Elms Orb Log: Name: - Week Of

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Name:_____________________________ Week Of:__________________


Commentary: Find prompts for commentary on the back of this pageChoose one for each day of reading!

Title and Author

Pages Read

Date and Time Spent Reading

Name:_____________________________ Week Of:__________________


Commentary Prompts
DIRECTIONS: Choose one of these prompts to answer for each day of commentary. Each prompt is linked to a Common Core State Standard so they are designed to help you think about what youre reading in a way that will help your growth and learning this year and beyond! R.L.1: Name one character trait for a character in the book. What does the character do, say, or think to prove that trait suits them? R.L.2: What is the theme of the book? List details to support this theme. R.L.3: Choose one line of dialogue from the novel. Explain how it reveals a quality of a character. R.L.4: Find one difficult vocabulary word and use context clues to guess what it means. Afterwards, look it up and see how close you get. R.L.5: Choose one interesting word or phrase that the author uses. Why do they make the choice and what impact does it have? R.L.6: Describe the point of view of the story. Who is telling the story? How would the story be different if told from a different point of view? R.L.7: What would this book be like if it were made into a film? Who should play the main character and why? R.L.9: Choose a character in the book that is like a character youve read about before. What makes them similar? R.L.10: What is your lexile level and what is the lexile level of the book you re reading? Are you challenging yourself? Why or why not?

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