane% or that cup 8 cake 9 cupcake% and so on. : 2he teacher will then ask the students to #enerate a compound word list to#ether as a class. ; *ollowin# the list% the teacher will e'plain the acti(ity to the students. students are to choose a compound word from the list or they can create their own compound words. < Students will be #i(en construction paper% they are to fold the construction paper in half. on one side of the paper there will be one root word% on the other side of the paper there will be the other root word% and on the inside% the compound word should be written% a picture and a sentence usin# the compound word should be included as well. 2he teacher will model an e'ample of the acti(ity% before lettin# students work independently. = >ot all students will be writin# a sentence usin# the compound word. 2he focus #roup will only ha(e an illustration of the word. 2he intermediate #roup will write one sentence of the word and the ad(ance #roup will write two sentences usin# their compound word. Alosin 2 After students ha(e finished with their craft pro0ect% the teacher will ask some students to share their work with the class. Di--erentiate!2 "earners2 *or this #roup of students% the real life ob0ects% the teacher?s demonstration of compound words and the teacher?s illustration of the acti(ity will #uide these students durin# the lesson and will help them understand the concept of compound words. :.!itor, learners2 2he teacher?s e'planation of what is an actual compound word and what it consist of will help these students learn all about compound words and learn how to identify such words. Kinestheti% "earners2 2he act of performin# the compound words acti(ity will aid these students in comprehendin# the concept of compound words. Lesson Plan 7th Grade Math @oal" Students will be able to sol(e word problems re#ardin# the circumference and area of a circle.

Ab0ecti(es -Students will be able to/ ) 2ranslate mathematical words into eBuations ) $nderstand what the problem is askin# ) Sol(e the eBuation they create ) 1heck their answer Standards 11SS.Math.1ontent.<.EE.7.+ Sol(e multi)step real)life and mathematical problems posed with positi(e and ne#ati(e rational numbers in any form -whole numbers% fractions% and decimals/% usin# tools strate#ically. Apply properties of operations to calculate with numbers in any form. con(ert between forms as appropriate. and assess the reasonableness of answers usin# mental computation and estimation strate#ies. Materials ) Cord problem worksheet% Smart board Lesson Dresentation a/ Set Induction Students will be #i(en a few minutes to discuss what they already know about circles with a partner. Students should be familiar with the formulas for the area and circumference of a circle. b/ Drocedure As a class re(iew the properties of a circle. 2hen list the formulas used to find the area and circumference of a circle. Discuss how these two formulas are related by definin# the terms in the eBuations. -Dull up a circle on the Smart board to indicate the different parts of a circle as the definitions are re(iewed./ A9 r^2 C= D 2he distance around a circle is called the circumference. 2he distance across a circle throu#h the center is called the diameter. is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to the diameter. 2hen hand out the worksheet with word problems related to area and circumference. Do the first e'ample as a class to model how to turn the word problems into eBuations. Doint how you know which formula to use as well as where each number #oes in the eBuation. 2hen sol(e the eBuation and show the student how they can plu# the answer back into the eBuation to check their work. Ea(e the students complete the rest of the worksheet on their own. Chen they are finished% ha(e students come up to the Smart board and share their answers. 1losin#

!e(iew the steps in(ol(ed in translatin# a word problem into a sol(able eBuation. Differentiated @i(e the stru##lin# students a worksheet with fewer problems to complete. Also #i(e them a checklist to ensure they complete all the necessary steps. Let the hi#her students create their own word problem and then switch with a partner and sol(e.

Strate#iesF Inter(entions I $e an the session ea%h (ee* $, i0in Jason a test on ra!e le0el spellin (or!s# Then I loo*e! at the ones he ot (ron & loo*in -or an, %ommon mista*es# I then re0ie(e! the eneral r.les -or the (or!s that he spelle! (ron # I ha! him (rite the misspelle! (or!s 35 ea%h# :t the last session I a0e him a test on all the misspelle! (or!s thro. ho.t the (ee*s# /e ot 8<> o- the (or!s %orre%t& (hi%h I -eel is a $i impro0ement %onsi!erin he .se! to misspell all o- the (or!s# 6hen (e (or*e! on !e%ipherin the meanin o- .n-amiliar !omainBspe%i-i% 0o%a$.lar,& I a0e Jason a (or*sheet -or (hi%h he ha! to .se the s.rro.n!in senten%es to !e-ine .n!erline! 0o%a$.lar, (or!s on a 7th ra!e le0el# For the in%orre%t 4.estions& I ha! him (rite !o(n the 0o%a$.lar, (or! an! loo* .p its !e-inition in the !i%tionar,# /e then ha! to %reate his o(n senten%e .sin the %orre%t !e-inition#

Thro. ho.t o.r sessions I as*e! him to i0e me !e-initions o- (or!s I tho. ht mi ht $e .n-amiliar to him# Ce-ore he sai! he !i!n3t *no(& I noti%e! that he rea! the -e( senten%es s.rro.n!in the (or! to help him !e0elop an i!ea o- the meanin o- the (or!# :ltho. h he (as not %orre%t e0er, time& I %o.l! tell that .sin the %onte5t helpe! him to -i .re o.t the !e-initions to a reat !eal o- (or!s# 6hile (or*in (ith Jason I -o.n! that he respon!e! (ell to repetition# It too* him a lot o- pra%ti%e in one s*ill $e-ore he starte! to internali7e it# 6hen (e (or*e! on %reatin thesis statements -or essa, 4.estions& -or e5ample& (e -irst re0ie(e! (hat a thesis statement in%l.!e! an! loo* an! se0eral sample statements# Then I ha! Jason rea! a -e( short passa es an! %ome .p (ith thesis statements in response to 4.estions I pose! $ase! on the passa es# :-ter (ritin a$o.t 5 thesis statements& Jason starte! to .n!erstan! (hat a stron thesis statement %onsiste! o-# :-ter !oin 1<& ho(e0er& his statements $e%ame -.ll, !e0elope! an! %lear# 6hen (or*in on rammar Jason respon!e! $est to (or*sheets that! on a spe%i-i% s*ill# There-ore& (hen (e (or*e! on *no(in (hen to .se the appropriate arti%le& I a0e him a (or*sheet (here he ha! to %hoose the %orre%t arti%le# Then (hen (e re0ie(e! ho( to %om$ine 3 separate senten%es into one %ohesi0e senten%e .sin appropriate transition (or!s& I a0e him a s.pportin (or*sheet to -ollo(# Similarl,& (hen (e pra%ti%e! rea!in passa es an! ans(erin

4.estions $ase! on ma*in in-eren%es& I a0e Jason a (or*sheet to help him (ith this s*ill# The (or*sheet (as !i0i!e! into three %ol.mns la$ele! 8$ the a.thor sai!&9 8:n! I *no( that&9 an! 8So I %an sa, that#9 This reall, helpe! him to or ani7e his tho. hts# It also helpe! him reali7e (hat he (as s.ppose! to $e thin*in a$o.t (hen ans(erin these t,pes o- 4.estions# I re0ie(e! that .sin (hat the a.thor tells ,o. pl.s the *no(le! e ,o. alrea!, ha0e %an allo( ,o. to .ess (hat (ill happen ne5t as (ell as to !ra( %on%l.sions# Jason sai! this (or*sheet reall, helpe! him so I ma!e him %opies -or him to .se at home or in %lass# I pro0i!e! Jason (ith se0eral strate ies to .se (hen sol0in (or! pro$lems# First I ha! him rea! the 4.estion o0er .ntil he .n!erstoo! (hat (as $ein as*e! o- him# Then I ha! him ma*e a list o- the n.m$ers that (ere ne%essar, in -in!in the ans(er an! to loo* -or *e, (or!s that in!i%ate mathemati%al e5pressions De52 re!.%e! $,E# Then I ha! him !ra( an! la$el all his (or* so that I %o.l! easil, -in! an, error he ma!e# Dra(in an! la$elin his (or* helpe! him a lot# Sin%e Jason ma*es mista*es easil,& ha0in e0er,thin (ritten o.t helpe! him 0is.ali7e e0er, step#

Part III Jason sho.l! $e i0en ne( spellin (or!s an! 0o%a$.lar, (or!s ea%h (ee*& either $, his tea%her or his parents# /e nee!s someone to him to learn ne( (or!s $ he la%*s the !ri0e to !o it on his o(n# 6hen he ha! m, s.pport he ma!e $i impro0ements& there-ore& another s.pport s,stem sho.l! $e p.t in pla%e# /e sho.l! also ha0e someone (ho %an %he%* is math (or* to ma*e he is no lon er ma*in the %ommon mista*es that he .se! to# /e nee!s someone to remin! him to %he%* his (or* an! to ta*e his time (hile %ompletin it# :-ter Jason %ompletes a pie%e o- (ritin & he $e to rerea! his (or* to ma*e that it -lo(s ni%el, an! that he has .se! appropriate rammar# I- he !oesn3t ha0e someone to rerea! his (or* as (ell& he %an t,pe it on the %omp.ter an! .se the spell %he%*# Jason is a $ri ht st.!ent (ho simpl, nee!s moti0ation an! s.pport# /e sho.l! et into a ha$it o- !oin his home(or* ri ht (hen he ets home -rom s%hool that (as he %an that he (ill ha0e eno. h time to -inish an! eno. h time to %he%* o0er his (or*# /e sho.l! %omplete it in a pla%e -ree o- !istra%tions so that he %an %on%entrate -.ll,# I- he i0es his s%hool(or* all his e--ort& he (ill !e-initel, $e a$le to impro0e his s*ills .sin these strate ies#

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