Lit Project Morgan-4

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!"#$%&&%'()*+#)),' -.'/$01#%2.'($30)#.' 415016+1#'789'7:;<' /133)&'=*%&3' I decided to convey my literacy history through the genre of lesson plans as a kindergarten teacher.

I chose to lesson plans because a lot of my history has been interactions with teachers, I also feel that I am very confident in teaching and I feel like I will be able to get my points across through lesson plans. I have always wanted to be a kindergarten teacher ever since I was a little girl. My goal for becoming a future teacher when I get older is that I want my students to have a positive outlook on school and learning because I felt like I never did. With theses lesson plans Im going to be showing two examples of the same lesson plans. One example is going to show my up bring through school and how it shaped my literacy history. The other lesson plan is going to be a lesson plan I created and its going to show how I want to shape the students and for them to have a positive outlook on their literacy history. In these lesson plans for the students Im going to show the positive and negative ways of creating them. First off I will show you just by looking at the lesson plan so things looking at the length, you will see the amount of detail I went in for instructions and directions. I will also show you by just the look of the different lesson plans and why I chose the activities I did. You will also see things such as colors, pictures, decorations and many more. I will explain why I put certain things on each lesson plan. The lesson plans that I picked for my students have a story behind them with the ways certain things have impacted my literacy history and how I plan on making other students have a positive outlook or their literacy history. In my first lesson plan (my positive lesson plan) I used yellow construction paper and bright pink letters to get peoples attention. Then I used different colorful pictures that showed positive ways and quotes about learning. Then with my lesson plan I described the details very thoroughly about why I planned to do certain activates and how each activity shoed positive ways for kids to learn. I also put on the lesson plan that kids are always welcome in the classroom. I also decorated it with bright flowers so you could see that I put time and effort into this lesson plan. Then for my second lesson plan (the negative lesson plan) I used just regular white computer paper and black and white picture of negative ways of learning. I also out negative quotes, with this lesson plan I didnt put time and effort into it. I made it short and to the point. I made it so it looks like the teacher didnt really care about he students and that the students have a start to a negative literacy history.

Brianna Costello! 9/26/13 9:50 AM Comment [1]: '

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I wanted to convey my literally history with these lesson plans and how certain things triggered how I made my project. I have never been big on reading and writing and I feel like a big part of it is because my outlook of literacy is so negative. I want to show the audience how I experienced literacy throughout school and I want them to see how I would teach the children. I want the children to have a positive outlook on reading and writing. So that how I did it in my lesson plans. Im not done with the actual lesson plans but I will add the examples once Im done with showing how certain activities went with certain short stories in my paper ' '

Brianna Costello! 9/26/13 10:04 AM Comment [7]: L&2*?"1'6)#1'1M%65*13')D' !"#'.)?#'51#35120$H1'$3'3)'&1A%0$H1N'-)#1' *$00*1'&%##%0$H13N'4B%#1'.)?#'1M51#$1&213N' -%,1'$0'6)#1'51#3)&%*N'!'

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