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1. radioactive elements

A. any difference between individuals with the same species B. trait that helps an organism survive and reproduce. C. gradual change in a species over time D. unstable elements that decay, or break down, into different elements E. diagram that shows different groups of organisms are related

2. evolution

3. variation

4. branching tree

5. adaptation

2. Did Charles Darwin theorize evolution? TRUE FALSE 3. Is physical appearance an example of variation? TRUE FALSE 4. Humans vary in skin pigment due to location, sun, and climate. TRUE FALSE 5. Evolution occurs only in animals.

TRUE FALSE 6. An organism enviroment does not affect it at all. TRUE FALSE 7. Organism change due to their _________.

8. An example of variation is eye color. TRUE FALSE 9. All species evolved from a common ancestor. TRUE FALSE 10. How long have species been evolving? A. Millions B. C. Thousands Hundreds

D. Trillions E. Billions

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