Art Science Integration Lesson Plan

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Art Integration Lesson Plan Template 1

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template

LTC 4240: Art for Children Lesson Title & Big Idea*: Change Lesson Overview/Summary*: Students will plant and research a lima bean plant. Students will observe their plants while creating a picture of it. The image will focus on how the plant changes as it progresses through the life cycle. Students will explore change through visual art, literacy, and science. Grade Level*: 3 Class Periods Required: (please circle)

Key Concepts (3-4): - The way nature changes over time, focusing on the lifespan of a plant. - Researching - Plant life cycles

Essential Questions (3-4)*: 1. How have artists throughout history and across cultures expressed nature and change in their artwork? 2. How might nature change throughout the year? 3. In what ways can you manipulate art supplies to show change?

Lesson Objectives: (Excellent resource at Students will research a lima bean plant. Students will observe how plants change through their lifespans. Students will observe the plant and create a picture of it showing the changes. Students will write facts about the plant and a summary of his or her image. Grade Level Expectations (GLEs) (3-4) ( - 3.1.B: science - FA 3.1.A: visual arts - FA 1.3.C: visual arts - 1.2, 1.5, 1.6, 3.4, 3.5: literacy Content Areas Integrated*: 1. Visual Art (Inspiration Artist: Mark Dion) 2. Literacy 3. Science Identify & define common vocabulary that connect the art form with the other identified content areas: Nature: elements of the natural world, such as trees, mountains, etc. Change: to transform or convert Lesson Activities & Procedure(s) (please be very specific): 1. I will lead VTS with Mark Dions Neukom Vivarium. 2. After VTS, I will show other angles of his piece and we will discuss how the tree shows life and change. 3. Next, I will introduce our experiment growing lima beans by reading From Bean to Bean Plant, by Anita Ganeri. The book is all about how beans grow, and has excellent visuals of the change beans undertake in the journey to become a plant. 4. I will ask the class if they have any ideas what we might be doing as a science experiment. 5. Once we have established that we will be growing beans, I will say that we will be growing lima beans. Ask: Has anyone ever eaten lima beans before?

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template 2 Does anyone know what they look like as they grow? 6. We will line up by table to go to the media center, and everyone will do research on the life cycle of a lima bean. They should also pay attention to what environment best allows lima bean plants to thrive. 7. I will pass out a list of resources for the students to go to online, including the Garden Guides website included at the bottom of this lesson plan. 8. As the students are researching, I will walk around and check in on them to make sure they are finding the information all right, and answer any questions they may have. 9. Once the students have all of their information on lima beans, we will go back to the classroom. 10. I will announce that we are going to start growing our lima bean plants. 11. I am going to walk the students through how to start the process of growing our beans step-by-step. 12. One student from each table will gather materials for the rest of their table. Materials include (per person): 2 lima beans, 1 paper towel, 1 sandwich size Ziploc bag. 13. A permanent marker will be passed around for students to write their names on the Ziploc bag. 14. Once everyone has their materials, I will explain how to do it. 15. Students will fold the paper towel and get it wet. It should not be so wet that it is dripping (will cause mold), but not so dry that it will dry out too quickly. 16. Place the paper towel in the bottom of the bag 17. Place both lima bean seeds between the paper towel and the bag. Make sure the seed is able to be exposed to sunlight and not covered by the towel. 18. Zip the bag shut. 19. I will release students by table to place their bags in a sunny area, where the damp towel and sun will turn the plastic bag into a mini greenhouse. FINISH!!! PUT STEPS OF PLANTING BEANS AND CREATING ART 20.Explain that we will observe the status of the lima beans every day for signs of growth, and will be recording the life cycle in a drawing. 21. Pass out a piece of white paper to every student. Give the option of creating a rough copy where they lay out their ideas, and then transfer them onto a different piece of paper to be their final copy with color. Students

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template 3 could also choose to not do a rough copy, and directly begin working on what will be the final piece, but work very carefully. 22. The students have the option to divide their paper into different quadrants and draw the plant in different stages of life, or they can draw each lima bean plant side by side as a natural progression of stages. I will show an example of my own using the life cycle of a sunflower. 23. Students will create an image of their lima bean plant showing it changing throughout the different stages of life. 24. Every day, I will have the class carefully collect their lima bean bag and carry it to their tables to observe. If the bean has changed from the previous day, they will sketch how it looks (The first day after planting, the seed should be swelling from absorbing water. Within another day or two, the first roots should appear. Next, the first shoots of leaves will appear). 25. When the plants have stems and leaves, they are ready to be transferred into a pot. 26. Students will each collect a Styrofoam cup and write their name on it. 27. Students will be called up to re-pot the lima beans in small groups while everyone is working on their pictures. 28. They will use a measuring cup to measure out 1 cup of potting soil and place it in the cup. 29. Students will gently remove their seed from the plastic bag, and press the roots into the soil of the cup. 30. Everyone will water their cups. 31. Once the students have completed their works of art, they will write a short paragraph or bulleted list. The information will include the name and some facts about the plant, as well as what change they are depicting and how they managed to show that through their artwork. Closure (Reflecting Anticipatory Set): Students will write on a slip of paper how they were able to connect Dions artwork with the idea of change in their own work.

Anticipatory Set (Gaining Attention)*: Teacher will lead a VTS on Dion's Neukom Vivarium. We will discuss how he is using the tree to showcase other life. The class will discuss how he was inspired by nature's change. We will also read From Bean to Bean Plant, by Anita Ganeri, to lead into our experiment growing lima beans. Formative Assessment strategy: I will walk around to students as they are Summative Assessment strategy*: Students will create their own work of researching and drawing to ask their thoughts on the project and how they art depicting their lima bean plant. It will show the plant's change from seed are showing change. to adulthood. They will write a short informational sheet to include with the picture that contains the name and facts about the lima bean plan

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template 4 What student prior knowledge will this lesson require/draw upon? - Students know how to research a topic. - Students understand how VTS works. - Students have knowledge of basic lifelike drawing techniques. - Students have experience with color relationships. How will you engage students in imagining, exploring, and/or experimenting in this lesson? We will explore how a lima bean plant grows, and watch its progress from seed to plant. They will be in charge of caring for their own plants and experimenting with how to best keep it alive. How will this lesson allow for/encourage students to solve problems in divergent ways? Students will have to analyze research sources to find the best information to complete the project. Some plants may grow quicker than others, so students must problem solve how to take the best care of their plant. How will you engage students in routinely reflecting on their learning? The teacher will occasionally ask students to think deeply about their research findings and incorporate that knowledge into how they care for their plants. How will you adapt the various aspects of the lesson to differently-abled students? - Students can choose to work with a partner to aid in taking care of the lima bean plant. - If students cannot do research, I will give them a handout of the important information other students should be finding, at an appropriate reading level. - If a student does not have the motor skill capabilities to draw a picture, I will allow them to take pictures of the plant at the different life cycle stages and write about them (or dictate to another student or myself what to write about it). What opportunities/activities will students be given to revise and improve their understandings and their work? - Students will have the opportunity to share their research findings; first with the other students at their table, then as a whole class. - Students will be allowed to observe the growth of their classmates plants, and compare how they may be progressing differently. What opportunities/activities will you provide for students to share their learning in this lesson? - Students will be encouraged to discuss the progress of their plants with classmates, and to ask for help when researching or opinions on their artwork. - We will share everyones pictures with the class and hang them up on a wall for people to look at. - Students will be urged to compare how they are taking care of their lima beans. Lesson Resources/References (please be very specific by providing links, authors, titles, etc.): Garden Guides website:

* Include this information during the 5-minute class Popplet presentation.

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template 5 References Silverstein, L. B. & Layne, S. (n.d.). Defining arts integration. Retrieved from

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