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Marijka Mason History 1700 November 25, 2013 E-Portfolio Assignment History Repeats Itself

I completely agree with history repeating itself. In my opinion I think it is inevitable for history to not repeat itself. Everything has its way recycling back in one way or another. In the following essay I will give examples supporting this statement. Many past events have already come around again in todays world. One of the biggest events that stands out to me is the civil rights movement. This was such a huge thing in American History. The fight for equality and the end to discrimination was a long process for African Americans. They went through hell trying to earn the freedom of all the other US citizens. They faced discrimination all day every day. Between seating arrangements on the bus, to different drinking fountains and separate schools for kids; there was no equality and so much hate. This went on for quite some time, eventually African Americans were given the freedom that the whites had. However there were still people who were prejudiced towards them. Today we still have people who are very prejudiced. I feel that is one thing that will never end. But today many Americans struggle with those who are gay; and all the gay right movements that are taking place. They are treated differently than individuals who are straight. Given they are not facing the discrimination that African Americans faced but still are being treated differently. History is repeating itself by discriminating against Americans on what their status is. It is sad to see how much hate there is among people who have different beliefs in life.

War seems to be never ending, as soon as America wins one we find ourselves in another. I bring up war as being repetitive in the fact that generals have made the same mistakes or decisions more than once. You read the stories of the life or death decision a commander has to make and you would think future commanders would learn from their choice, but many seem to fall into the same pattern. The desire for power and being the best sometimes takes over a person and leads to destruction. Power has a way of not only destroying a person but a whole nation. Recession also comes to mind when I think of history repeating itself. America went through the Great Depression causing great stress and economical strife. The depression affected everyone and was a hard time that pushed people to their limits. We now find ourselves in an economic downfall. Though very different than the great depression we have come to find the dollar bill does not hold the same value that it did. We may not be facing the same hardships as though in the great depression, but we are struggling with finances and sufferings of our own. As you can see, history has a big way of repeating itself. Given situations are not the exact same we still face hardships ourselves. Its safe to say history will continue to face many challenges and we may or may not repeat the same mistake more than once.

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