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UNIT 7 1 Complete.

1 2 3 4 5

h a t

Ts i t

s o s


s s

2 Circle the odd-one-out. Write.

1 2 3 4


3 Complete the sentences with his or her.

1 These are her shoes.

2 Thisis


3 Thisis


4 These are shorts.

4 Order the words.

1 these Are his shoes? 2 they Yes, are. ___________________ 3 her Are socks? these __________________ 4 this Is hat? her ___________________ 5 arent. No, they __________________ coat?Is this his __________________ Are these his shoes?

1 !"r# the correct "nswer. $es % & or No % &.

1 flat

2 upstairs

3 bedroom

4 bathroom

2 Write the words.

1 hsoue 3 chekitn 5 i!li n omro house 2 roomthba 4 nindi moor

3 Circle the correct words.

1 Wheres / Where are "osy and Tim? 2 Wheres / Where are #randpa? 3 Wheres / Where are $illy? 4 Wheres / Where are my mum and dad? 5 Wheres / Where are my cousins?

4 Complete the sentences.

1 Is %ia in the kitchen? Yes, she is. 2 Are %um and &ad in the li!in room? 3 Is %ia upstairs? she 4 5 . "ob in the bathroom? , he . #randpa and #randma in the li!in room? , they . , they ,

3 'e"d "nd tic# % & or cross % &.

%y name is %elissa. I li!e in a house. I li!e 'ith my mum, my dad and my sister, (dith. )pstairs there are three bedrooms. %y bedroom is pink. The bathroom is upstairs. The kitchen is do'nstairs. Its !ery bi . 1 %elissa li!es in a flat. 2 %elissa li!es 'ith her aunt. 3 (dith is %elissas sister. 4 The bedrooms are do'nstairs. 5 %elissas bedroom is pink. The bathroom is do'nstairs. 7 The kitchen is upstairs. ( The kitchen is !ery bi .

4 Complete.
1 These are my trousers. 3 These . 5 This . These . 4 This . 2 This is .

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