ARTICLE - Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages

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MeLIods oI LeucIIng IoreIgn Iunguuges

There cre mcn methods oj tecchin lcnuces. Some hcte hcd their
hedc cnd hcte jcllen into relctite obscurit, others cre uidel used
nou, still others hcte c smcll jollouin, but contribute insihts thct
mc be cbsorbed into the enercll cccepted mix.

1. The grummur trunslution method

TIe grummur LrunsIuLIon meLIod InsLrucLs sLudenLs In grummur, und provIdes
vocubuIury wILI dIrecL LrunsIuLIons Lo memorIze. L wus LIe predomInunL meLIod In
Europe In LIe 1qLI cenLury. MosL InsLrucLors now ucknowIedge LIuL LIIs meLIod Is
IneIIecLIve by ILseII. L Is used by muny uLIn LeucIers, uIIegedIy becuuse u deud
Iunguuge Is usuuIIy onIy wrILLen. However, LIIs meLIod Is IneIIecLIve Ior wrILLen
Iunguuges Loo, und uLIn onIy becume deud uILer LIe grummur LrunsIuLIon meLIod
wus InLroduced. Up Lo LIe XV cenLury, wIen uLIn wus spoken, IL wus noL LuugIL
IIke LIIs. RecenL experImenLs In LIe UnIversILy oI CudIz, In wIIcI uLIn Is LuugIL us II
IL were u IIvIng Iunguuge, Iuve proved Lo be us eIIecLIve wILI uLIn us wILI uny oLIer
Iunguuge (AII Iunguuges LIuL ure noL deud ure consIdered modern Iunguuges.)

AL scIooI, LIe LeucIIng oI grummur consIsLs oI u process oI LruInIng In LIe ruIes oI u
Iunguuge wIIcI musL muke IL possIbIe Lo uII LIe sLudenLs Lo correcLIy express LIeIr
opInIon, Lo undersLund LIe remurks wIIcI ure uddressed Lo LIem und Lo unuIyze LIe
LexLs wIIcI LIey reud. TIe objecLIve Is LIuL by LIe LIme LIey Ieuve coIIege, LIe pupII
conLroIs LIe LooIs oI LIe Iunguuge wIIcI ure LIe vocubuIury, grummur und LIe
orLIogrupIy, Lo be ubIe Lo reud, undersLund und wrILe LexLs In vurIous conLexLs. TIe
LeucIIng oI grummur exumInes LIe LexLs, und deveIops uwureness LIuL Iunguuge
consLILuLes u sysLem wIIcI cun be unuIyzed. TIIs knowIedge Is ucquIred gruduuIIy, by
LruversIng LIe IucLs oI Iunguuge und LIe synLucLIc mecIunIsms, goIng Irom sImpIesL Lo
LIe mosL compIex. TIe exercIses uccordIng Lo LIe progrum oI LIe course musL
unLIrIngIy be prucLIced Lo uIIow LIe ussImIIuLIon oI LIe ruIes sLuLed In LIe course. TIuL
supposes LIuL LIe LeucIer correcLs LIe exercIses. TIe pupII cun IoIIow IIs progress In

2 Dctid's Enlish Tecchin World www.eILworId.neL
prucLIcIng LIe Iunguuge by compurIng IIs resuILs. TIus cun Ie udupL LIe grummuLIcuI
ruIes und conLroI IILLIe by IILLIe LIe InLernuI IogIc oI LIe synLucLIc sysLem. TIe
grummuLIcuI unuIysIs oI senLences consLILuLes LIe objecLIve oI LIe LeucIIng oI
grummur uL LIe scIooI. Ls prucLIce mukes IL possIbIe Lo recognIze u LexL us u coIerenL
wIoIe und condILIons LIe LruInIng oI u IoreIgn Iunguuge. GrummuLIcuI LermInoIogy
serves LIIs objecLIve. Grummur mukes IL possIbIe Ior eucI one Lo undersLund Iow LIe
moLIer Longue IuncLIons, In order Lo gIve IIm LIe cupucILy Lo communIcuLe ILs

. The direct method

TIe dIrecL meLIod, someLImes uIso cuIIed nuLuruI meLIod, Is u meLIod LIuL reIruIns
Irom usIng LIe Ieurners' nuLIve Iunguuge und jusL uses LIe LurgeL Iunguuge. L wus
esLubIIsIed In Germuny und runce uround 1qoo. TIe dIrecL meLIod operuLes on LIe
Ideu LIuL second Iunguuge IeurnIng musL be un ImILuLIon oI IIrsL Iunguuge IeurnIng, us
LIIs Is LIe nuLuruI wuy Iumuns Ieurn uny Iunguuge - u cIIId never reIIes on unoLIer
Iunguuge Lo Ieurn ILs IIrsL Iunguuge, und LIus LIe moLIer Longue Is noL necessury Lo
Ieurn u IoreIgn Iunguuge. TIIs meLIod pIuces greuL sLress on correcL pronuncIuLIon
und LIe LurgeL Iunguuge Irom ouLseL. L udvocuLes LeucIIng oI oruI skIIIs uL LIe expense
oI every LrudILIonuI uIm oI Iunguuge LeucIIng.

AccordIng Lo LIIs meLIod, prInLed Iunguuge und LexL musL be kepL uwuy Irom second
Iunguuge Ieurner Ior us Iong us possIbIe, jusL us u IIrsL Iunguuge Ieurner does noL use
prInLed word unLII Ie Ius good grusp oI speecI. eurnIng oI wrILIng und speIIIng
sIouId be deIuyed unLII uILer LIe prInLed word Ius been InLroduced, und grummur
und LrunsIuLIon sIouId uIso be uvoIded becuuse LIIs wouId InvoIve LIe uppIIcuLIon oI
LIe Ieurner's IIrsL Iunguuge. AII ubove ILems musL be uvoIded becuuse LIey IInder LIe
ucquIsILIon oI u good oruI proIIcIency.

. The uodio-lingoul method

TIe uudIo-IInguuI meLIod Ius sLudenLs IIsLen Lo or vIew Lupes oI Iunguuge modeIs
ucLIng In sILuuLIons. SLudenLs prucLIce wILI u vurIeLy oI drIIIs, und LIe InsLrucLor

3 Dctid's Enlish Tecchin World www.eILworId.neL
empIusIzes LIe use oI LIe LurgeL Iunguuge uL uII LImes. TIe uudIo-IInguuI meLIod wus
used by LIe UnILed SLuLes Army Ior "crusI" InsLrucLIon In IoreIgn Iunguuges durIng
WorId Wur . DespILe LIe documenLed success oI LIese progrums, uudIo-IInguuI
meLIods ure no Ionger common.

q. Commonicutive lungouge teuching

CommunIcuLIve Iunguuge LeucIIng (CT) Is un upproucI Lo LIe LeucIIng oI Iunguuges
LIuL empIusIzes InLerucLIon us boLI LIe meuns und LIe uILImuLe gouI oI IeurnIng u
Iunguuge. DespILe u number oI crILIcIsms, IL conLInues Lo be popuIur, purLIcuIurIy In
Europe, wIere consLrucLIvIsL vIews on Iunguuge IeurnIng und educuLIon In generuI
domInuLe ucudemIc dIscourse.

g. Lungouge immersion

unguuge ImmersIon puLs sLudenLs In u sILuuLIon wIere LIey musL use u IoreIgn
Iunguuge, wIeLIer or noL LIey know IL. TIIs creuLes IIuency, buL noL uccurucy oI
usuge. rencI-Iunguuge ImmersIon progrums ure common In Cunudu In LIe sLuLe
scIooI sysLem us purL oI LIe drIve Lowurds bIIInguuIIsm.

6. Minimulist[Methodist [Puol Rowe's minimulist[methodist upprouch|

TIIs new upproucI Is underpInned wILI PuuI NuLIon's LIree ucLIons oI successIuI ES
LeucIers. nILIuIIy IL wus wrILLen specIIIcuIIy Ior unquuIIIIed, InexperIenced peopIe
LeucIIng In E sILuuLIons. However, experIenced Iunguuge LeucIers ure uIso
respondIng posILIveIy Lo ILs sImpIIcILy. unguuge ILems ure usuuIIy provIded usIng
IIusIcurds. TIere Is u Iocus on Iunguuge-In-conLexL und muILI-IuncLIonuI prucLIces.

,. irected pructice

DIrecLed prucLIce Ius sLudenLs repeuL pIruses. TIIs meLIod Is used by U.S. dIpIomuLIc
courses. L cun quIckIy provIde u pIrusebook-Lype knowIedge oI LIe Iunguuge. WILIIn

4 Dctid's Enlish Tecchin World www.eILworId.neL
LIese IImILs, LIe sLudenL's usuge Is uccuruLe und precIse. However LIe sLudenL's cIoIce
oI wIuL Lo suy Is noL IIexIbIe.

S. Leurning by teuching {LdL)

eurnIng by LeucIIng Is u wIdespreud meLIod In Germuny (Jeun-PoI MurLIn). TIe
sLudenLs Luke LIe LeucIer's roIe und LeucI LIeIr peers. An ImporLunL LurgeL Is
deveIopIng web-sensIbIIILy.

q. Other methods

TIe PImsIeur Iunguuge IeurnIng sysLem Is bused on LIe reseurcI oI und modeI
progrums deveIoped by AmerIcun Iunguuge LeucIer PuuI PImsIeur. Over u dozen
uudIo-Lupe progrums now exIsL Lo LeucI vurIous Iunguuges usIng LIe PImsIeur

SeveruI meLIodoIogIes LIuL empIusIse undersLundIng Iunguuge In order Lo Ieurn,
ruLIer LIun producIng IL, exIsL us vurIeLIes oI LIe compreIensIon upproucI. TIese
IncIude ToLuI PIysIcuI Response und LIe nuLuruI upproucI oI SLepIen KrusIen und
Trucy D. TerreII.

1o. Silent Wuy

TIe SIIenL Wuy Is u dIscovery IeurnIng upproucI, InvenLed by CuIeb GuLLegno In LIe
os. L Is oILen consIdered Lo be one oI LIe IumunIsLIc upproucIes. L Is cuIIed TIe
SIIenL Wuy becuuse LIe LeucIer Is usuuIIy sIIenL, IeuvIng room Ior LIe sLudenLs Lo LuIk
und expIore LIe Iunguuge. L Is oILen ussocIuLed wILI CuIsenuIre rods und wuII cIurLs
wIere words ure coIour-coded; eucI pIoneme u dIIIerenL coIour.

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Leurning strutegies

Code switching

Code swILcIIng, LIuL Is, cIungIng beLween Iunguuges uL some poInL In u senLence or
uLLerunce, Is u commonIy used communIcuLIon sLruLegy umong Iunguuge Ieurners und
bIIInguuIs. WIIIe LrudILIonuI meLIods oI IormuI InsLrucLIon oILen dIscouruge code
swILcIIng, sLudenLs, especIuIIy LIose pIuced In u Iunguuge ImmersIon sILuuLIon, oILen
use IL. I vIewed us u IeurnIng sLruLegy, wIereIn LIe sLudenL uses LIe LurgeL Iunguuge
us mucI us possIbIe buL reverLs Lo LIeIr nuLIve Iunguuge Ior uny eIemenL oI un
uLLerunce LIuL LIey ure unubIe Lo produce In LIe LurgeL Iunguuge, LIen IL Ius LIe
udvunLuges LIuL IL encouruges IIuency deveIopmenL und moLIvuLIon und u sense oI
uccompIIsImenL by enubIIng LIe sLudenL Lo dIscuss LopIcs oI InLeresL Lo IIm or Ier
eurIy In LIe IeurnIng process -- beIore requIsILe vocubuIury Ius been memorIzed. L Is
purLIcuIurIy eIIecLIve Ior sLudenLs wIose nuLIve Iunguuge Is EngIIsI, due Lo LIe IIgI
probubIIILy oI u sImpIe EngIIsI word or sIorL pIruse beIng undersLood by LIe
conversuLIonuI purLner.

Blended leurning

BIended IeurnIng combInes Iuce-Lo-Iuce LeucIIng wILI dIsLunce educuLIon, IrequenLIy
eIecLronIc, eILIer compuLer-bused or web-bused. L Ius been u mujor growLI poInL In
LIe ET (EngIIsI unguuge TeucIIng) IndusLry over LIe IusL Len yeurs.

Some peopIe, LIougI, use LIe pIruse 'BIended eurnIng' Lo reIer Lo IeurnIng LukIng
pIuce wIIIe LIe Iocus Is on oLIer ucLIvILIes. or exumpIe, pIuyIng u curd gume LIuL
requIres cuIIIng Ior curds muy uIIow bIended IeurnIng oI numbers (1 Lo 1o).

Privute totoring

TuLorIng by u nuLIve speuker cun be one oI LIe mosL eIIecLIve wuys oI IeurnIng.
However, IL requIres u skIIIed, moLIvuLed nuLIve LuLor, wIIcI cun be u rure, expensIve
commodILy. TIuL LuLor muy druw on one or severuI oI LIe ubove meLIods.

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Lungouge edocution in Iorope

Ioreign lungouge edocution

1qq Europeun CommIssIon`s WIILe Puper "TeucIIng und IeurnIng - Towurds LIe
IeurnIng socIeLy", sLuLed LIuL "upon compIeLIng InILIuI LruInIng, everyone sIouId be
proIIcIenL In Lwo CommunILy IoreIgn Iunguuges". TIe Isbon SummIL oI zooo deIIned
Iunguuges us one oI LIe IIve key skIIIs.

n IucL, even In 1q;q, uL IeusL one IoreIgn Iunguuge wus compuIsory In uII buL Lwo
Europeun counLrIes (reIund und LIe UnILed KIngdom, upurL Irom ScoLIund). By 1qq8
neurIy uII pupIIs In Europe sLudIed uL IeusL one IoreIgn Iunguuge us purL oI LIeIr
compuIsory educuLIon, LIe onIy excepLIon beIng LIe RepubIIc oI reIund, wIere
prImury und secondury scIooIcIIIdren Ieurn boLI rIsI und EngIIsI, buL neILIer Is
consIdered u IoreIgn Iunguuge. PupIIs In upper secondury educuLIon Ieurn uL IeusL Lwo
IoreIgn Iunguuges In BeIgIum's IemIsI communILy, Denmurk, NeLIerIunds,
Germuny, uxembourg, InIund, Sweden, SwILzerIund, Greece, Cyprus, EsLonIu,
ILIuunIu, PoIund, RomunIu, SerbIu, SIovenIu und SIovukIu.

On uveruge In Europe, uL LIe sLurL oI IoreIgn Iunguuge LeucIIng, pupIIs Iuve Iessons
Ior LIree Lo Iour Iours u week. CompuIsory Iessons In u IoreIgn Iunguuge normuIIy
sLurL uL LIe end oI prImury scIooI or LIe sLurL oI secondury scIooI. n uxembourg,
Norwuy, LuIy und MuILu, Iowever, LIe IIrsL IoreIgn Iunguuge sLurLs uL uge sIx, und In
BeIgIum's IemIsI communILy uL uge 1o. AbouL IuII oI LIe EU's prImury scIooI pupIIs
Ieurn u IoreIgn Iunguuge.

EngIIsI Is LIe Iunguuge LuugIL mosL oILen uL Iower secondury IeveI In LIe EU. q% oI
cIIIdren LIere Ieurn EngIIsI. AL upper secondury IeveI, EngIIsI Is even more wIdeIy
LuugIL. rencI Is LuugIL uL Iower secondury IeveI In uII EU counLrIes excepL SIovenIu.
A LoLuI oI % oI Europeun UnIon pupIIs Ieurn rencI uL LIIs IeveI. AL upper
secondury IeveI LIe IIgure drops sIIgILIy Lo z8%. Germun Is LuugIL In neurIy uII EU

7 Dctid's Enlish Tecchin World www.eILworId.neL
counLrIes. A LoLuI oI 1% oI pupIIs In LIe Europeun UnIon Ieurn Germun In Iower
secondury educuLIon, und zo% Ieurn IL uL un upper secondury IeveI.

Muny Europeuns Ieurn IoreIgn Iunguuges uL u mucI IusLer ruLe LIun AmerIcun
sLudenLs becuuse LIeIr Iunguuge educuLIon Is more InLensIve und muy sLurL uL u
younger uge.

DespILe LIe IIgI ruLe oI IoreIgn Iunguuge LeucIIng In scIooIs, LIe number oI uduILs
cIuImIng Lo speuk u IoreIgn Iunguuge Is generuIIy Iower LIun mIgIL be expecLed. TIIs
Is purLIcuIurIy Lrue oI nuLIve EngIIsI speukers: In zooq u BrILIsI survey sIowed LIuL
onIy one In 1o UK workers couId speuk u IoreIgn Iunguuge. ess LIun % couId counL
Lo zo In u second Iunguuge, Ior exumpIe. 8o% suId LIey couId work ubroud unywuy,
becuuse "everyone speuks EngIIsI." n zoo1, u Europeun CommIssIon survey Iound
LIuL 6.q% oI peopIe In LIe UK spoke onIy LIeIr nuLIve Longue.

SInce LIe 1qqos, LIe Common Europeun rumework oI ReIerence Ior unguuges Ius
LrIed Lo sLundurdIze LIe IeurnIng oI Iunguuges ucross Europe (one oI LIe IIrsL resuILs
beIng UNcerL).

Bilingoul edocution

n some counLrIes, Ieurners Iuve Iessons Luken enLIreIy In u IoreIgn Iunguuge: Ior
exumpIe, more LIun IuII oI Europeun counLrIes wILI u mInorILy or regIonuI Iunguuge
communILy use purLIuI ImmersIon Lo LeucI boLI LIe mInorILy und LIe sLuLe Iunguuge.

n LIe 1q6os und 1q;os, some cenLruI und eusLern Europeun counLrIes creuLed u
sysLem oI bIIInguuI scIooIs Ior weII-perIormIng pupIIs. SubjecLs oLIer LIun Iunguuges
were LuugIL In u IoreIgn Iunguuge. n LIe 1qqos LIIs sysLem wus opened Lo uII pupIIs
In generuI educuLIon, uILIougI some counLrIes sLIII muke cundIduLes sIL un enLrunce
exum. AL LIe sume LIme, BeIgIum's rencI communILy, runce, LIe NeLIerIunds,
AusLrIu und InIund uIso sLurLed bIIInguuI scIooIIng scIemes. Germuny meunwIIIe
Iud esLubIIsIed some bIIInguuI scIooIs In LIe IuLe 1q6os.

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Lungouge edocution in the Lnited Stutes

MosL sLudenLs sLurL IeurnIng u IoreIgn Iunguuge In IIgI scIooI or IuLe mIddIe scIooI.
SLudenLs ure someLImes requIred Lo Luke u cerLuIn umounL (on uveruge Lwo yeurs) oI
IoreIgn Iunguuge sLudy In order Lo gruduuLe; In some sLuLes or scIooI sysLems, LIIs Is u
requIremenL onIy oI cerLuIn gruduuLIon pIuns (e.g. coIIege prepuruLory).

TIe mosL popuIur Iunguuge Is SpunIsI, due Lo LIe Iurge number oI recenL SpunIsI-
speukIng ImmIgrunLs Lo LIe UnILed SLuLes (see SpunIsI In LIe UnILed SLuLes). OLIer
popuIur Iunguuges ure rencI, Germun, und Jupunese. uLIn used Lo be more
common, buL Ius IuIIen Irom Iuvor somewIuL. DurIng LIe CoId Wur, LIe UnILed
SLuLes governmenL pusIed Ior RussIun educuLIon, und some scIooIs sLIII muInLuIn
LIeIr RussIun progrums. OLIer Iunguuges recenLIy guInIng popuIurILy ure CIInese
(especIuIIy MundurIn) und ArubIc.

WILI LIe vusL number oI ImmIgrunLs In LIe UnILed sLuLed Loduy Iowever, LIe IusLesL
growIng ureu oI Iunguuge educuLIon Is ES or E. n June zooo Edwurd Bodnur
IeIped pIoneer LIe movemenL oI IuILI bused ES cIusses LIrougI cIurcIes In
NusIvIIIe, TN. TIIs movemenL bused wIoIIy on LIe eL's SLurL TuIkIng progrum LIuL
LeucIes conversuLIonuI EngIIsI usIng LIe BIbIe, sLurLed by Murk und SIerryIee
Woodwurd. TIIs progrum In NusIvIIIe Ius now IeIped over ooo ImmIgrunLs Irom
over o counLrIes Ieurn Lo converse In EngIIsI In NusIvIIIe uIone.

Lungouge edocution in Aostruliu

PrIor Lo Europeun InvusIon und seLLIemenL, LIere were Iundreds oI AborIgInuI
Iunguuges, LuugIL In u LrudILIonuI wuy. TIe urrIvuI oI u subsLunLIuI number oI rIsI In
LIe IIrsL EngIIsI convIcL sIIps meunL LIuL Europeun AusLruIIu wus never perIecLIy
monoIInguuI. WIen LIe goIdrusIes oI LIe 18os LrebIed LIe wIILe popuIuLIon, IL
brougIL muny more WeIsI speukers, wIo Iud LIeIr own Iunguuge newspupers
LIrougI Lo LIe 18;os, buL LIe ubsence oI Iunguuge educuLIon meunL LIuL LIese CeILIc
vurIuLIons uwuy Irom EngIIsI never IIourIsIed.

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Wuves oI Europeun mIgruLIon uILer WorId Wur brougIL "communILy Iunguuges,"
someLImes wILI scIooIs. However, Irom 1;88 unLII modern LImes IL wus generuIIy
expecLed LIuL ImmIgrunLs wouId Ieurn EngIIsI und ubundon LIeIr IIrsL Iunguuge
(CIyne, 1qq;). TIe wuve oI muILIcuILuruI poIIcIes sInce LIe 1q;os Ius soILened uspecLs
oI LIese uLLILudes.

n 1q8z u bIpurLIsun commILLee oI AusLruIIun purIIumenLurIuns wus uppoInLed und
IdenLIIIed u number oI guIdIng prIncIpIes LIuL wouId supporL u NuLIonuI PoIIcy on
unguuges (NP). Ls Lrend wus Lowurds bIIInguuIIsm In uII AusLruIIuns, Ior reusons oI
IuIrness, dIversILy und economIcs.

n LIe 1qqos LIe AusLruIIun unguuges und ILerucy PoIIcy (AP) wus InLroduced,
buIIdIng on LIe NP, wILI exLru uLLenLIon beIng gIven Lo LIe economIc moLIvuLIons oI
second Iunguuge IeurnIng. A dIsLIncLIon becume druwn beLween prIorILy Iunguuges
und communILy Iunguuges. TIe Len prIorILy Iunguuges IdenLIIIed were MundurIn,
rencI, Germun, Modern Greek, ndonesIun, Jupunese, LuIIun, Koreun, SpunIsI und
AborIgInuI Iunguuges.

However, AusLruIIu's IederuI sysLem meunL LIuL LIe NP und AP dIrecLIon wus
reuIIy un overuII poIIcy Irom ubove wILIouL mucI engugemenL Irom LIe sLuLes und
LerrILorIes. TIe NASAS sLruLegy unILed AusLruIIun GovernmenL poIIcy wILI LIuL oI
LIe sLuLes und LerrILorIes. L Iocused on Iour LurgeLed Iunguuges: MundurIn,
ndonesIun, Jupunese und Koreun. TIIs wouId be InLegruLed InLo sLudIes oI SocIeLy
und EnvIronmenL, EngIIsI und ArLs.

By zooo, LIe Lop Len Iunguuges enroIIed In LIe IInuI IIgI scIooI yeur were, In
descendIng order: Jupunese, rencI, Germun, CIInese, ndonesIun, LuIIun, Greek,
VIeLnumese, SpunIsI und ArubIc. n zooz, onIy ubouL 1o% oI Yeur 1z IncIuded uL IeusL
one unguuge OLIer TIun EngIIsI (OTE) umong LIeIr course cIoIces.

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Lungouge stody holiduys

An IncreusIng number oI peopIe ure now combInIng IoIIduys wILI Iunguuge sLudy In
LIe nuLIve counLry. TIIs enubIes LIe sLudenL Lo experIence LIe LurgeL cuILure by
meeLIng IocuI peopIe. SucI u IoIIduy oILen combInes IormuI Iessons, cuILuruI
excursIons, IeIsure ucLIvILIes, und u IomesLuy, perIups wILI LIme Lo LruveI In LIe
counLry uILerwurds. unguuge sLudy IoIIduys ure popuIur ucross Europe due Lo LIe
euse oI LrunsporLuLIon und Lo LIe smuII geogrupIIcuI dIsLunces. Muny IndIvIduuIs
LruveI Lo LIe UK uIone Lo Ieurn EngIIsI.

WILI LIe IncreusIng prevuIence oI InLernuLIonuI busIness LrunsucLIons, IL Is now
ImporLunL Lo Iuve muILIpIe Iunguuges uL one's dIsposuI. TIIs Is uIso evIdenL In
busInesses ouLsourcIng LIeIr depurLmenLs Lo EusLern Europe.

Lungouge edocution on the internet

TIe InLerneL Ius emerged us u powerIuI medIum Lo LeucI und Ieurn IoreIgn Iunguuges.
WebsILes LIuL provIde Iunguuge educuLIon on LIe InLerneL muy be broudIy cIussIIIed
under z cuLegorIes:

unguuge ExcIunge websILes

unguuge excIunge IucIIILuLes Iunguuge IeurnIng by pIucIng users wILI
compIemenLury Iunguuge skIIIs In conLucL wILI eucI oLIer. or InsLunce, User A Is u
nuLIve SpunIsI speuker und wunLs Lo Ieurn EngIIsI| User B Is u nuLIve EngIIsI speuker
und wunLs Lo Ieurn SpunIsI. unguuge excIunge websILes essenLIuIIy LreuL knowIedge
oI u Iunguuge us u commodILy, und provIde u murkeL IIke envIronmenL Ior LIe
commodILy Lo be excIunged.

rom LIe user's perspecLIve, LIe eIIecLIveness oI sucI websILes In IeurnIng u Iunguuge
Irom LIe sLurL Is very quesLIonubIe. ALLempLs IIke " wunL Lo Ieurn Jupunese" do noL
IrequenLIy eIIcIL uny posILIve reucLIon Irom seusoned users oI LIe sILe.

11 Dctid's Enlish Tecchin World www.eILworId.neL
TIere Is uIso LIe vIew LIuL LIese servIces provIde u good LooI Lo uId Iunguuge IeurnIng
uL u Iunguuge scIooI, ruLIer LIun ucL us uILernuLIves Lo reuI worId Iunguuge scIooIs.
Users LypIcuIIy conLucL eucI oLIer vIu cIuL or emuII.

n zooo Edwurd Bodnur deveIoped one oI LIe IIrsL InLerneL bused EngIIsI cIusses
IInkIng sLudenLs wILI LeucIers In reuI LIme usIng VoIp und vIdeo so LIuL LIe sLudenL
und LeucIer couId see eucI oLIer. TIIs projecL IeIped puve LIe wuy Ior LIe IuLure oI
educuLIon everywIere by provIng LIuL LIe sLudenL und LeucIer need noL be uL LIe
sume pIuce uL LIe sume LIme In order Ior IeurnIng Lo occur. Soon sLudenLs Irom uII
over LIe worId wIII be IeurnIng Irom LeucIers In counLrIes dIIIerenL Irom LIeIr own,
mukIng ouLsourcIng oI InsLrucLIon LIe nexL bIg Lrend In educuLIon Loduy.

n zoo; Second IIe sLurLed Lo be used Ior IoreIgn Iunguuge LuILIon |1|. BoLI Second
IIe und reuI IIIe Iunguuge educuLors Iuve begun Lo use LIe vIrLuuI worId Ior Iunguuge
LuILIon. EngIIsI (us u IoreIgn Iunguuge) Ius guIned u presence LIrougI severuI
scIooIs, IncIudIng LIe BrILIsI CouncII, wIIcI Ius Iocused on LIe Teen GrId. SpuIn`s
Iunguuge und cuILuruI InsLILuLe nsLILuLo CervunLes Ius un IsIund on Second IIe. A
IIsL oI educuLIonuI projecLs (IncIudIng some Iunguuge scIooIs) In Second IIe cun be
Iound on LIe SImTeucI sILe.

Portuls thut provide lungouge content

TIere ure u number oI InLerneL porLuIs LIuL oIIer Iunguuge conLenL, some In
InLerucLIve Iorm. ConLenL LypIcuIIy IncIudes pIruses wILI LrunsIuLIon In muILIpIe
Iunguuges, LexL Lo speecI engInes (TTS), IeurnIng ucLIvILIes sucI us quIzzes or puzzIes
bused on Iunguuge concepLs. WIIIe some oI LIIs conLenL Is Iree, u Iurge IrucLIon oI LIe
conLenL on oIIer Is uvuIIubIe Ior u Iee, especIuIIy wIere LIe conLenL Is LuIIored Lo LIe
needs oI Iunguuge LesLs sucI us TOE, Ior LIe UnILed SLuLes.

n generuI, Iunguuge educuLIon on LIe InLerneL provIdes u good suppIemenL Lo reuI
worId Iunguuge scIooIIng. However, LIe commercIuI nuLure oI LIe InLerneL, IncIudIng
pop-up und occusIonuIIy IrreIevunL LexL or bunner uds mIgIL be seen us u dIsLrucLIon
Irom u good IeurnIng experIence.

12 Dctid's Enlish Tecchin World www.eILworId.neL

Common ucronyms und ubbreviutions

CALL: CompuLer-ussIsLed Iunguuge IeurnIng
CLL: CommunILy Iunguuge IeurnIng
ILI: DIpIme d'Ludes en Iungue IrunuIse
L1: IrsL Iunguuge, moLIer Longue
L: Second Iunguuge (or uny uddILIonuI Iunguuge)
LL: ernen durcI eIren (eurnIng by LeucIIng)
SLA: Second Iunguuge ucquIsILIon
TILL: TecInoIogy-enIunced Iunguuge IeurnIng
TIIL: TeucIIng EngIIsI us u oreIgn unguuge N.B. TIIs urLIcIe Is ubouL LruveI-
TIILA: TeucIIng EngIIsI us u oreIgn unguuge Lo AduILs
TPR: ToLuI PIysIcuI Response
TPRS: ToLuI PIysIcuI Response SLoryLeIIIng
LNIcert: A Europeun Iunguuge educuLIon sysLem oI muny unIversILIes bused on LIe
Common Europeun rumework oI ReIerence Ior unguuges.
CLIL: ConLenL und unguuge nLegruLed eurnIng

AII LexL Is uvuIIubIe under LIe Lerms oI
LIe GNU ree DocumenLuLIon Icense.

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