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Investigation Dianne J. E. Kraus Wilkes University


ABSTRACT The male and female participants in this mini-study are 24 freshman Advanced Biology students who are enrolled in the AVID program at Dundee Crown High School. The students utilize higher-order thinking skills in their AVID classes. AVID students are placed in more rigorous classes that use research based strategies that will improve student achievement. They are given the support of AVID trained teachers and college tutors in their AVID Elective classrooms. In this lesson the students have had the opportunity to complete some basic introductory research on cell parts and functions, they have watched a video of the origins of life on Earth, and they have started work on the investigative template using websites and resources provided by their teacher.


Investigation In this mini-study the students were conducting an investigation that is based on current scientific theories on the evolution of the cell. The target learning goal for this lesson is that students will able to explain their conclusions about the evolution of the cell. The students were given a properly aligned scale for this lesson. (Appendix 1) The assessment for this lesson was a written test aligned to the scale. The students viewed a video on Origins and completed a chart to categorize and draw the structures of cells. Their next step was to use the investigation template (Appendix 2) to research the evolution of the cell. Resources were provided by their teacher and included computers, websites, You-Tube videos and text. The students worked in pairs for the initial investigation. In the mini-study the teacher prepared the students for the investigation using prodding questions and helping the students to synthesize the information. The students made a prediction about the evolution of cells and they identified their points of confusion with the content. The teacher asked the students to consider the type of investigation that they are engaging in and the students proceeded to complete their investigation in pairs. The goal for this lesson was not met during this video-taping, because the investigation template takes time. The students require guidance and time to discuss their findings with their peers in order to make the connections between concepts that will allow them to understand the next step for the research. The investigation template is a guide for the students to help them identify their confusions and their next steps, however, the students were finding the information difficult to synthesize and they needed to be led so that they could make inferences about the information being presented to them. For many of the students the investigation was very


difficult because they struggled with reading some of the information. The scientific words were difficult and they needed to define their definitions. This was beyond their skill level in reading, thinking and researching. If this template were introduced in a different unit of study or within a less complex part of our learning then it may have been more successful in its implementation. The videotape revealed some misconceptions and the lesson gave important information about prior knowledge. They know that the Earth has changed over time from a toxic extreme environment to our current environment with oxygen. One student mentioned a glimpse of understanding for the theory of endosymbiosis and natural selection, but was unable to explain the organelles involved or how those changes occurred to evolve into a complex cell model. The students would benefit from exposure to the investigation strategy in lower grades so that they could practice using inference and synthesis of concepts and evidence prior to the introduction of more complex scientific theories in high school and college. This is a power standard that should be incorporated into the common core in order to prepare students for the next level and to provide endurance in their learning. The students have no prior experience with this strategy. Based on feedback gathered from the students on their achievement and their frustration with the lesson, the lesson was at the level of applying. The students did not achieve at the

same level that is expected in this classroom. For this unit, it is better to include demos, handson activities and student observation of concepts so that they can better understand the underlying principles and concepts that were involved in the evolution of the cell into systems of membrane-bound organelles that support multi-cellular life. In order for the students to fully understand the systems within the cell, they must understand how these structures evolved. The


students do not have the necessary vocabulary or scientific background yet to be able to gain the necessary knowledge from this investigation. This judgment is based on the students responses during the videotaping. One student recited a definition that was accurate but he was unable to understand the vocabulary and therefore the research was meaningless to his understanding of the concept. The investigative process and template is an extremely useful strategy for having the students take parts of information and putting them together to make inferences and generalizations, however, this was not a starting place for the use of this strategy. Students need practice with this strategy on simpler tasks and they require guidance on what to do next. The strategy takes time and needs to be planned in the appropriate place and then scaffolded. Without the proper preparation, investigation strategies can be very frustrating for students and can be very difficult depending on the students level of understanding and the ability to process information independently or in small groups. For my audience, it would be better to lead them through the investigative strategy on a simple less scientific task so that they would not be confused by scientific vocabulary. Reciprocal teaching would also benefit the students who are struggling readers because they could take on roles to clarify, summarize and visualize information that they are reading prior to trying to synthesis the concepts. I plan to adjust the instruction to meet the students needs, and to return to a more teacher-led approach so that I can demonstrate and explain the vocabulary and concepts before the students try to make connections between theories and properties. The investigative strategy will be re-introduced and used in a more appropriate unit of study where the scientific knowledge and vocabulary is not as intense for the students where they can focus on learning the strategy with knowledge and vocabulary that they are more familiar.


References Brown, J.L. & Marzano, R.J. (2009) A handbook for the art & science of teaching. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.


APPENDIX 1 Scale for Investigation of Cells 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 Students will be able to investigate the relationship between complex cell systems and muti-cellular life In addition to score 3.0 performance, partial success at score 4.0 content Students will able to explain their conclusions about the evolution of the cell. No major omissions regarding score 2.0 content and partial success at score 3.0 content Students will describe the key parts of the cell and will draw the three main types of cells. Partial success at score 2.0 content but major errors or omissions regarding score 3.0 content With help, partial success at score 2.0 content and score 3.0 content With help partial success at score 2.0 content but not at score 3.0 content Even with help, no success

2.0 1.5

1.0 0.5 0.0



What are the defining features of micelles, coacervates, prokaryote (archea and eubacteria), and eukaryote (plant & animal)?

I wonder how these cells evolved. (Make a prediction) Investigate/research what is known about the three domains of cells and how they evolved on earth. What confuses you about the research? What are the cell systems that are vital for life of multicellular organisms?

How did this happen? Take another step and research the endosymbiotic theory of the evolution of cells.


What does the research indicate? Did anything surprise you about this theory?

Does this data contradict your original thoughts or have you discovered mistakes in your thinking?

Next step, investigate the systems in the eukaryotic cell. Explain any important relationships between systems in detail and draw pictures to illustrate your thoughts.

How does cell evolution theory support the emergence of multicellular life?

As a result of doing this investigation on cells what in your thinking has changed? What surprised you?

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