Light Me Up

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Light Me Up


Cherrie Lynn

Published by Cherrie Lynn at Smashwords Copyright 2013 Cover Art by Hot Damn Designs All rights reserved !his boo" or any portion thereo# may not be reprodu$ed or used in any manner whatsoever without the e%press written permission o# the author e%$ept #or the use o# brie# &uotations in a boo" review !his boo" is a wor" o# #i$tion !he $hara$ters' events' and pla$es portrayed in this boo" are produ$ts o# the author(s imagination and are either #i$titious or are used #i$titiously Any similarity to real persons' living or dead' is purely $oin$idental and not intended by the author )oo"s by Cherrie Lynn Contemporary *nleashed +o$" ,e Leave ,e )reathless Paranormal Sweet Disgra$e -ar -rom Heaven Dedi$ation. !o all you rabid )rian and Canda$e #ans !his one(s #or you/

Chapter One Canda$e Andrews was sweating' and it had nothing to do with being wrapped shoulder0 to0#loor in some green monstrosity her mother had re&uested she wear to the Andrews( annual Christmas party 1t had nothing to do with the $hampagne $lut$hed in her trembling hand' either' as she #eigned an attitude o# polite attentiveness in the #a$e o# her un$le(s blathering 2ell' o"ay' those things weren(t helping the situation At all She rea$hed up to tou$h the bead o# sweat at her hairline be#ore it $ould threaten her #oundation' smiling as she pretended only to ma"e sure every hair was in pla$e Surely someone in the small $luster o# people she stood among would soon noti$e she was #lushed bright red beneath her ma"eup She(d $aught a glimpse o# hersel# a #ew moments ago in the giganti$ mirror hanging in her parents( grand entryway' so she "new All )rian +oss(s #ault' and he wasn(t even near her He stood hal#way a$ross the enormous living room' trapped with her dad and some o# his business asso$iates Loo"ing absolutely devastatingly gorgeous in all bla$"3no suit #or him' no matter how #ormal the o$$asion' but it didn(t matter be$ause no one got past that #a$e or those intense blue eyes anyway She $ould 4ust see his pro#ile over her aunt(s shoulder5she never let him get too #ar out o# sight at one o# these things He hated them' and so did she' so she $onstantly wat$hed him #or the subtle head0tilt toward the door that indi$ated he was ready to get the hell out So #ar' he hadn(t given it )rian was her3well' she didn(t "now what label to put on him 6)oy#riend7 seemed way too $asual 6-ian$8'7 too premature' as indi$ated by the longing loo" she $ast toward the bare ring #inger on her le#t hand 6Soulmate79 !oo $li$h8 He was her world' and that(s all that mattered His hand dri#ted into the po$"et o# his sla$"s again' and every mus$le in her body went on alert 1t was another motion she(d $onstantly been on the loo"out #or tonight Oh, no, dont. No more. Dont 1nside the la$y s$rap o# a thong she wore' a vibration $ame to silent li#e dire$tly on her $lit :%pe$ting it didn(t s&uel$h her rea$tion She nearly 4umped three #eet o## the #loor' and in her heels' that would be &uite the #eat 6Are you all right' hon97 Her aunt Deb' who stood dire$tly a$ross #rom her' loo"ed at her with $on$ern 1t was hard to believe she and Canda$e(s mother Sylvia shared parents 1# Sylvia had been standing nearby' she would(ve given Canda$e what )rian $alled her o$ular lashing Canda$e mustered what she hoped was a blithe smile as sensation ri$o$heted through her lower belly and dangerously tightened all her mus$les -rom wherever she(d dredged up that smile' she #ound her voi$e 61(m #ine 2ill you e%$use me97 2ithout waiting #or an answer' she bro"e away #rom the group' almost $ollapsing in relie# when )rian had mer$y on her and the vibration stopped 2hen had she ever thought this would be a good idea9 2ell' she hadn(t' a$tually He had He got his "i$"s out o# #lustering her in #ront o# her insanely $onservative #amily As i# her being with him in the #irst pla$e wasn(t enough to almost give them all a $oronary And ;od help her' she $ouldn(t say no to him Didn(t want to 1t seemed she loved this as mu$h as he did )ut i# he was insisting on driving her to

orgasm at the $elebrated Andrews Christmas party' she had to get out o# range be#ore he su$$eeded5 Li"e right now !he damn thing bu<<ed to li#e again as she $ut a path through the guests Any more and she was going to plunge her hand under her dress and rip it out in #ront o# everyone -ranti$ally' she loo"ed over at )rian to give him a #inger0slash0a$ross0the0throat gesture' but he only smir"ed at her =o &uarter Oh shit. Oh God, no, he isnt... Her "nees wea"ened as it went on and she grasped an a$$ent table #or support' upsetting one o# her mother(s pri<ed $rystal vases and ma"ing a grab #or it be#ore it $ould topple over and $rash onto the #loor )rian too" his #inger o## the button almost too late #or her to re$over She #ought the pleasure radiating #rom her desperately $len$hing mus$les be#ore it $ould $onsume her li"e an in#erno Canda$e didn(t "now whether to "ill him #or getting her that $lose or "ill him be$ause he(d stopped 2ho "new how long the reprieve would last' though9 She drew a labored breath' loo"ing up3right into the alarmed eyes o# >enni#er +odgers' her best #riend ,a$y(s mother 6Are you all right97 6Sure'7 Canda$e said brightly' $asting a glan$e around =o one else had seemed to noti$e her nearly $ollapse in ra$"ing waves o# e$stasy 6>ust3stumbled a bit' there ?h' 1 love your dress 7 Distra$tion !hat was the way to go =ot that ,rs +odgers(s ivory gown wasn(t lovely@ she(d always had impe$$able taste 6!han" you' but are you sure you(re o"ay9 Aou loo" really #lushed 7 6Do 19 1 thin" it(s3a hot #lash or something 7 She #lapped her hand at her own #a$e !he other woman laughed as she turned to go 6?h' honey' you(re way too young #or those 7 Not when Brian Ross is standing across the room remote controlling my orgasm. She made #or the stairs be#ore he $ould #ire the thing up again 6Candy/7 !he voi$e she heard in her nightmares $ut through her distress' and she $ringed Sylvia was summoning' and ;od help anyone who didn(t $ome running )reathing deeply in the hopes o# $alming her agitated heart rate' she spotted her mother at her station near the #i#teen0#oot red0and0gold Christmas tree ?nly Sylvia Andrews spar"led brighter than that eyesore' dripping with diamonds and gold' her lithe #igure shown to its #ullest advantage in slee" red satin Canda$e glan$ed ba$" over her shoulder at )rian' who was wat$hing her now She $ould only hope he read the meaning as she narrowed her eyes at him. Dont you fucking dare. !he way the $orner o# his mouth "i$"ed up didn(t bode well Sylvia bro"e away #rom her guests and tilted her head toward the towering doors o# the study Canda$e obediently headed in that dire$tion' gritting her teeth' marveling at how #ast the prospe$t o# dealing with her mother "illed any below0waist sensation =ow she(d sweat #or an entirely di##erent reason !he dar" paneling o# her dad(s study was a wel$ome $hange #rom the glit< and glamour outside' and as her mother $losed the doors behind them' the light piano rendition o# 61(ll )e Home #or Christmas7 #aded to a #amiliar but still aw"ward silen$e Canda$e bit her tongue on as"ing' !hat have " done now#$ She(d worn the dress Her tattoos were hidden She(d even $olored her hair ba$" to its natural blond5the pin" strea"s had nearly driven her mother insane )ut when Sylvia turned toward her with a smile instead o# her

usual $riti$al eye' she was ta"en aba$" 6How are things' Canda$e97 Canda$e9 1nstead o# Candy9 1nstant alert !his must be serious 6-ine 7 Her mother strode to the side bar and poured hersel# a drin"@ Canda$e still white0 "nu$"led her #lute o# $hampagne Sylvia didn(t li"e to drin" al$ohol in publi$ #or some reason At least not at parties she was hosting 62e haven(t really tal"ed #or some time' have we97 %heres a reason for that. 6=o' we haven(t 7 Sylvia turned toward her' now rein#or$ed with a glass o# s$ot$h Her ga<e dri#ted down to Canda$e(s $hampagne' and #or a se$ond she wondered i# her mom was about to impose a similar restri$tion on her !o whi$h she would tell her to bite it Canda$e o$$asionally made good0 hearted e##orts to ma"e Sylvia happy5hen$e the dress and the hair5but try as Sylvia might' she didn(t rule her daughter with the iron #ist that she used to Canda$e too" her preemptive battle stan$e' li#ting her $hin and so#tly $learing her throat' preparing #or the worst 6!hings are all right with )rian97 2ow' she(d a$tually said his name 6Aes' they(re great 7 6How long have you been together now97 6A year and a hal# 7 61 have to admit 1 didn(t thin" you(d ma"e it two months 7 61 #igured as mu$h 1 mean' there had to be some reason you #inally gave in and5well' acce&ted him is too strong a word' isn(t it9 !olerated' maybe Aou didn(t thin" he(d be around #or long 7 62e wel$omed him into our home' and believe me' that(s #ar more than mere toleration 7 !he woman might have a point there' at least where this #amily was $on$erned 6?"ay' ,other 1 $an(t #igure out what you(re getting at' so why don(t you 4ust $ome out with it97 Sylvia sighed and too" a drin" 6Aou always thin" 1 have some ulterior motive 7 6Don(t you97 6Aou(re my daughter 1(m still interested in your li#e And3you do seem to love him very mu$h 7 Love him9 !he very thought o# him $ould ma"e her eyes sting 61 do 7 Sylvia straightened her ba$"' inhaling as i# trying to give strength to her ne%t words 61 was 4ust wondering when we $an start thin"ing about planning a wedding 7 Canda$e blin"ed And blin"ed again Her ga<e dri#ted downward' and she reali<ed her mother hadn(t been loo"ing at her drin" earlier@ she(d been loo"ing at her ring #inger >ust as she o#ten did hersel#' dreaming o# something a$tually being there She "new )rian meant to marry her someday )ut she didn(t "now how soon 6someday7 would be' and ;od' she was getting so ready 62ell' 13 2e don(t have any plans yet 7 61 didn(t thin" so Do you mean to 4ust go on living together #rom now on9 )e$ause you "now your #ather and 1 don(t approve o# that 1t(s your li#e'7 she added &ui$"ly' raising one &uelling hand as Canda$e opened her mouth 6Aou(ll do what you want' you(ve proven as mu$h )ut surely you aren(t $ontent with that arrangement' are you9 Surely you want more than that 7 6Are you suggesting " propose97 1t was an option' even i# the thought made her mouth run dry ;od' what i# he a$tually said no9 2hat i# she reali<ed this wasn(t as solid and permanent as she believed it was9 =o He loved her She "new he did

Sylvia laughed 6=ot ne$essarily )ut marriage is a partnership 1# you(re wanting to go into it' then $ommuni$ation is a must #rom the start 7 Her mother #rowned' worrying the glass in her hands' turning it around and around 61 4ust thin"3and please only ta"e this as my advi$e3 you should try to #ind out where his head is at 7 She wanted to only ta"e it as advi$e' to thin" her mom was #inally ma"ing an e##ort to be motherly instead o# manipulative #or a $hange *n#ortunately' she "new her too well 1t was 4ust another ma$hination' playing with her head' trying to get her to broa$h a dis$ussion with )rian that 4ust might result in their demise i# she reali<ed his head wasn(t in the same pla$e as hers ?r i# the very thought o# marriage sent him running Aet again' the woman was ma"ing unsavory assumptions about his $hara$ter when' even a#ter a year and a hal#' she didn(t "now him at all 6)rian and 1 are doing 4ust #ine 2e do $ommuni$ate 2e(ll get married when we(re both ready *ntil then' than"s #or your advi$e and your $on$ern' but with all due respe$t' we(re both adults and we(ll #igure things out without your input or your &lanning 7 Sylvia didn(t wait #or her to #inish tal"ing be#ore turning away' her heels $lattering a$ross the hardwood #loor as she drained her s$ot$h Canda$e almost #lin$hed with the #or$e her mother used to slam her glass on the bar' but when she turned ba$"' she(d $omposed hersel# ?nly the tightness o# her smile belied her anger 62e need to get ba$" to the guests 7 !he Canda$e o# old would have #elt bad and apologi<ed !he Canda$e )rian had introdu$ed her to stepped out o# her mom(s way without a word And on$e Sylvia had passed' she tossed ba$" the rest o# her $hampagne in a single shot that would(ve made the woman #aint !hen she #ollowed her out' plastering a smile on her #a$e She didn(t o#ten drin"' but when she did' it was usually be$ause o# her parents ;od' let this night end !he +osses( Christmas party was last wee"end Su$h a good time She adored )rian(s #amily' and although there were o$$asions he didn(t #eel the same' hanging around her parents and brother #or a while always made him appre$iate his way more So that was a silver lining !he +osses were more laid ba$"' more rambun$tious' less hoity0toity though they shared mu$h the same status in the $ommunity as the Andrews #amily 2hi$h was lo$al royalty )ut )rian had only thought the +osses were miserably $onservative until he(d met her $lan !hey(d shown him a thing or two Her mother too" up her position near the tree again' smile da<<ling' giving no indi$ation she(d been near to rage not two minutes earlier She was the &ueen o# "eeping up appearan$es Canda$e loo"ed #or )rian among the guests but didn(t see him ?h' well She(d loo" #or him in a minute +ight now' she needed a moment away to $olle$t hersel#5being nowhere near as pro#i$ient at hiding her emotions as her mother5and #reshen up Her old room upstairs had been $ompletely rede$orated sin$e she moved out5it was almost as i# she(d never been there =ot that she e%pe$ted her parents to "eep a shrine to her )ut it would(ve been ni$e i# her mom hadn(t mobili<ed her army o# interior de$orators not two wee"s a#ter Canda$e(s departure' apparently with orders to ma"e the spa$e where she(d spent her entire $hildhood virtually unre$ogni<able to her !his wasn(t home anymore )rian was home She s"irted around the #our0poster bed she doubted anyone had ever slept in and headed #or the little atta$hed bathroom 1t' at least' was the same as be#ore5sea#oam green with a taste#ul bea$h theme Her re#le$tion in the mirror over the bowl sin" was mu$h as she suspe$ted. #lushed $hee"s' tight 4aw' too0bright eyes 1# she went out there loo"ing li"e this' she(d get a ton o# $on$erned &uestions' but she $ouldn(t even splash water

on her #a$e She $ould only sit on the edge o# the bathtub and breathe And try not to thin" )ut it was impossible ,aybe her mother was right in a way5she and )rian o#ten got so $aught up in e%pansion plans #or his tattoo parlor' Dermamania' that they negle$ted to give their relationship mu$h thought 1t didn(t need thought' really' it 4ust was She $ertainly wasn(t going anywhere' and she didn(t thin" he had plans to' either And the se%3well' the se% was out o# this world =o issue there !hey 4ust needed to tal"' $he$" in' maybe plan the getaway time they o#ten dis$ussed but never &uite a$hieved And they(d be good as new +ight9 1# only ,a$y were here to $ommiserate with her *sually' Canda$e(s best #riend always attended the Andrewses( party5and ,a$y(s parents were downstairs right now5but ,a$y had de$ided to go with her boy#riend to ?"lahoma this wee"end to visit his sister #or the holidays Her boy#riend being Seth 6;host7 2arren' )rian(s best #riend Canda$e really was happy #or those two' but she missed ,a$y terribly on nights li"e these A sound $ame #rom the bedroom3the so#t $li$" o# the door $losing Canda$e sat up straight' then 4umped up when the sound o# $arpet0mu##led #ootsteps rea$hed her She hadn(t shut the bathroom door' and now someone had wandered in5 )rian pee"ed around the door4amb 6Hey' babe 7 She de#lated with relie#' re$laiming her seat 6Hey How(d you "now 1 was in here97 His dar"0$lad #igure #illed the door #rame and he shrugged be#ore leaning $asually against it 6Let(s see ,eeting with ,ommie Dearest' immediate disappearing a$t Call it an edu$ated guess 7 She $hu$"led at the ni$"name he(d bestowed upon her mom #rom the time Canda$e had #irst hoo"ed up with him 6So what $ardinal sin did we $ommit this time97 'ong(term &re(marital co(ha)itation' she wanted to reply' but that might open a $an o# worms she wasn(t ready #or yet Damn' why did Sylvia Andrews always have to get under her s"in li"e this9 61t doesn(t matter 7 62e $an get out o# here as soon as you(re ready' you "now 7 ;od' she loved him He $ould e%press the simplest o# ideas5hey, why dont we get the fuck out of your &arents house#5and she would #all in love with him all over again 61(m sorry'7 she said' standing and moving over to slide her arms around his waist 61t started out su$h a good night 7 6?h' yeah97 His mouth $aptured hers and all the bad #eelings began to melt away She was 4ust about to lose hersel# in his "iss when his lips $urved against hers and a deli$ious vibration bu<<ed against her $lit She s&uea"ed and tried to leap away' or at least get his hand away #rom his po$"et' but he held her #ast 6;od' )rian 7 Her "nees went wea" and his other arm tightened around her to ta"e on her weight !he vibration stopped and she gave a #ull0body shudder He nu<<led her ne$"' his breath so#t and warm against her s"in 61 loved wat$hing you light up whenever 1 did that 7 62anna light me up some more97 6Aou have no idea 7 !he toys were #un' but damn' he didn(t need anything to get her going e%$ept his mouth' his #ingers3and the thought o# a $ertain pier$ing he had that he "new how to use with shattering pre$ision Hell' 4ust the sight o# him' the way his eyes dar"ened when she $ould tell his thoughts

were ta"ing a wi$"ed turn' $ould have her going <ero to si%ty in 02 o# a se$ond How $ould she not love this man with all her heart9 His hands slid around behind her and s&uee<ed her ass through her dress' drawing her $lose enough to #eel the ridge o# his ere$tion through his sla$"s 2ith a little moan' she rubbed against it' internal mus$les s&uee<ing with her need to #eel that thi$" $o$" sin" deep' hot and tight inside her 61(ve been wal"ing around with that most o# the night'7 he said with a hus"y $hu$"le 6,mm 7 She rea$hed down and gathered her dress up her thigh' giving him easier a$$ess 6-eel what 1(ve been wal"ing around with 7 He didn(t waste any time in pulling one hand ba$" and stro"ing a #inger over the damp sil" o# her panties !he move was meant to enti$e him' but dear ;od' she almost $ollapsed at his tou$h 6Shit' Canda$e'7 he groaned She raised her thigh along the outside o# his' opening hersel#' and let her head #all ba$" as his #ingers pulled aside her thong and e%plored her wetness with the barest o# tou$hes 61 love you'7 she gasped when one #inger slipped almost leisurely into her $len$hing pussy He made the little $ome0hither motion that $urled her toes and ignited the #amiliar but always wel$ome li&uid a$he deep inside her belly 61 love you'7 he whispered ba$"' loo"ing into her eyes as he said it' as ea$h stro"e inside only #ueled her longing 6So mu$h 7 6Please'7 she said wea"ly *lease fuck me. *lease marry me. *lease s&end the rest of your life with me. 6Aou sure about this97 She "new what he meant 1t was her parents( house 1t was her old $hildhood bathroom )ut it was everything that had repressed her all her li#e' until he $ame along Hell yes' she was sure about it 61 am 7 She undulated against his hand' ready to $limb him i# he didn(t do something soon' i# he didn(t give her more' i# he didn(t get the hell inside her 1t was the only assuran$e he needed His eyes dar"ened in the way that stole her breath 6Aou(re so goddamn per#e$t'7 he rasped' his hand $urling hard behind her ne$" and 4er"ing her mouth to his 6So #u$"ing per#e$t 7 Little whimpers #ormed and died in her throat His tongue dan$ed into her mouth and she met it with her own' starving #or the taste o# him And all at on$e' she had to see him She began to wor" the buttons o# his bla$" shirt' #ighting the urge to 4ust rip them o## to get to the wildness beneath his $lothes !he tattoos5the vibrant in" he $overed #or #ormal o$$asions su$h as these' the real )rian' her man Shoving his shirt #rom his shoulders' she trailed her mouth down his ne$" and "issed his bared $hest' running her tongue along the lines and then su$"ing his nipple rings' #irst one then the other His #ingers tangled in her hair as he tensed and groaned' demolishing her updo She barely $ared !hen it was his turn' strong hands shoving away #abri$ and strapless bra until her breasts were bared to his hands' his mouth3he returned the #avor' su$"ing the little rings she(d #inally relented and let him give her a #ew months ba$" She gasped and writhed at the tugging sensation' remembering how it had #elt to let him do that5the sharp pier$e o# pain at odds with the warm and gentle way he(d handled her !he $onsolatory "iss above the still0stinging site o# the pier$ing' to ma"e it all better Do you do that to all the girls# she(d as"ed him with a giggle Only the ones " want to s&end the rest of my life with' he(d replied He(d gotten so laid that night Her ass met the edge o# the vanity 2ith hardly any e##ort' he li#ted her onto it' stepping between her "nees and wor"ing his belt without ta"ing his eyes #rom hers !heir panting breath

mingled in the tiny spa$e between their lips 6Do you "now what it does to me to see you loo" the way you do tonight97 he as"ed %his' obviously )ut she wanted to hear him say it 62hat97 62hen you loo" li"e this' dressed up' all #u$"in( per#e$tion li"e a pri$eless doll' it(s li"e you(re theirs again And 1 4ust $an(t wait to ta"e you ba$" ,a"e you mine 7 2ith 4er"y' desperate movements' he #reed his $o$"' positioned her and rubbed against her dren$hed panties with only the tip She s&uirmed $loser' 4ust as impatient' 4ust as #ranti$ He built that anti$ipation with every brush against her pulsing $lit 1t was deli$ious He was deli$ious 61(m yours'7 she whispered' $lut$hing both sides o# his head 61(m always yours Please' baby' &lease37 His #ingers #ound the side o# her panties and wren$hed She gasped with the sting o# the snapping #abri$ !hen' with one long' #irm push she swore she #elt all the way to her throat' he $laimed her' the bead o# his apadravya pier$ing dragging over the most sensitive part o# her inner walls She bit her lip on a wail they probably would(ve heard downstairs 1t didn(t matter how long they(d been together How many times they(d done this He(d been her #irst5she hoped to ;od he(d be her last5and every time #elt 4ust li"e that #irst time !he overwhelming sensation o# his body $oming into hers' the emotions spiraling out o# $ontrol !he love so strong it s$ared the hell out o# her She let her heels $latter to the #loor behind him and wrapped her legs around his waist' lo$"ing her an"les His hands smoothed up her thighs' bun$hing up her dress' and the sigh that le#t him sounded almost relieved 6-inally where 1(ve wanted to be all night'7 he said' the $orner o# his mouth tilting up sardoni$ally Canda$e(s breath gusted in and out She was beyond replying' beyond thin"ing@ she $ould only #eel And she needed to #eel him move He seemed $ontent where he was' holding still deep inside her while her greedy body pulsed and wept and begged #or him He dropped his head to her na"ed breast' tonguing the ring in her nipple and #li$"ing it until she ar$hed and held his head to her in a grip she doubted he $ould brea" 2hen he su$"ed it gently' more' then harder' so hard it hurt' then gently again3oh ;od' the answering $ontra$tions in her pussy were going to ma"e her $ome on him even though he wasn(t moving an in$h >esus/ How was he holding ba$"9 2hy didn(t she have his $ontrol9 She s&uee<ed her internal mus$les tight as she $ould around him 6Christ' Canda$e 7 !he breath #rom the words $ooled her heated #lesh She "new how to brea" him 6Please' )rian' please #u$" me Didn(t you want to show me that 1(m yours9 ,a"e me $ome Show me 7 ?ne o# his hands shot up to grasp her $hin Her heart leaped and began to pound He stared dire$tly into her eyes' his own an un#athomable blue that be$ame her universe i# she stared long enough He made her do that very thing5stare into the beauti#ul $omple%ity o# his eyes as he began to withdraw' as he in$hed his pier$ing ever $loser to that spot3that spot3oh' yes' that s&ot right there. 6)rian/7 she $ried' all #our limbs lo$"ing tight around him 6Aeah97 he breathed 6+ight there' right there57 She momentarily lost the $apa$ity #or spee$h as' still holding her $hin' he slid his $o$" ba$" and #orth' slowly' slowly' too damn slowly 6-aster/7 6Shh 7 6Damn you/7 6)less you 7

:ven in the midst o# e$stasy' she $ouldn(t help but laugh A $ommon o$$urren$e with them )ut he pi$"ed up his pa$e and soon there was nothing but sensation !he #eel o# him and the #amiliar smells and sounds o# their se% His eyes $losed@ his head dropped to her shoulder Her #ingers san" into his thi$" bla$" hair' stro"ing through the sil"y strands then gripping them when the pleasure tightened and built to blinding proportions Her panting turned into a $hant. 6Aes' baby' yes 7 Always her answer to everything where he was $on$erned He li#ted his mouth to her ear 6Come #or me' Canda$e 7 :spe$ially that Sweet release engul#ed her' submerged her' somehow grounding her and #linging her into the heavens at on$e She dug her #ingernails into his ba$"5until she reali<ed she wasn(t going to be able to suppress her $ries and had to let him go to $over her mouth So good' oh so good3 He was there with her' $ursing and $lut$hing at her while his $o$" pulsed against her $ontra$tions As the maelstrom began to ebb' his lips #ound hers' and she slowly dri#ted down with his "iss to soothe her ?ne #inal' long e%hale as their mouths bro"e apart' and the violent need be$ame pea$e again 6Damn'7 he said' stro"ing her $hee" She nodded her agreement' then let her #orehead #all to his shoulder as he drew her $loser Still she trembled all over' and though he seemed $alm in her arms' his heart thudded hard ne%t to hers 61 have plans #or you tonight'7 he said' and she #ound it #unny he $ould sound so normal a#ter3that 6?h' really9 2hat97 6Aou(ll see 7 Pouting' she leaned ba$" to loo" at him 6Don(t do that to me 2hy did you even say anything97 6)e$ause 1 love doing that to you 7 He rea$hed up and li#ted a strand o# her tumbled hair' loo"ing thought#ul as he $urled it around his #inger 62hen we get home' 1 want you to #i% this ba$" li"e it was 1t loo"ed gorgeous 7 ;rinning' he let the $url spring ba$" 6=ot that it doesn(t loo" gorgeous right now 7 6)ut what597 !he so#t s&uea" o# the door opening in the ad4oining bedroom made her heart leap' then the voi$e that #ollowed made it nearly $ome out o# her throat 6Canda$e9 Are you in here97 Her mother )rian #ro<e' but instead o# the alarm she e%pe$ted to see #lash a$ross his #a$e' his mouth bro"e into a giant #rea"ing grin He hadn(t lo$"ed the bedroom door9 She should(ve as"ed' sure' but she(d "ind o# assumed he(d "nown what would happen with the two o# them alone in private >esus/ 6Hello97 -ootsteps $ame $loser' and then she heard Sylvia muttering about the maid leaving the bathroom light on 6,om/ *h3don(t $ome in' 1(m not #eeling well'7 she $alled !han" ;od' the approa$hing steps halted' but the irritation in her mother(s voi$e made her grit her teeth 6?h' Canda$e >enni#er 4ust told me she saw you loo"ing as i# you were about to pass out earlier Have you dran" too mu$h97 )rian(s #a$e be$ame a mas" o# silent laughter She gave him a little pun$h in the shoulder 6*m3$ould be' 1 guess Sorry 7 Sylvia sighed 6Are you o"ay97

613yes 1(m o"ay 7 61(ll get )rian and he $an ta"e you home 1 didn(t see him downstairs' though Do you "now where he is97 He too" that moment to give her a little thrust' reminding her e%a$tly where he was She stu$" a warning #inger in his #a$e He promptly bit it ?h' this was "ind o# si$" 61(m sure he(s3 down there somewhere 7 At that' she was a#raid he was going to lose it $ompletely )ut somehow he maintained his $omposure 62ell' all right 1(ll go loo" 2hen you leave' don(t let everyone see you loo"ing unwell ;o out the ba$" 7 6?"ay 7 6And about the tal" we had earlier31 didn(t mean to upset you 1t(s 4ust that 1 "now what he means to you' and whether you believe it or not' 1 want to see you happy 2hatever that means to you So you 4ust3do what you #eel is best 7 Canda$e suppressed a $ringe as )rian(s 4ovial e%pression smoothed out then pin$hed into a #rown She wat$hed the trans#ormation with a sin"ing heart 6!han"s'7 she said to her mother A moment later' Sylvia shut the bedroom door' and absolute silen$e des$ended )rian slipped #rom her body and stepped away' not spea"ing at #irst Canda$e li$"ed her lips and eased hersel# down #rom the vanity' letting her s"irt #all around her sha"ing legs Her heart beat a pain#ul rhythm in her $hest 62hat e%a$tly is it you(re supposed to do97 he as"ed' trying to sound $asual as he <ipped himsel# up She "new him' though He $ouldn(t hide the little edge in his voi$e #rom her Her brain replayed her mother(s words and she wondered how he(d ta"en them 62e 4ust3she was as"ing me' li"e' what our3#uture plans are 7 62hat did you say97 She shrugged' turning to $he$" out her re#le$tion and ta"e sto$" o# the damage #or the #irst time Holy hell =o' she really $ouldn(t let anyone see her loo"ing li"e this' hair all bedraggled and lipsti$" smeared liberally around her mouth 61 mean' you and 1 haven(t 3 dis$ussed anything lately' so 1 4ust told her to ba$" o## 2e don(t need her trying to intervene in our lives 7 6She doesn(t li"e you being sha$"ed up with me 7 As usual' he $ut to the heart o# the matter Canda$e began 4er"ing bobby pins #rom her hair )etter to 4ust let it tumble down 61 don(t $are what she li"es 7 6Aou do a little' or you wouldn(t be yan"ing hal# your hair out with those pins 7 Sighing' she tossed the pins down and set about #i%ing her #a$e' sharing glan$es in the mirror with him every #ew se$onds He buttoned his shirt and made a #ew &ui$" ad4ustments to his own appearan$e' running his #ingers through his thi$" bla$" hair !hen he moved toward the door 6;uess 1(d better go ma"e mysel# available #or her to #ind' or she might $ome ba$" 7 She hated the un$ertainty in his eyes 1t shouldn(t be there' not about her She rea$hed #or his hand be#ore he $ould go' rubbing it gently between her own 6Hey 1 love you 7 61 love you too' babe 7 He pulled away and was gone Dammit She $leaned up the remnants o# their pleasure #rom between her legs' then $ontinued trying to tame her hair into something presentable in $ase they didn(t manage to slip out unnoti$ed And what the hell to do with her ruined panties and the tiny vibrator9 She $ouldn(t hide them in the empty wastebas"et #or the house"eepers to #ind' and she had no po$"ets ,aybe she(d 4ust slip them in )rian(s when he $ame ba$" to $olle$t his sloppy0drun" girl#riend

Chapter Two !he drive home was too &uiet !he lighted houses Canda$e usually en4oyed loo"ing at slipped past the windows o# )rian(s tru$" virtually unseen She #o$used on him' his every breath' every movement' even when she wasn(t loo"ing right at him He didn(t seem upset that he was still a sub4e$t o# dissension between her and her parents5hell' he was used to it by now )ut it shouldn(t have to be that way He didn(t deserve it He was ama<ing and wonder#ul and i# they would 4ust pull the reindeer antlers out o# their asses' they would see that ,aybe they were ma"ing progress' though At least the word 6wedding7 had a$tually dropped #rom her mother(s lips 1t was a #ar better word than some o# the others she(d uttered about him in the past She rea$hed over and la$ed her #ingers through his He gave her a smile' but it didn(t have its usual spar" -or some reason' that more than anything else shredded her heart 6)rian' she as"ed when we were getting married She wanted me to as" you that !hat(s all she meant when she told me to do what 1 thought was best 7 1# he(d been still be#ore' now he was #ro<en Oh, shit. 6+eally97 Swallowing against the dryness in her throat' she stro"ed his #ingers with her thumb 6+eally 1 don(t "now i# it was one o# her ploys or not' though At #irst 1 thought it was' but now31(m not sure 7 6Ploy #or what97 6,aybe to get me to bring it up to you and s$are you o##9 Aou "now how she is 1 don(t "now 2e don(t have to tal" about this 7 6)aby' that ain(t happening So put it out o# your head 7 +elie# bla<ed a trail through her $hest She(d "nown' she had' really' but3to hear him say it was more beauti#ul than all the Christmas $arols in the world 6Aou(re a saint to put up with all this 1 swear' )rian' they(re my #amily' but i# you say the word57 6Stop that 7 He drew her hand to his lips and brushed a "iss a$ross her "nu$"les 6As long as they stay the #u$" away #rom my business' 1 $an handle them 7 She #ell silent He re#erred to the in$ident that happened shortly a#ter they got together5 her older brother >ameson being so outraged his little sister was sleeping with )rian +oss that he trashed )rian(s tattoo parlor Her #amily(s hatred and animosity toward the man she loved had nearly sent her running' be$ause she didn(t see any way out #rom them5at least not #or the #oreseeable #uture5and she didn(t want to put )rian through their wrath 1n many ways' she was di##erent now She(d graduated $ollege She(d abandoned the $areer path she(d planned #or in de$iding to help )rian with his parlor5a de$ision made solely #or hersel# and #or him' not her parents She didn(t live under a roo# they paid #or She was #ree o# them #inan$ially 1# her relationship with them was going to $onsistently drive wedges between her and )rian' she would 4ust have to #ree hersel# #rom them altogether !he thought was one that had loomed #or a long time' and it saddened her' but what else $ould she do9 6And'7 he said as he turned into the par"ing lot o# their apartment $omple%' 6as long as you love me and aren(t planning to $ut and run' then there(s nothing at all to worry about 7 61 would have to be insane to leave you ;od' )rian Don(t you "now that97 !here was the spar" she(d been missing !he smile #rom him that lit up her entire world He li#ted her hand and "issed the ba$" o# it 61 "now it' but 1 still li"e to hear you say it 7

?# $ourse' she "new 4ust what he meant !heir apartment5his apartment that she(d moved into not long a#ter they got together5 was a sight #or sore eyes De$orated mostly with his art and a #ew o# her girly tou$hes' it was small but she $onsidered it the #irst real home she(d ever had Her parents( house was li"e a museum. giganti$' $old' and while you $ould loo"' you $ould never' ever tou$h Her #irst apartment had been paid #or with their money and while she(d de$orated it hersel#' it had been under her mother(s $riti$al eye )ut Sylvia had never stepped #oot here' and probably never would !hat was #ine with Canda$e She moved around turning on some lamps and then plugging in the lights on their Christmas tree )rian started some musi$ 6So ready to get out o# this dress'7 she said' heading #or the bathroom to do 4ust that 61(m ready too'7 )rian $alled a#ter her' giving her a shiver o# happiness 62ant to help97 6Aou "now it 7 She #lipped on the bathroom light and $urled her lip at her appearan$e 61 suppose that(s a part o# the plan you have #or me tonight97 6A big part 7 He appeared behind her' and she smiled at his re#le$tion in the mirror 62ant to $lue me in yet97 2ithout giving a reply' he slid his hands up her bare arms' leaving goose#lesh in their wa"e' then pulled the straps o# her dress down 6Aou(ll put your hair ba$" up #or me97 6?# $ourse Aou 4ust li"e messing it up' don(t you97 61 do' but not this time 7 A tug at the ba$" o# her dress' then a loosening as he pulled down the <ipper She stood still as he let the #abri$ slip down her body and pool at her #eet' glad to be rid o# it 1n short order' her strapless bra #ollowed' leaving her na"ed sin$e he(d demolished her panties in her old bathroom She wat$hed in the mirror as his ga<e slowly slid down and up again' seeming to $aress her every $urve and lingering on his #avorite ones. her breasts and nipples with their silver rings His #ingers lightly tra$ed around her waist to her belly' hands #orming a B as he moved them down to the bare 4un$ture o# her thighs He wat$hed the slow progression intently' and she loved wat$hing him )e#ore she "new it' her breath was $oming in shallow pants as arousal tightened her mus$les under his see"ing #ingers 61(m going to draw you li"e this'7 he said' and her "nees went wea" Again 6Li"e3this97 62ith your hair up' that beauti#ul ne$" bared Along with everything else 7 ;ently' he gathered her hair at her nape and li#ted it' gra<ing the side o# her ne$" with his lips 6?h my3;od 7 He(d drawn her be#ore@ it was something he loved to do +ight now' a portrait he(d done o# her during their turbulent in$eption as a $ouple hung over their bed ,ore than on$e' she(d been rela%ing and wat$hing !B with him while he doodled on his s"et$h pad' only #or him to li#t it up later and show her the breathta"ing pro#ile o# her he(d s"et$hed out while she hadn(t even "nown )ut he hadn(t done that in a while' and well' he(d never as"ed to draw her nude She $losed her eyes as his hands released her hair then traveled all over her body' almost as i# he were memori<ing her lines and $urves to better help him trans#er them to paper 61s that o"ay' sunshine9 >ust "now i# you say no' you spoil all my $are#ully made plans 7 2as he $ra<y9 No had never even o$$urred to her She was too busy trying not to go up in #lames' shove him onto the bed in the ne%t room and ride him to e$stasy His hands $overed

both her breasts' "neading lightly She inhaled to drive them #urther into his tou$h 6Aou "now my answer is yes ,y answer is always yes to you 7 He grinned at her in the mirror' his smile white and beauti#ul against his olive $omple%ion Hope#ully this would involve him getting na"ed too' at least be#ore the night was over 6Let(s hope so =ow get ready #or me 7 He "issed her $hee"' then turned and le#t her melting' wat$hing him go adoringly ;od' she loved that man +epairing her hair wasn(t su$h a $hore this time' as she wasn(t striving #or per#e$tion -or this' she le#t it so#t and a little disarrayed' some tendrils still hanging in loose ringlets She hoped he would li"e it Donning her #u<<y pin" robe' she headed toward the living room where she #ound him rearranging the throw pillows on their $ou$h He(d $hanged into a pair o# ripped' #aded 4eans' but he(d lost his shirt' #or whi$h she(d be eternally grate#ul sin$e she was more than a little obsessed with his body His in"' his pier$ings Lord She swallowed thi$"ly 6How is this97 she as"ed' more to get his attention than his opinion She already "new what he would say 6;orgeous Per#e$t 7 !he way he smiled told her he genuinely thought so Canda$e too" a deep breath and moved $loser' #ingers $len$hed on her robe ;iven her thudding heart and ragged breath' it was almost as i# she(d never been na"ed #or him be#ore 61 thin" this(ll wor"'7 he said' eyeing the pillow arrangement $riti$ally 6;o ahead and lie down and we(ll wor" on pose 7 She li$"ed her lips and slipped out o# her robe' whi$h he too" #rom her As soon as the air hit her nipples' they tightened5or maybe it was be$ause his ga<e automati$ally went there 6!his may very well be the greatest idea 1(ve ever had'7 he said as she stret$hed out on the $ou$h She would(ve laughed i# she weren(t so damn turned on :very in$h o# her body #elt in$redibly sensiti<ed' and i# he(d tou$hed between her legs' he(d have #ound her sli$" and swollen Hell' i# he tou$hed between her legs' she(d end up needing to #i% her hair again He urged her onto her le#t side and a little more upright' resting her elbow on the arm o# the $ou$h and adding another pillow under it to ma"e her more $om#ortable 6Put your hand here' li"e this'7 he said' moving her hand so that it was against her $hee" 6Can you hold that97 6Aeah' it(s #ine 7 As he $ontinued to wor"' she simply went limp and let him situate her however he wanted He brought her right leg #orward over her le#t and bent it at the "nee so she wasn(t showing everything' then paused in his tas" to stro"e his hand over the $urve o# her hip 6Damn !hat(s hot !his is going to be per#e$t 7 6And #or your eyes only' right97 she teased He gave her a wry loo" 6;iven that 1(d beat the #u$"ing shit out o# anyone else who saw you li"e this' yes 7 6Aou(re not going to' li"e' have it tattooed a$ross your ba$" or anything97 6!here(s an idea'7 he laughed He moved her right arm so that it lay along her side' not obstru$ting the view o# her breasts 6Are you $om#ortable9 Seriously 1t shouldn(t ta"e me long but 1(d rather you spea" now than have to ad4ust anything 7 2ithout moving anything e%$ept her eyes' she loo"ed up at him 6Aes 7 He stro"ed her 4aw with his inde% #inger 6Aou(re beauti#ul ?n$e you see this you might want to show everyone 7

61 doubt that/7 6!ell you what 1(ll do a &ui$" $lose0up o# your #a$e too !hen you $an show whoever you want 7 6?"ay !han"s 7 He stood ba$" and loo"ed at her #rom head to toe' giving her a #ew minor ad4ustments !hen he dragged his $hair over and sat' propping his an"le on his opposite "nee and rea$hing #or his large s"et$hpad ?# $ourse' a#ter that' he moved his $hair three times to #ind 4ust the right angle All the while she wat$hed him in amusement' #alling more in love with him every passing minute i# that were possible He was never satis#ied until his wor" was #lawless' and i# he needed another hour to ma"e it that way' he would ta"e it 6?"ay'7 he #inally announ$ed 6+eady 7 6Aou "now' you(ve drawn me #rom memory be#ore 1 thin" you 4ust want to have an e%$use to stare at me na"ed'7 she said 6!here is that'7 he agreed' and she giggled when he didn(t dispute the a$$usation =ow $ame the hard part5remaining still and &uiet while he needed total $on$entration )ut that was o"ay' be$ause it gave her an e%$use to loo" at him and nothing else the entire time he wor"ed Shirtless' intense' his bla$" hair tousled and his dar" blue ga<e roving all over her body as his graphite pen$il roved the paper3yes' this was the greatest idea he(d ever had !ime $rept by' and she be$ame aware o# her pulse all over' espe$ially between her thighs' and she s&uee<ed them together trying to assuage the building a$he !hat #elt good though' so she "ept doing it !he rhythmi$ movements only wor"ed to en$ourage her arousal He too" that moment to loo" up at her over his pad His eyes #ollowed the $urve o# her hip' and she #elt that ga<e so a$utely it $ould(ve been his hands stro"ing her s"in !he damp #lesh hidden #rom his view throbbed and burned 6;od' 1 want you'7 she blurted 6)aby' you have no idea'7 he muttered' now loo"ing down at his pad 61 $ould brea" ro$"s over here right now 7 ?h' damn' that didn(t help at all )rian loo"ing so unimaginably hot right now didn(t help' either All that hard male #lesh e%posed His bare #eet' whi$h never #ailed to #as$inate her5 was there anything about him that didn(t9 She $ould s$ar$ely see the movement o# his hands on his pad !hose hands were wor"s o# art5big and gra$e#ul' they $reated beauti#ul things and they never #ailed to ma"e her body sing !urnabout was #air play 61(m so wet 1 would tou$h mysel#' but 1 $an(t move 7 He $ompletely stopped and loo"ed up at her He didn(t have to say a word@ she "new what the thought o# her masturbating did to him5it was a thing A thing the mere mention o# was li"ely to get her #u$"ed senseless' to drive all thought o# it out o# her head She undulated her hips in tiny' subtle $ir$les 61(m sorry 1 $an(t help it 7 6Canda$e'7 he said in a warning tone !he most deli$ious warning she $ould imagine 6?"ay'7 she relented with a pout He win"ed at her 6=ot mu$h longer' babe 7 6!hen you(ll #u$" me97 6>esus Aou have to as"97 6=o' 1 4ust li"e to 7 He didn(t loo" up 6-air enough 1 li"e to answer Aes' 1(ll #u$" you 7 6Hard97 6Li"e you(re unbrea"able 7 Damn Her eyes $losed Her wetness doubled' almost as i# her body understood and

stepped up its e##orts to prepare her #or the rough play he was $apable o# 61 $an(t wait'7 she whispered He heard 61 $an(t either !rying not to mess up over here 7 She repressed a laugh as he win$ed and rea$hed down to ad4ust himsel# under his s"et$h pad 6How will you do it97 6How do you want it97 61 want you right here as soon as you(re done 1 won(t be able to wait 7 6Sounds good to me 7 6)ut will you go down on me #irst97 He was sooooo good at that +o good 6;oddamn' what are you trying to do to me9 1 $an(t $on$entrate 7 He tried to appear $ool and a##e$ted but $ouldn(t &uite pull it o## She smiled ?# $ourse' she $ould sympathi<e' being se$onds away #rom brea"ing her pose to attend to needs that were spiraling out o# $ontrol 62ill you97 61(ll su$" you until you s$ream' Canda$e *ntil you ma"e that sound 7 !he $orner o# his mouth "i$"ed up 6Aou "now the one 1 mean 1t(s the se%iest' most primal thing 1(ve ever heard 7 Se%y and primal 1nteresting that he would use those words to des$ribe that high0pit$hed' wavering' un$ontrolled $aterwaul she did when he was giving it to her good !hat noise was almost embarrassing 6A#ter that'7 she said' 61 want you wherever and however you want me 7 His ga<e #li$"ered to hers A spar" o# danger lit in his eyes 6!hen you(ll get it 7 She didn(t have to e%plain what she meant and neither did he Her heart 4umped and warmth spread in her #a$e' no doubt turning her $hee"s bright red 6?"ay'7 she said so#tly Appearing satis#ied he(d shut her up' he went ba$" to wor" with swi#t' e##i$ient stro"es' his e%pression tense but otherwise unreadable She 4ust tried to "eep breathing' anti$ipation and an%iety swamping her as she thought ba$" on the times be#ore' letting him ta"e her ass !he overwhelming #ullness that #ell 4ust a little too mu$h on the pain side o# the pleasureCpain di$hotomy )ut enough on the pleasure side that she $ouldn(t stop !hat she wanted more 6Aou got &uiet'7 he observed a#ter more time had passed 61# you don(t want57 6=o 1 do 7 6Aou "now 1 love you' babe 7 61 "now 1 love you too 7 6,e and you97 he said' giving the #irst line o# their #avorite motto 6Against the world'7 she #inished Always

Chapter Three 6Done97 she as"ed' hearing the breathless e%$itement in her own voi$e 6-or the moment 1(ll play around with it more later 7 6Can 1 see97 A#ter s$rutini<ing his wor" while the se$onds ti$"ed away on the $lo$" hanging on the wall above his head' he #lipped the pad $losed and slipped it behind him on the $hair !he grin he gave her was #ull o# the mis$hie# she loved about him3one o# the hundreds o# things she loved about him' anyway 6=ope'7 he said' standing without ta"ing his eyes o## her She #rowned and moved to get up 6=o97 6=o Don(t move 7 =ow those were some sweet words Swallowing' she #ell ba$" in her #ormer position As his hands went to his belt and began to un#asten it while he stared at her li"e a starving man about to #all on a bu##et' she li$"ed her lips in a #eeble attempt to replenish the moisture ?h ;od Aes She rubbed her thighs together wantonly in #ront o# him' #eeling the sli$"ness between them' en$ouraging her body(s perpetual response to him She let her #ingers slide down over her &uivering belly mus$les' $loser and $loser' then opened her legs so he $ould see her wet #olds 6Sono#abit$h'7 he muttered' #ingers seeming to #umble a bit as he wor"ed his #ly She giggled with the heady into%i$ation o# "nowing she held this power over him and let her hand slip lower without ta"ing her eyes #rom his #a$e Pushing him 6See anything you li"e97 6-u$"' yes 7 !he #irst brush o# her #ingertips over her $lit $aused her to su$" in a breath and then sigh his name as i# he were the one tou$hing her She wanted to rub hersel# to a #ranti$ orgasm' but that was his 4ob tonight His eyes #lared and she &ui$"ly moved her hand away' silently letting him "now she would push that parti$ular button o# his right now A #ew &ui$" ad4ustments on his part and he was na"ed' his $o$" in his hand Long' thi$"' beauti#ul' hard and ready with the silver beads on the top and bottom o# the glans5those little beads in 4ust the right pla$e $ould have her $oming within se$onds i# she was turned on enough =ow de#initely &uali#ied Her own #ingers when she dipped them shallowly into her pussy were no $omparison to what he $ould give her =one 6!hen $ome get it'7 she said She thought he might bust the $o##ee table to pie$es in an e##ort to get to her@ in the end he pra$ti$ally $limbed over it +ea$hing her' he $rushed his mouth to hers' burying her under his weight on the $ou$h' and she loved it' loved being pinned down and helpless under him !he heaviness o# his ere$tion rested on her thigh and she tried to wriggle her legs apart to give him spa$e5 Strong hands grasped her wrists and held them down@ he pulled ba$" and shoo" his head at her 6*h0uh Aou as"ed me to go down #irst 1(m 4ust #ollowing orders 7 All the $urves he(d stared at while drawing her he tou$hed now' every move swi#t and impatient' as i# he $ouldn(t #eel all o# her #ast enough And then he was tasting her' his mouth hot on her ne$"' her breasts' her nipples' oh ;od yes' su$"ing the rings into his mouth and #li$"ing them with his tongue until she writhed in desperation >ust as he drove her to the point o# begging' he $hanged ta$ti$s' gained $ontrol o# himsel#' slowed down !hrew her o## balan$e in the way he loved to do :ven as she wanted to $law at

him and tell him to hurry up and get her o##' she managed to bring her own ragged emotions into $he$" !he only thing better than )rian #u$"ing her senseless was )rian ma"ing love to her He barely le#t any part o# her un"issed as he made his way down the length o# her body 2ithout the burden o# his weight on her' she opened her legs' giving him room He slid his "nees down onto the #loor and grabbed her hips' pulling her until the ba$"s o# her thighs rested on his shoulders -or a long moment' he simply loo"ed' and the heat in her #a$e roared to an in#erno 1t didn(t matter how many times he(d seen her this way@ whenever the most se$ret part o# her was laid bare in #ront o# him' she $ould s$ar$ely deal with the intima$y Her hands trembled as she rea$hed #or his hair' it$hing to sin" her #ingers deep into the sil" o# it ,ess it up a bit more His ga<e #li$"ered up her body' #inally $oming to rest on her #a$e 61 "eep trying to thin" up new and inventive ways to tell you you(re the most beauti#ul thing 1(ve ever seen in my li#e'7 he said 6And you get more beauti#ul with ea$h passing day 7 6Aou don(t have to say it Aou only have to loo" at me li"e you are right now' and 1(ll "now 7 His lips $urved in a smile' and she went on 61# you ever stop doing that' that(s when 1 would start to wonder 7 61t(s not something you(ll ever have to worry about' Canda$e 1 promise you that 7 His mouth lowered to s"im the $rease where her right thigh met her abdomen He #ollowed it down until his breath ti$"led right where she needed his tongue most' and then he pulled apart her lips with his thumbs Loo"ing at her )reathing on her ?h' >esus Her hands le#t his head5she #eared now she(d pull his hair out5and $len$hed #utilely at the $ou$h $ushions ?ne li$" ?ne tiny li$" she barely #elt right on her $lit' and her hips tried to wren$h upward +eady #or the violent rea$tion' he held her steady and did it again 6Please' )rian' more37 He didn(t give it to her' and he wouldn(t until he was ready She(d learned long ago not to rush him when he was li"e this@ it was useless His tongue traveled down her slit' thoroughly tasting her wetness and probing gently into her pussy He li$"ed and su$"ed her labia' #irst one side and then the other He even pla$ed nipping' su$"ing "isses along the insides o# her thighs while her $hest heaved and she $urled her hands into #ists to "eep #rom rea$hing down and giving hersel# relie# 6Do you "now how #u$"ing $ra<y 1(d go i# 1 didn(t have you97 he whispered' breathing the words right on her wet' hot #lesh 2et #rom her 4ui$es and #rom his s"ill#ul mouth 6Do you "now how #u$"ing $ra<y 1(m going to go i# 1 dont have you97 6)ut you do 7 61 "now' 4ust3 1 need to $ome So bad 7 6A#ter all this time' 1 still haven(t taught you to en4oy drawing this out 7 61t(s you 1 $an(t help it 2hen it $omes to you' 1(m in the red 2DCE 7 62ell Can(t say 1 don(t en4oy hearing that 7 He stro"ed one hand up and down her thigh' then s"immed the same pattern with his #ingertips 6)ut 1 love it when you need me this mu$h 7 -inally' he brought his mouth to her He su$"ed her deep and #luttered his tongue over her $lit in the way that drove her absolutely batshit $ra<y 1t pulled that #u$"ing sound out o# her throat' the one he(d mentioned' the vibrating note she would never be able to produ$e in ordinary $ir$umstan$es She tightened all over and e%ploded' her entire body gripped with ra$"ing pleasure At the pea"' he slid two #ingers inside her' manipulating the spot that brought whole new layers o# sensation' prolonging her $lima% until it wrung everything out o# her :very bit o# worry and guilt5gone in an instant 1t would $ome ba$" later' but at the moment' her mind was

blan" and her heart and body ruled And those9 !hey were his property 1n her post0$oital delirium' she #ound hersel# being tugged #rom the $ou$h 6Come to me' baby'7 he whispered' pulling her into his arms and settling her5oh, yes5right over the head o# his hard $o$" !he stret$h o# him burned deep and s&uee<ed a #ew remaining whimpers #rom her Her internal mus$les still $len$hed wea"ly #rom the strength o# her orgasm' gripping him' and he groaned as she too" him #ully Canda$e hoped he had room to wor"' be$ause she was nothing but a limp rag doll draped over him )ut those $olor#ul' ro$"0hard arms went around her' li#ting her so he $ould position her better between his hips and the $ou$h She did manage to li#t her elbows to the $ushions to help him out and give hersel# a little more support He moved' slowly drawing out' holding still' then pushing ba$" in even more slowly She groaned in e$stasy' her body reawa"ening #or him He didn(t loo" away #rom her eyes 1t was glorious Per#e$tion 1t was everything she wanted #or the rest o# her li#e 6Fiss me'7 she pleaded so#tly' and he $ouldn(t move #orward to $laim her mouth #ast enough His tongue too" up the same slow rhythm o# his lovema"ing' in and out' pause' in again' swirl !he slight rotation o# his hips made his pier$ing rub all her sweetest spots 6Canda$e'7 he whispered against her lips -ullness welled in her $hest' threatening to build up behind her eyes Her arms would around him and he li#ted her up' holding her $lose as he $ontinued the same agoni<ingly slow pa$e She(d thought nothing would ever $ompare to the s$ary' e%plosive wildness she(d #elt when they #irst got together ,ore than on$e' she(d thought that surely something that strong and volatile would burn itsel# out with time !o an e%tent' that part had' but she hadn(t e%pe$ted what repla$ed it to be even stronger Steadier Sometimes even s$arier 61 swear to ;od you were made #or me'7 he said She san" her #ingers into his hair' pressing her $hee" tight to his $lean0shaven one !he spi$e o# his a#tershave into%i$ated her 61 was 7 1t had to be true :very part o# him stimulated 4ust the right parts o# her' both physi$ally and emotionally -rom the slow' wet slide o# him between her legs to his hard $hest rubbing her nipples to the words he spo"e and the so#t pant o# his breath in her ear She ran her #ingers over his bi$eps' wat$hing the progression o# her #ingertips over his beauti#ul in"' smiling a little when goose bumps rose on his s"in 6So good'7 he groaned She rotated her hips on him' pushing another se%y growl #rom his throat His hands slid down her ba$" to her ass' $upping her #irmly and "neading 61 thin" 1 made a promise 1 have to "eep' though 7 'ike youre un)reaka)le Aes' he had !he problem with being with )rian5and damn' wasn(t it a good problem to have5was that she never $ould de$ide on how she wanted him Slow was in$redible until he suggested #ast -ast was awesome until he slowed and' oh yeah' e$stasy ensued 1t was all good' so damn good He managed to $limb to his #eet with her still $linging to him' laughing when he almost dropped her Holding her ass' he $arried her to their bedroom' still buried inside her ?n$e he(d laid her a$ross the bed' though' he pulled out and urged her onto her stoma$h ;rasping her hips' he hauled her up on all #ours 6)ring me that sweet ass'7 he said' voi$e somewhere between $ommanding and $a4oling 6?h' ;od'7 she sighed' thrusting ba$" toward him His hand smoothed up the ba$" o# her thigh and over the upraised $urve o# her $hee" !hen the tip o# his #inger trailed down her $le#t' dragging through the sho$"ing amount o# wetness he(d drawn #rom her 2as he going to39 She ar$hed her ba$" and wriggled her "nees #arther apart' now #ired with the need to tempt him

6,mm'7 he said' sliding two #ingers deep and hard into her melting $enter Again' she was $aught between the disappointment that he passed up her anus and the bliss he invo"ed with his $aresses She turned her #a$e into the mattress and whimpered Slowly he #u$"ed her with his #ingers' rubbing his other hand over the $hee"s o# her ass 6)eauti#ul 7 Fnowing he wat$hed her $len$hing pussy a$$ept his #ingers only made her that mu$h hotter Her #a$e #lamed )ut she $ouldn(t ta"e mu$h more o# this' she needed something #aster and more punishing than that gentle rhythm She was opening her mouth to as" him #or it when she #elt him shi#ting behind her' and giddiness welled in her $hest ,es, yes, do it, )a)y Her breath hit$hed at the suddenness at whi$h his #ingers disappeared #rom inside her Hard thighs $ame between hers and he "need her legs wider apart' his hands grasping her hips and 4er"ing them even higher' to his groin !he hot' heavy length o# his $o$" rubbed on her ba$"side' and then he drew it ba$"' positioning it #or entry !he broad head with its smooth ball at the tip rubbed through the sli$"' needy heat between her legs 1t was all she $ould do not to push ba$" on him Desperate' she did try' but his grip on her wouldn(t allow it He held the reins here' holding her steady and absolutely still as he slid inside' in$h by torturously slow in$h Her body wel$omed him' gripping his intruding length' $raving more o# it :verything he had His breathing grew harsh' pleasure $urses tumbling #rom his mouth His #ingers bit hard enough to bruise her tender #lesh ?n$e he rested deep inside her' unmoving' his hands released their death grip and wandered gently over her the small o# her ba$"' her ass' down her thighs !hen his thumbs $ame to rest near the pla$e o# their 4oining' and he pulled her labia apart 6>esus'7 he murmured 61 wish you $ould see what 1(m seeing right now 7 She tried to twist ba$" to loo" at him He was ga<ing down' wat$hing as he withdrew #rom her as slowly as he(d entered !he #ri$tion sent tingles to every nerve ending in her body She wished she $ould see too See hersel# stret$hed around his retreating girth As he pulled out' his $o$" would shimmer with remnants o# her $linging moisture in the lamp light' the eviden$e o# her building need #or him She bit down on a bent "nu$"le to "eep #rom begging3begging3#or what' she didn(t "now !o ma"e her not love him so #u$"ing mu$h it would "ill her9 !o ma"e her love him until it did9 He was $ontent to draw it out' to "eep his stro"es so slow and deliberate she $ould #eel everything His pier$ing massaging her ;0spot in 4ust the right way His broad base stret$hing her until she $ouldn(t breathe Slow' it was too slow She wouldn(t get o## li"e this@ she would only hover at the pre$ipi$e and ache until she was wren$hed in two -ranti$ally' she rea$hed ba$" to grab his hip in a #ruitless e##ort to urge him to move #aster 6Please' ma"e me $ome 7 He ignored her patheti$ pleading 6!hat hitting your sweet spot' baby97 6?h' ;od' yes 7 6So #u$"ing good Play with your $lit' Canda$e 7 She wouldn(t survive it' but damn i# she wasn(t going to try 2hen her #ingers slid down and #ound her wet' swollen nub' it was so sensitive she uttered a little $ry at the tiny orgasmi$ shudder that rippled through her 4ust #rom tou$hing it )rian must have #elt it too He growled 6Do it' baby' rub it 1(m gonna #u$" you long and hard' and 1 want you to $ome so hard you(ll thin" you(re bro"en 7 ?nly i# he(d be there to put her ba$" together again Aes Her #ingers began to move in earnest' wringing a $ry #rom her lips as they drew out the waiting orgasm He waited until she was $oming down to pi$" up his pa$e' giving her what he(d promised Slow' but hard A long'

leisurely pull0out' a rough shove ba$" in So hard she bit her "nu$"le again 6-aster'7 she said around her $len$hed teeth His hand $ame down on her right $hee" with a stinging sma$" she #elt all the way to her pussy' but he didn(t speed up ;asping' she pushed her hips ba$" at him' disrupting his rhythm on purpose so he would do it again And he did She $ursed at the e##e$t the tingling remnants o# the stri"e had on her overly sensitive body Dammit' her legs were giving out' and as mu$h as she loved it li"e this' she wanted to hold him See him 6Aou want it #aster97 he murmured near her ear 6Aes/7 she $ried He hands roamed up to massage her breasts and plu$" the rings in her nipples until she moaned 6Are you sure97 6-uck Aes/7 1nstead o# giving her what she was ready to s$ream #or' he pulled out 2hen she loo"ed ba$"' he held his $o$" in his hands' his beauti#ul blue eyes heavy0lidded and every mus$le de#ined in his taut abdomen !he $olor o# his in" stood out #rom his #lushed s"in' lamp light glinted #rom his silver pier$ings' and with his messy bla$" hair he was the most #u$"ing gorgeous thing she(d ever seen 2ithout his having to as"' she turned and atta$"ed him' shoving him ba$" and $ir$ling the head o# his di$" with her tongue' paying spe$ial attention to the silver balls at the head that brought her so mu$h pleasure !asting hersel# there 61# you won(t give it to me the way 1 want it'7 she told him' pulling ba$" to loo" up the length o# his body' 61(ll ta"e it 7 He grabbed her under the arms and hauled her up his body 6Do your worst'7 he said $hallengingly S$rambling over him' she slid ba$" home' ta"ing him deep to #ill her a$hing emptiness and $hurning her hips to #ind her #avorite angle ?n$e she had it' she li#ted slowly' dropped #ast And #aster And #aster )liss un#urled :ngul#ed her Her mus$les began to tighten deli$iously' that note only he $ould invo"e #rom her building in her throat >ust as she began to give in to it' he rolled her beneath him' pinning her wrists to the mattress' holding still 6=o/7 she $ried' writing to "eep up that heavenly rhythm' $aught on the edge o# absolute madness 2rapping her legs around his hips' she pumped against him' but $ouldn(t get enough momentum to $oa% that blessed release any $loser !he li&uid a$he pooled in her belly and he wouldn(t agitate it She writhed in desperation 6Shh'7 he soothed with a $roo"ed little smile' and she wanted to sma$" him 6)rian' please' &lease 7 6!hat(s real sweet 1 li"e that 7 6Aeah9 1 li"e orgasms 1 want to have this one 7 At that' he le#t her 'eft her She opened her mouth to deliver a tirade that would(ve made him proud' but when she saw what he was doing' she $lamped down on it and repressed a whimper !heir toy bo% was under the bed@ he went down on the #loor to rummage through it and $ame ba$" with her #avorite vibrator And lubri$ant Anti$ipation and no small amount o# an%iety spar"ed in her belly' rat$heting up her arousal ten#old' i# that were even possible 6Aou want it' baby97 he whispered' ta"ing a moment to lean down and brush his lips a$ross hers She nodded' and $losed her eyes 6!urn over #or me 7 ?n$e she obeyed' she simply lay there and wat$hed him' trying to "eep breathing He removed his pier$ing5it would be too mu$h #or her5and rolled on a $ondom She resisted the urge to slip her hand between her body and the mattress' to get o## this one impending orgasm that loomed over her3 He moved behind her and she li#ted her hips #or him -or several lu%urious minutes' he

stro"ed her' $aressed her' brought her ba$" to those ama<ing heights He #it two #ingers in her pussy' stro"ing her until she shivered and undulated' dying to be #illed with something bigger As those dele$table $aresses went on' she suddenly #elt the gentle probe o# another #inger at her anus 1t had ta"en a while #or her to en4oy this He didn(t as" #or it o#ten5mainly when he was #eeling on edge or possessive and needed her in every way And she(d always trusted him not to ta"e more than she $ould give =ow' as his lubed #inger gained entry to that passage and he buried it to his "nu$"le' bliss overwhelmed her 6?hhhh' yes'7 she sighed 6Christ' do you "now what you do to me97 1# it was the same thing he did to her' then yeah' she had a pretty good idea 2hen he removed his #ingers #rom her pussy and #o$used on her ass' she $len$hed the $om#orter with both hands' holding absolutely still and absorbing the sensation He snugged two #ingers inside her' gently stret$hing her 6+eady #or me97 he murmured in her ear 6Aessss'7 she hissed His hands le#t her' and a moment later she heard the vibrator bu<< on 6!urn over 7 She obeyed readily' $om#orted with "nowing he would be able to see her #a$e while he too" her this way And vi$e versa He gave her the vibrator' but she didn(t dare tou$h her $lit with it yet She(d be done She needed to balan$e that sensation with the overwhelming and initially un$om#ortable #ullness as he entered her He sat up straight and she spread her legs over his thighs' then stro"ed her all over' leaning down to "iss her belly and nipples She burned #or him' a$hed #or him' and he drew it out until she was near begging #or him )y the time he prodded her rear with the thi$" head o# his $o$"' whatever an%iety she(d had be#ore had bled away into pure molten lust to have him in every way possible 1t always reminded her o# losing her virginity ?verwhelming 1mpossible 1n$redible He stret$hed her to her very limits as she $lawed at his arms' $ried his name >ust when it was at the edge o# unbearable' she lay the vibrator on her $lit' her over0sensiti<ed body nearly wren$hing o## the bed with the sensation 6Sweet baby'7 he groaned' pulling ba$" and $ausing her to damn near bla$" out with pleasure 6Don(t $ome yet 7 6Please hurry' 1 $an(t wait long37 61 "now' 1 "now 7 Slowly' gently' he began to #u$" her She rolled the vibrator around her $lit' teasing it' "nowing he wat$hed every move 2hen she slipped a little too $lose to her $lima%' she moved it away His hands roamed up her arms' $overed her breasts' stro"ed her nipples with his thumbs 6;oddamn' you are #u$"ing e%&uisite 1 love you 7 !he point o# no return was se$onds away 61 love you3)rian31(m about to37 61 got you' babe 7 He withdrew and too" the vibrator #rom her' tossing it aside !hen he stripped the $ondom and #ell on her' shoving into her with a groan that made her heart s"ip a beat And he gave her 4ust what she needed 2ith the strength he $ouldn(t use to #u$" her ass' he plundered her wetness over and over' li"e he promised' li"e she was unbrea"able' li#ting his head to stare into her eyes when her $ries began to rea$h a $res$endo !heir neighbors probably #u$"ing hated them 6Come with me' baby'7 she begged him' needing that oneness with him' not wanting to

go through that shattering pleasure alone 61(m with you'7 he rasped' eyelids #alling $losed and his rhythm #altering as she #elt him 4er" inside her and bathe her inner tissues with his $ome 6?h' fuck 7 1# she hadn(t been there already' the sights and sounds o# his pleasure alone might have sent her over Her body mil"ed him' worshiped him' s&uee<ed every last drop #rom him as he #inally gi#ted her with the $lima% he(d been denying her 1t rolled her under' wave a#ter wave' leaving her spent and trembling and $linging to him helplessly on$e it re$eded !heir breaths rasped in unison Somewhere she #elt a pulse pounding' but $ouldn(t tell where it originated or i# it was his or hers )oth together9 She wouldn(t be surprised' they were so in syn$ in every other way His weight was heavy on her but she wouldn(t have let him go yet i# he dared to move She might have passed out #or a minute )e#ore she reali<ed it' he was "issing her !easing her lips with 4ust the tip o# his tongue' rubbing his mouth sensuously a$ross hers Slow and se%y and enough to ma"e her body ta"e interest again even though she was damn near e%hausted #rom $oming so hard ;ently' he pulled out and rolled to his side' "eeping her tight against his $hest' her leg still draped over his hip !here was no sa#er pla$e in the world than right here >ust as she thought he might be #alling asleep' his eyes opened !here she saw the satiation that only $omes #rom great se%' and it made her smile Aet again' she was right there with him 6Love you'7 she whispered =o' she really $ouldn(t tell him enough He stro"ed her hair' smir"ing a little' and she $ould only imagine what her updo must loo" li"e by now 6Love you too 7 62hen do 1 get to see my drawing97 6?h' buttering me up 1 see how it is Aou(ll see it when it(s done 7 She pouted at him 6Aou(re usually #aster than that 7 6!his one needs to be e%tra spe$ial ;otta give it all my mo4o 7 6?h yeah9 Did you draw me bigger boobs97 As he laughed' she gave him a little pin$h on the pe$ 61(m going to have a set o# double0D(s' aren(t 19 1 hope you wouldn(t give me a bigger ass 7 6)aby' your lus$ious ass is per#e$t' and 1 wouldn(t $hange your A0$up #or the world 7 6B0$up' than" you very mu$h'7 she hu##ed in mo$" indignation 6?h/ ,y bad 1 don(t "now about these things' you "now 7 He $ir$led her nipple with the tip o# his #inger' ma"ing her shiver happily 6Aeah' yeah' whatever 7 His teasing #ingertip moved up to li#t her $hin' ma"ing her loo" him in the eyes 61 wouldn(t $hange a thing about you Aou "now that' right97 Canda$e nodded 61 "now 1 do 7 6Are you happy with the way things are97 61n$redibly 7 6Aou seem to be 1s there anything at all you would $hange97 She opened her mouth only to &ui$"ly $lose it again Communi$ation' her mom had said 1t should be easy with him' and it usually was@ she(d always #elt li"e she $ould tell him anything )ut her heart rate "i$"ed up and her mouth ran dry !here was so mu$h riding on this' and the last thing she wanted was to put pressure on him He had enough dealing with his business and his own #amily without throwing hers into the mi% She wanted to be his re#uge #rom the storms'

not the $ause She wanted to be the one thing in his li#e he $ould $ount on to not $ause him any grie# or stress5be$ause ;od "new she(d $aused him enough in the beginning 1t meant denying her own desires' though' something she still struggled with 6Absolute silen$e'7 he observed 61 ta"e that as a yes 7 61t(s not anything 1 would $hange about you 7 6,aybe what your mom said hit a little $lose to home97 6,aybe )rian57 6Sometimes 1 thin"' you "now' 1 was your #irst guy' so 1 wonder i# you wish you(d3 e%plored a little more 7 A#ter everything they(d 4ust shared9 2as he serious right now9 61 hate that something li"e that would even $ross your mind Have 1 done anything to ma"e you doubt me97 6=o Aou(re an angel All my li#e 1(ve never given two #u$"s what anyone thought o# me !hen you $ome along' and it(s all 1 thin" about. i# 1(ve done something to ma"e you reali<e you(ve made a mista"e yet 1# anything 1(ve said or done has pissed you o## or made you thin" G#u$" that $lown (7 61(d be lying i# 1 said you(ve never pissed me o## 7 She $hu$"led ?h' yeah' they(d had their share o# disagreements' and he did have a bit o# a temper )ut he(d never gotten out o# line' and the ma"eup se% alone was worth the #ight 6)ut it(s o"ay )e$ause 1 love you 4ust as you are Aou aren(t per#e$t' but neither am 1 All that matters is that we(re per#e$t #or ea$h other 1# 1(m where you are' )rian' 1 don(t need anything else 7 " want it' she amended silently But " dont need it. His e%pression smoothed out in relie# She stro"ed his $hee"' troubled' wondering what was ma"ing him &uestion so mu$h lately 1t wasn(t 4ust her mother(s words tonight =ow that she thought about it' this had been going on #or a while ,aybe he was &uestioning his #eelings #or her9 ?h' hell no' she wouldn(t even start to go there 1t was bad enough when she stared at her le#t hand and daydreamed a ring being on her #inger She $ouldn(t start wondering i# he was $onsidering leaving her or she(d drive hersel# truly insane 6Are you happy97 she as"ed on impulse 6Couldn(t be happier 7 6!hen we(re all good 1(m sorry about earlier tonight 7 6Don(t worry about it 7 His lips $urled in the wi$"ed little smile she loved 6Aou "now' 1 don(t thin" 1(m &uite done with you yet 7 >esus Christ ,aybe her parents should have a party every wee"end

Chapter Four Christmas morning dawned' but in this part o# !e%as it would probably never be white !he morning light streamed through the bedroom window' hitting Canda$e right between the eyes )rian(s $hest was warm under her $hee"' and she planted a "iss on it be#ore raising her head to loo" at the $lo$"5a little a#ter nine5and then his pea$e#ully sleeping #a$e ?rdinarily she(d let him snoo<e' but there were more pressing matters this morning 6)aby97 His head turned toward her on the pillow' but his eyes didn(t open 6Hmm97 6Can 1 open my present now97 )oth o# his arms $ame around her and he tugged her ba$" down' snuggling her $lose 61mpatient 7 6!hat(s easy #or you to say' 1 let you open yours last night Please97 1t had been a wee" sin$e her parents( Christmas party' and he hadn(t dropped one hint about what her present might be She was about to e%plode 61n a minute/7 She giggled at his mo$"0angry tone as he pulled her even $loser' so that she $ould hardly breathe And how $ould she $omplain9 )est way to spend Christmas morning ever )ut she hadn(t been this e%$ited about something sin$e she was a "id :ven so' she managed to do<e o## again wrapped in his $o<y arms 2hen she wo"e again' he lay #a$ing her' smiling as he played gently with her hair ;lan$ing at her wat$h' she saw another hour had slipped by 6=ow97 He gave an adorable s$o## 6;ood morning and merry Christmas to you too 7 61(m sorry 7 She s$ooted #orward and gave him a "iss 61(m 4ust e%$ited 7 61(ll show you e%$ited 7 )rian grabbed her hand and attempted to pull it under the $overs while she s&uealed and #ought him )e$ause i# they got started' it would be well a#ter noon be#ore they stopped Laughing' he gave in and sat up' swinging his legs o## the side o# the bed 6All right' all right 1(m up 1n more ways than one' than" you very #u$"in( mu$h 7 6?h' you(re always up'7 she teased' springing up a#ter him 62here is it97 He $o$"ed an eyebrow at her while he ad4usted himsel# in his pa4ama pants' and she gave him an e%asperated loo" 6=ot your di$" 1 "now where that is 7 6Can(t help it Aou in those sil"y pin" P>s Does it to me every time 7 61 $ould wear ratty #lannel #ootie 4ammies and it would do it to you 7 6!rue 7 He gave a $ursory glan$e around 6Let(s see 2here did 1 hide it again9 Hmm 7 6?h' stop 1(ve waited long enough/7 6?"ay' but go in the "it$hen or something 1 don(t want to give up my hiding pla$e 7 Canda$e $ouldn(t s$ramble out o# the room #ast enough' but stopped to give him a "iss along the way 1n the living room' she turned on the Christmas tree lights and then headed to the "it$hen to ma"e $o##ee and start brea"#ast Her heart pounded the entire time' and though she tried not to get her hopes up' to tell hersel# it didn(t matter what her present was' she $ouldn(t help hersel# She(d be the happiest girl in the entire world i# she had his ring on her #inger Che$"ing her $ell as she waited #or the $o##ee to brew' she saw ,a$y and Samantha had both te%ted her merry Christmas messages and as"ed what )rian had given her " dont know yet, still waiting on him' she told them both Ghost says he knows what it is.' ,a$y sent ba$" !he evil bit$h 2hy(d she as"' then9

!he $entral heat "i$"ed on' and Canda$e almost went to turn it o## She was burning up )y the time )rian too" his dear' sweet time strolling into the "it$hen with something hidden behind his ba$"' she struggled not to $ombust 61 hope you li"e it'7 he said' loo"ing somber =ow that the moment was here' pani$ #illed her $hest ?h' ;od/ 2hat i# this was it9 )ut it probably wasn(t )ut what i# it was9 1# so' it was a li#etime $ommitment She wanted it' she wanted it more than anything' but to "now everything you wanted in li#e was within your grasp3 oh' she needed a moment 6Co##ee97 she as"ed' hearing the high0pit$hed edge in her own voi$e as she turned and rea$hed #or the $ups she(d already pulled down #rom the $abinet )rian $aught her hand' halting her 6Later 7 -rom behind his ba$"' he brought out a #lat pa$"age wrapped in shiny gold paper Her breath $aught 1t wasn(t a little bo%' but3she would love whatever he gave her Smiling up at him' she too" it ;iven its shape and weight' it #elt li"e a pi$ture #rame 6Can 1 open it now97 He was wat$hing her $losely 6Sure 7 As she gently began peeling the tape away #rom the end' he rolled his eyes to the $eiling 6>esus' woman Aou damn sure didn(t grow up in the +oss household Christmas morning was no0holds0barred *sually involved a #oot ra$e and a #ist #ight !ear into it 7 :s$hewing years o# ingrained propriety' she dug her #ingernails into the paper and ripped 1t #elt good She "ept ripping until she held in her hands a #ramed s"et$h5the $lose0up o# her #a$e he(d done the other night 6?h/7 she breathed' immediately stru$" nearly spee$hless by his e%&uisite wor" 61t(s )eautiful' )rian 7 He grinned 61 wanted to #rame the other one' but 1 thought' you "now37 6=ot e%a$tly something 1 want hanging in the living room'7 she agreed with a laugh' going up on her tiptoes to give him a "iss 61 love it 7 2hi$h was absolutely true He never #ailed to remind her how lu$"y she was to have someone so gorgeous' #unny' $ool and awesomely talented in her li#e Sure' she(d have loved i# this were !he )ig Day' but it would $ome He still loo"ed at her in that odd' wat$h#ul way' though She #elt his ga<e even when she loo"ed ba$" down at the drawing and studied it' marveling at the time and e##ort he(d obviously put in She tra$ed her #ingers along the glass' #ollowing the deli$ate lines She(d never be able to $reate something so beauti#ul' so per#e$t3 2ait a se$ond Her #inger paused on one little detail 1n the drawing' her $hee" rested against her le#t hand And there was a ring3 She didn(t wear a ring =ot on that #inger She didn(t even have a3 6)rian97 Canda$e li#ted her ga<e to his' pointing at what appeared to be a diamond ring on her #inger in the drawing 62hat is that97 6!hat9 Huh 2here did that $ome #rom97 62hat are you doing97 6?h' 1 remember now %hat37 He turned and wal"ed #rom the room She stood #ro<en to the spot' and 4ust as it o$$urred to her that maybe she should #ollow him' he returned holding a little bo% wrapped in the same shiny gold paper 63is this 7 Her eyes #illed with tears She loo"ed up at his beloved #a$e and opened her mouth' but no sound would $ome Her pulse pounded in her ears 2ith a tender smile' )rian too" her portrait #rom her sha"ing hands and laid it aside on

the nearby $ounter 6Do you want to open it97 Canda$e nodded !hat mu$h she $ould do He handed it to her' and this time he didn(t have to instru$t her on how to appropriately open a Christmas gi#t She tore into that thing li"e her entire #uture happiness lay inside3whi$h' o# $ourse' it did 2hat she revealed was a typi$al small velvet 4ewelry bo%' and inside3 6?h' my ;od' )rian'7 she breathed' the tears spilling #reely 6?h my God 7 1t was li"e nothing she(d ever seen but it was everything she wanted 1t was )lack )la$" gold A large prin$ess $ut bla$" diamond )ut around the solitaire' it was #rosted with tiny white ones' and the $ontrast was breathta"ing 1t was so him3 and sin$e she(d met him' and he(d saved her #rom everything she thought she "new or had been told about hersel#' so her 61t(s the most beauti#ul thing 1(ve ever seen/7 6Aou(re the most beauti#ul thing 1(ve ever seen'7 he said She threw her arms around his ne$"' still unable to ta"e her eyes o## her ring in its bo% )rian s&uee<ed her so tight her #eet $ame o## the #loor 6!han" you'7 she said over and over !han"ing him' than"ing ;od #or him' she didn(t "now )oth 6Let(s not #orget the most important part'7 he said' gently setting her ba$" on her #eet and releasing her but "eeping hold o# one hand 2ith his other' he too" the ring bo% #rom her As she stared at him un$omprehendingly' he went down on one "nee' the swi#t movement #or$ing an e%$lamation #rom her lips 61(d "ind o# hoped to do this somewhere more romanti$ than our "it$hen'7 he said though her gasping and $rying 6)ut it doesn(t matter where we are 1 love you' Canda$e 7 613 love3 you'7 she managed' a sob pun$tuating ea$h word !oo bad that #or the rest o# his li#e he would remember her being a blubbering #ool at this moment She s$rubbed #uriously at one $hee" and then the other with her #ree hand 6Aou loo" gorgeous'7 he assured her' as i# he "new what she was thin"ing 61n #a$t' this is how 1 love you best' 1 thin" P>s' hair up' no ma"eup3the way only 1 get to see you 7 6)awling my eyes out97 61 don(t mind that as long as they(re happy tears 7 ?h' they were !he happiest tears she(d ever shed He s&uee<ed her hand 62e(ve been through a lot together sin$e the #irst time we met 1 thin" i# we $an get through all o# that' we $an get through anything 7 61 thin" so too 7 6And there(s no one else 1(d rather have at my side through whatever li#e throws at us Aou(ve been so mu$h more to me than my girl#riend Aou(ve been $loser to me than my best #riend Aou(ve been a partner 1 mean' only someone who loves me un$onditionally would want to give up everything to wor" at Dermamania and put up with my bullshit all day every day Don(t thin" #or one se$ond that 1 don(t reali<e that 1 4ust had a hard time $oming to terms with the #a$t that you do $are that mu$h about me 1 #ound it hard to believe 7 6?h' )rian' don(t you "now597 6Shh Let me say this 1(ve wanted so mu$h to marry you #or the past #u$"ing year5hell' longer5 that it(s sometimes ta"en everything within me not to 4ust blurt it out )ut 1 wanted to ma"e it spe$ial 1 wanted it to be right' not 4ust #or me but #or you 1 hope 1 haven(t mis4udged the timing' but 1 don(t thin" 1 have 7 He hadn(t ?h' ;od' no' he hadn(t 6So i# you want to be by my side every day' then 1 want you here #orever 1 want you to be my partner not 4ust at the shop but in li#e 1 want you to have my name 1 want51 need #or

you to vow in #ront o# me and ;od and everyone that you(ll be only mine #or the rest o# your li#e 1(m already used to you being here' but 1 $an(t let mysel# depend on it li"e 1 want to )e$ause 1 "eep thin"ing' G?ne day she $ould be gone' and then where the #u$" would 1 be9( +ight ba$" in the gutter again 7 She bit her lip' mesmeri<ed by his eyes and his words He drew a sha"ing breath' glan$ing down' and let go o# her hand long enough to pull the ring #rom its velvet bo% Holding it with the tips o# his #ingers' he ba$" ga<ed up at her 6So' Canda$e ,arie Andrews' will you do all that $ra<y shit 1 4ust said and marry me97 6)rian Loren<o +oss' yes/7 She laun$hed hersel# down at him' "nowing he would $at$h her Fnowing he would $at$h her #or the rest o# their lives 62hat the hell/ Aou had to ruin it by using my middle name'7 he laughed as she rained "isses on his #a$e 62ell' you used mine' so there And 1 love your middle name 7 !hen he began to try to $apture her "isses with his lips' and her mind s$rambled again At some point the ring ended up on her #inger' a per#e$t #it' whi$h was good )e$ause they ended up on the "it$hen #loor' rolling around madly ma"ing out between laughter and her lingering $rying #it :ventually they moved to the $ou$h' where they sat and "issed and tal"ed and tal"ed' staring at the Christmas tree 1t had been a long time sin$e Canda$e had #elt so $are#ree Sin$e she(d #elt she $ould breathe She hadn(t reali<ed what a burden her bare ring #inger had been until it #inally had some weight on it' and she $ouldn(t stop loo"ing at her ring 1t was 4ust3per#e$t !oo per#e$t #or words 6Aou "now my mother'7 he warned eventually 6She(ll demand grand$hildren And 1 thin" she has the ability to ma"e them mani#est by sheer #or$e o# will 7 62ell' that(s o"ay' right97 she as"ed shyly' #eeling a blush rise in her $hee"s He grinned at her 61t(s o"ay with me 1(d rather not throw $aution to the wind 4ust yet or anything' but i# it happens3yeah 7 He trailed his lips down her 4aw while he slid his hand under her P> shirt to stro"e her bare belly with the ba$" o# his #ingers 61 thin" you(d ma"e a terri#i$ mom 1(d love to ma"e you one 7 She shivered 6Feep this up' and 1(ll beg you to ma"e me one now 7 !ruth was' she $ouldn(t wait She would love "nowing a part o# him5o# both o# them5was growing inside her 6)ut 1(m a#raid my mom would wor" bla$" magi$ on us i# she thought it would stop it #rom happening 7 6Don(t worry Aour mom(s evil powers are no mat$h #or mine(s baby0ma"ing vibes 7 6Aou(re probably right 7 62hen do you want to tell them97 6As soon as possible 1 want to sing it #rom the roo#tops 1 want to $all Sam and ,a$y too 5although ,a$y said she "new what you were giving me ;host told her 7 6Are you serious9 Damn him 1 told him not to' 4ust be$ause 1 #igured she might torment you !he pit#alls o# our best #riends being together' 1 guess 7 6?h' it(s o"ay 1# he were going to propose to her' 1 would want to "now be#orehand He(s not' is he97 )rian shoo" his head 6=ot that 1 "now o# )ut give him time 7 !he thought o# ;host and ,a$y tying the "not made her want to laugh out loud with 4oy 1# most people thought Canda$e and )rian were an unli"ely $ouple' then those two were damn near impossible to imagine together )ut beauti#ul =o one who saw how mu$h they loved ea$h other $ould deny that Canda$e $aught )rian(s #a$e between her hands 6At the ris" o# sounding e%traordinarily

sappy' 1(m the happiest 1(ve ever been in my entire li#e Aou(ve given me the best Christmas ever 7 61(m glad' babe Aou don(t "now what 1(ve gone through trying not to let my $over get blown 1 $ould tell your mom got to you at the party' so 1 debated proposing that night' but 1 had to try to see it through 1 already had this planned be#ore 1 "new she(d said anything' though 1 want you to "now that 7 !hat(s right' he had He(d mentioned it in the bathroom be#ore her mother nearly $aught them 6So this is why you(ve been a little weird lately9 2ere you nervous97 61 was going apeshit As" ;host 7 61 $an imagine what he(s listened to'7 she laughed 6Aou did great Aou totally had me going with the drawing 7 He gave her an in$redulous loo" 6Seriously9 Aou thought 1(d do something that lame9 ?# $ourse' in some people(s opinions' the whole thing was pretty lame 7 6;host(s' 1 assume97 6:%a$tly 7 She laughed 62ell' 1 didn(t thin" it was lame' even i# it had only been the drawing and not a ring 1t(s beauti#ul 7 61 $an do a drawing #or you anytime 1t(s not something 1(d do #or your Christmas present 7 6!here are lots and lots o# things you $an do #or me anytime' )rian +oss' but that doesn(t mean 1 don(t appre$iate them every time you do them 7 6?h yeah97 He leaned #orward and nu<<led her ne$" 6!hen why don(t 1 $arry you into the bedroom and do some o# those things9 )e#ore we go sing #rom the roo#tops 7 6Aes' please and than" you 7 He pulled her #rom the $ou$h and up into his arms Fissing her all the way' he $arried her as i# she were #eather0light to their bed Her husband0to0be Her #ian$8 She $ould hardly believe it' though she(d "nown all along' in her heart' it would happen His hands roamed her body' sliding against her sil"y pa4ama top !easing her nipples to a$hing little pea"s She gasped and ar$hed against him He too" the opportunity to slide her pants down a bit' so that the #irst little red0and0bla$" heart tattoo he(d given her was visible 4ust above her panties 62here it all started'7 he murmured' and ran his #ingertips over it be#ore pla$ing a "iss on it Canda$e threaded her #ingers through his hair 6,m0hmm 2here would we be i# 1(d never $ome to you #or that97 61 thin" things have a way o# wor"ing out the way they(re supposed to 2e(d have #ound ea$h other some way or another 7 Closing her eyes' she smiled 61 thin" so too 7

Chapter Five Canda$e rang the doorbell at her parents( house' huddling $lose to )rian5she(d s$ar$ely been able to "eep her hands o## him sin$e they le#t the apartment He was wearing the new leather 4a$"et she(d given him #or Christmas' and he ro$"ed it =ot that he didn(t ro$" anything he wore' he 4ust loo"ed parti$ularly dangerous in leather And he smelled in$redible 2hen she(d $alled her mother earlier' Sylvia had surprised her by inviting them over #or dinner' so she(d put o## telling her about their engagement until she and )rian $ould both be there !his would de#initely tell the tale about her mom(s intentions Sylvia $ould re$over #ast #rom anger or sho$"' but there was no hiding that initial rea$tion !he mammoth #ront door #lung open to reveal Sylvia hersel#' surprisingly $asual in slim 4eans and a green $ashmere sweater 6,erry Christmas/7 She gave Canda$e a pe$" on the $hee" and' sho$"er o# sho$"ers' gave )rian one too 6Come in' $ome in 7 !hey #ollowed her into the house' shedding their $oats 6Aou seem3#estive tonight' ,om 7 6>ust glad everyone $ould $ome 7 :veryone9 *gh' she should(ve "nown her mom would probably also invite Canda$e(s older brother >ameson and his new girl#riend' whom she ine%pli$ably loved Her mom and dad and )rian $ould all tolerate one another pretty pea$e#ully' but >ameson was a di##erent story !he best that $ould be maintained between him and )rian was a hostile silen$e =ot that she $ould blame )rian at all #or "eeping up his end o# it' given what >ames had done to him in the past )ut there sounded li"e a lot o# people in the dining room' given the $hatter $oming #rom that dire$tion 2ay more than two $ouples 62ho(s here' ,om97 1t was then that she heard )rian(s mother(s unmista"able 1talian a$$ent' and her vibrant laughter 6?h' hell'7 )rian murmured in Canda$e(s ear She glan$ed at him and whispered' 6)ut this is great' we $an tell them all57 62hen you agreed to $ome' 1 de$ided to invite the +osses too'7 Sylvia said' wal"ing ahead o# them 62e don(t get together enough' don(t you agree97 !here was a reason #or that Sylvia Andrews had said some things about ;ianna +oss(s son in the past that hadn(t set well with her )ut it loo"ed as i# everyone was ready to bury the hat$het in the spirit o# Christmas ?# $ourse' the pressure Canda$e was #eeling doubled' though she wasn(t as worried about )rian(s parents( rea$tion as she was her own !he +osses were li"ely to be over4oyed to hear the news' even i# it did mean li#elong ties with the Andrews #amily A $horus o# greetings went up as )rian and Canda$e entered the dining room She a$$epted hugs and "isses #rom her dad and ,r and ,rs +oss >ameson tossed her a 6Hey' sis'7 and she was grate#ul #or that mu$h 2hen he and )rian e%$hanged the brie#est handsha"e o# all time' she $ould(ve s$ooped her 4aw o## the #loor Holy shit' this was real progress She hoped she and )rian weren(t about to tear it all apart with a #ew simple words ;od' she $ouldn(t stand it 62e have news'7 she blurted' earning a wide0eyed loo" #rom )rian' who(d been in the middle o# greeting his dad She moved beside him and s&uee<ed his hand tight All eyes turned to them ;ianna and Sylvia' who stood beside ea$h other' loo"ed ba$" and #orth between )rian and Canda$e e%pe$tantly Canda$e almost wanted to $hu$"le at the hope

in ;ianna(s eyes She was probably eager #or a grandbaby' marriage be damned Sylvia would(ve hit the #loor i# that had been the news 62ell97 )rian(s mother said >udging by Sylvia(s e%pression' she was a#raid to as" Canda$e loo"ed to her #ian$8 #or support He smiled at her and put his arm around her shoulders !ogether they #a$ed their #amilies 6157 6He57 Dissolving in laughter as they both tried to spea" at on$e' Canda$e gestured #or him to go ahead' rubbing her engagement ring with her thumb in anti$ipation o# showing it o## ,ira$ulously' no one had noti$ed it yet )rian drew a breath and announ$ed' 61 as"ed Canda$e to marry me this morning 7 All around the room' mouths dropped' and Canda$e thrust her le#t hand out #or all o# them to see 6And 1 said yes/7 She had no $han$e to wat$h Sylvia $losely )rian(s mom rushed them' nearly "no$"ing them both ba$"wards with the impa$t o# her embra$e A#ter she(d s&uee<ed the li#e out o# them both' she $aught )rian(s head between her hands and "issed both his $hee"s repeatedly while he turned bright red As she was laughing at the display' Canda$e #elt someone li#t her le#t hand She turned to see her mother s$rutini<ing her ring 6!hat is di##erent'7 Sylvia said 61 #igured it would be 7 1mmediately' she wanted to bristle and give her mother the same di##erent0isn(t0bad le$ture she(d been giving #or a year and a hal# now' but tamped it down Sylvia turned the ring in several di##erent angles' e%amining it in the light #rom the $handelier Canda$e waited blea"ly #or the verdi$t 6!wo $arats97 Canda$e nodded 61t(s &uite stri"ing 7 Sylvia loo"ed up at her and smiled 61t(s beauti#ul 7 6So3you and Dad' you(re o"ay with this97 62e(re more than o"ay' but it doesn(t matter Aou(re happy %hats what matters 7 !he slow e%hale Canda$e released was pra$ti$ally a li#etime(s worth o# stress and an%iety !o thin" it had been )rian +oss(s love #or her that #inally brought about this moment she(d never thought would $ome 1mpulsively' she grabbed her mother in a #ier$e hug 61 love you' ,om 7 Sylvia $lung to her' and when she spo"e' Canda$e $ould swear her mom(s voi$e wavered 61 love you' too 7 1t was the #irst time she(d heard those words #rom the woman in a long time' but then' it was the #irst time she(d uttered them in a long time too Someone had to brea" the negativity $y$le )e$ause she reali<ed now their tal" at the Christmas party wasn(t 4ust Sylvia being manipulative3at least' not in a bad way And Canda$e had #lown o## the handle' not trusting that maybe her parents were indeed $oming around She would start ma"ing more o# an e##ort to get along as long as they $ontinued to ma"e one 6Sylvia' you must have "nown about this'7 ;ianna said 61 told Ale%ander when you $alled that something spe$ial must be happening tonight 7 Sylvia released Canda$e' and she saw that #or on$e her mom $ouldn(t &uite hide her emotions 6A$tually' your son $ame over soon a#ter our party and re&uested our permission to marry Canda$e He thought we would appre$iate the gesture And we did' very' very mu$h 7 /e did what# Canda$e turned to )rian' her mouth hanging open 6Aou did that97 She

loo"ed at ,rs +oss only to #ind a similar e%pression on her #a$e' and then to )rian' who wore his best devil0may0$are grin 6Aou(re 4ust #ull o# surprises' aren(t you97 6Aou "now it 7 6So' yes'7 Sylvia said' 6we did "now it was $oming 2e were pretty $ertain what her answer would be too 7 ;ianna sma$"ed )rian on the arm 6Holding out on me' son97 6Aou $an $uss me out later'7 he said 6Don(t thin" 1(ll #orget it' either 2e have a lot o# planning to do' don(t we97 61 don(t "now so mu$h about that'7 )rian said :veryone loo"ed at him in obvious $onsternation Oh, hell. Canda$e $ouldn(t believe he was bringing this up now He $ould at least let the mothers have their #antasy o# a huge so$iety wedding 62hat do you mean97 his dad as"ed him 6Aou thin" we(re turning you guys loose to plan our wedding9 =o way 2e tal"ed about this on the way over@ we(re all about spontaneity 2e(ll probably elope 7 Amid the outrage that #lared at his bombshell' Canda$e made out only one thing. )rian(s dad $hu$"ling 6Smart "ids 7 H H H

1t was li"e a s$ene out o# a movie' one she(d always wished her li#e resembled :veryone sitting along a long dining table' an in$redible spread o# #ood' laughter' Christmas musi$ playing #aintly in the ba$"ground !he man she loved more than anything at her side And her #amily5 whether #rom resignation or a true desire to ma"e her happy5a$tually a$$epted him 1n"ed' pier$ed' metal0loving tattoo artist 2ho loved her madly' to have put up with so mu$h $rap #rom his #uture in0laws ,aybe all o# that was $oming to an end She should have "nown he would ma"e everything right #or her He always did He always made sa$ri#i$es and bit the bullet #or her where her #amily was $on$erned' and she(d do her best to repay him #or the rest o# her li#e Help him build his business to be the best it $ould be' help him build their li#e together so it would be beyond his wildest dreams She would as" )rian later to pin$h her' be$ause she must be dreaming He would en4oy that 2ithin a #ew minutes a#ter his elopement announ$ement' everyone had thought he was 4o"ing' than"#ully' but she dreaded the #allout when they #igured out he(d been dead serious !hey had plenty o# time to worry about that' though +ight now' it was all a little too mu$h #or her to handle emotionally She whispered to )rian that she was going to the bathroom and then e%$used hersel# #rom the table' heading dire$tly #or her old bedroom with its little bathroom5the one they(d steamed up a $ouple wee"s be#ore !here' she allowed hersel# to have a little #rea"0out =ot a $ry' whi$h had been a #re&uent o$$urren$e in her li#e =ot a brea" to #ume or brood so she $ould $ompose hersel# She had a giddy' di<<y' oh0my0;od0is0this0really0happening' genuine 4umping0up0and0down0and0twirling outburst o# 4oy !hen a deep breath and a &ui$" #i% in the mirror' during whi$h she noti$ed a $are#ree spar"le in her eyes and a brightness to her smile that hadn(t been there in a while =ot be$ause )rian didn(t ma"e her happy all by himsel#5he did 1t was simply that she(d always thought in the ba$" o# her mind that it might $ome down to having to $hoose him over her #amily' and while she(d "nown she was prepared to do so' it wasn(t what she wanted And his a$tions had also put

to rest the niggling little &uestion that sometimes "ept her up at night. 2ould he #inally get tired o# her parents( bullshit and $ut her loose be$ause o# it9 !here had been so many times she wouldn(t have blamed him )ut he wanted to sti$" it out with her -orever She grinned down at her ring' the sight o# it blurring as tears #illed her eyes ?"ay' so maybe she(d $ry a little ;ood ;od' she loved him' so what the hell was she doing up here having a sappy0happy e%plosion9 >ust as she turned #or the door' however' he appeared' ma"ing her 4ump She hadn(t heard him enter the bedroom 6?h/ Aou startled me 7 His dar" blue eyes glan$ed over her 6Are you all right97 61(m #abulous 1(m &erfect 7 He grinned 6Aeah' you are ,y mom 4ust elbowed me and told me to go $he$" on you =ot that 1 wouldn(t have on my own' but 1 #igured you were all right 7 ,rs +oss probably had ulterior motives !he woman wanted grand$hildren' and she wanted them now' a#ter all 6Have 1 told you today that 1 love you97 He tilted his head' loo"ing pensive and absolutely gorgeous 61 don(t thin" you have'7 he lied 62ell 1 love you' )rian +oss 7 6And 1 love you' Canda$e soon0to0be +oss 7 Her heart s"ipped a beat She didn(t have to see hersel# in the mirror to "now she beamed at him 61 love that too'7 she said so#tly' moving to him and sliding her arms around his waist She went up on her toes to "iss him' but he stopped her by $radling her #a$e in his hands 6+emember when we were in here be#ore and you told me to light you up9 1 don(t thin" 1(ve ever seen you as bright as you are right now 1 did a good 4ob' right97 6)aby' 1 $an(t even tell you what an ama<ing 4ob you did 1(m still hal# spee$hless 7 61n that $ase' to hell with tal" )eing in here again is giving me ideas 7 She giggled as he leaned down and nibbled her ne$"' "issing a path up to her ear 6)rian37 6Hmm97 61 don(t thin" we should37 His hands moved around to $up her ass and s&uee<e her against his hardening $o$" 6?h37 62hat was that97 !hey shouldn(t' oh' they shouldn(t3 but he #elt so good and so per#e$t and smelled so #rea"ing awesome3 6,aybe' um' maybe we should3wait3oh' #u$" it 7 She grabbed his head and pressed her mouth to his' su$$umbing to his e%pert way o# "issing her senseless 6Don(t worry' sunshine'7 he said against her lips 61 lo$"ed the door this time 7 -ind out how it all began with )rian and Canda$e in Rock 0e =ow available in print and eboo"

About the Author New ,ork %imes and 1+2 %OD2, bestselling author Cherrie Lynn has been a CPS $asewor"er and a 4uvenile probation o##i$er' but now that she(s $ome to her senses' she writes $ontemporary and paranormal roman$e on the steamy side 1t(s mu$h more #un She(s also an unabashed ro$" musi$ enthusiast' and loves letting her passion #or roman$e and metal $ollide on the page 2hen she(s not writing' you $an #ind her reading' listening to musi$ or playing with her #avorite gadget o# the moment She(s also #ond o# hitting the road with her husband to $at$h their #avorite bands live Cherrie lives in :ast !e%as with said husband and their two "ids' all o# whom are the sour$e o# mu$h merriment' mis$hie# and mayhem Bisit her at http.CCwww $herrielynn $om' or drop her a line at $herrieI$herrielynn $om She loves hearing #rom readers/ -a$eboo" !witter

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