Lit Genre-1 Morgan Edit-3

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8rlanna CosLello

Lngllsh 1101
Ms. Caruso
24 SepLember 2013
ln my llLeracy memolr, l lncluded a varleLy of llLLle narraLlves LhaL alded ln shaplng me lnLo Lhe
person l am Loday. Powever, ouL of all Lhe eye openlng evenLs and challenges l have faced, l chose Lo
focus on a llLeracy LhaL always makes me proud and has never falled Lo make me smlle. l chose Lhe Loplc
of dance Lo represenL someLhlng ln my llfe LhaL l've always been lucky Lo have and wlLh LhaL Loplc l
chose Lo creaLe a memory box Lo dlsplay my years of danclng ln a more Langlble sLrucLure.
My memory box conLalns an abundance of lLems LhaL each symbollzes someLhlng dlfferenL. lL
beglns wlLh my very flrsL Lrophy from when l was flve years old ln klnder-dance and conLlnues Lo dlsplay
many memorles up unLll my senlor year of hlgh school. l lncluded phoLos from when l flrsL began
danclng and LhroughouL my enLlre experlence wlLh all Lhe greaL people who have been parL of my llfe
over Lhe years. CLher conLenLs of my memory box are meLals and plns whlch were awarded Lo me and
my Leam and by lncludlng Lhese l am expresslng all Lhe hard work and laLe nlghLs LhaL flnally pald off.
Also, l lncluded my plaque LhaL l was awarded lndlvldually whlch represenLs a huge sLepplng sLone ln my
passlon for dance and acLed as Lhe push l needed Lo belleve ln myself Lhe way my famlly and Leachers
always have.
AnoLher way l chose Lo convey my passlon for dance was by puLLlng my dance paws ln my
memory box Lo show how used and worn Lhey are and express how hard l worked LhroughouL my years
of danclng. Also, l lncluded a halr plece from one of my favorlLe dances and my rhlnesLone choker LhaL
everyone on my Leam had and wore for every performance. My favorlLe lLem l added Lo my memory
box ls Lhe flower LhaL was plnned Lo my solo cosLume. erformlng on sLage all alone wlLh nobody buL
myself Lo remember Lhe choreography, on Lhe hoL sLage, ln Lhe brlghL llghLs, ls overwhelmlng Lo say Lhe
leasL. lor me, Lhe flower LhaL was plnned Lo my cosLume symbollzes a Llme ln my llfe when l had Lo
belleve ln myself more Lhan ever and Lhe amazlng feellng of accompllshmenL LhaL l felL ln Lhe end.
1he genre l chose conveys my experlences Lhrough danclng beLLer Lhan any oLher ldea l had,
such as a scrapbook because you can physlcally hold Lhe conLenL ln your hands and feel maybe a sllghL
sense of how all Lhe lLems l lncluded once made me feel and sLlll do. ConsLralnLs wlLhln Lhls genre are
sllm, buL Lhe ma[or aspecL l wlsh l could lnclude ls a vldeo of a pasL performance, such as my solo
rehearsal. My goal ln chooslng dance and conveylng my hlsLory Lhrough a memory box ls Lo show how l
have grown and how dance has played a huge role ln many of my llfe's LranslLlons. AfLer a sLressful day
aL school, l danced. When l was deallng wlLh confllcL ln my llfe, l danced. When l felL sad, l danced. MosL
lmporLanLly, when l felL happy, l danced.
Morgan 9/26/13 10:08 AM
Comment [1]: Where ls your LlLle?
Morgan 9/26/13 10:02 AM
Comment [2]: ?ou need Lo descrlbe whaL
your memory box ls golng Lo look llke and why
you are golng Lo make lL LhaL cerLaln way.
Morgan 9/26/13 10:03 AM
Comment [3]: WhaL are dance paws?
Morgan 9/26/13 10:14 AM
Comment [4]: l Lhlnk LhaL Lhls was a greaL
senLence Lo add Lo your paper. Showed how
lL was your ouL for a loL of slLuaLlons.
uance has been my form of expresslon for a very long Llme and lL's Lhe one llLeracy l feel mosL
comforLable sharlng wlLh people. AlLhough l don'L plan Lo pursue a fuLure ln dance lL wlll always be an
lmporLanL aspecL of my llfe and a huge conLrlbuLor Lo who l am now. l felL lL was mosL lmporLanL Lo
share Lhls llLeracy Lo help oLhers beLLer undersLand me and l chose Lhe memory box Lo lnclude maLerlals
from pasL performances and Lhlngs l've earned Lo express my dedlcaLlon.
ln every way dance helped me overcome fears and obsLacles LhaL would evenLually be
lnevlLable, such as sLandlng ln fronL of a large crowd, havlng Lo Lry ouL for someLhlng wlLh Lhe posslblllLy
of re[ecLlon, belng [udged by experLs and Lhe besL of all, pushlng myself Lhrough my llmlLs and reallzlng l
can do whaL l never had Lhe courage Lo do before.

Morgan 9/26/13 10:10 AM
Comment [5]: l Lhlnk lLs awesome LhaL you
have such a sLrong passlon for dance. 1hrough
ouL readlng Lhls paper l really goL a good
undersLand of how danclng has shaped your
llfe ln mulLlple ways.
Morgan 9/26/13 10:12 AM
Comment [6]: l felL LhaL whlle l was
readlng your paper l was readlng Lhe same
Lhlng over and over agaln.

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