Invisible Man Quiz

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Invisible Man Quiz- Group 3 1. What did the Invisible Man drop for physics in London? a. Journalism b.

Medicine c. Hes always been in physics 2. What fascinated the Invisible Man? a. Foliage b. Light c. Invisibility 3. Why is Marvel running? a. Because he is getting shot. b. Because the Invisible Man was chasing him c. Because he was wanted by the police 4. Why did Griffin go into Kemps house? a. He knew Kemp lived there and wanted to meet up b. He needed to get bandages for his shot wound c. He needed to use the bathroom 5. What did Griffin discover when he ate food? a. You could see the food inside his body until he went to the restroom. b. His visibility returned. c. It made him turn different colors 6. Why did Griffin not want to sleep at Kemps house? a. Because he wasnt tired b. Because he had issues with Kemp c. Because he was afraid he might be revealed 7. Where did Griffin first go after he left London? a. Chesilstow b. Iping c. Port Murdock 8. What was so important about the books? a. It had his lifes work in it b. It had all of his money with it c. He had a letter from his dad (who is now dead ) in it 9. What field of science does Griffin study? a. Medicine b. Physics c. Biology 10. What animal did Griffin turn invisible? a. Cat b. Horse c. Dog

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