451 Through Time

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Tran 1 Janet Tran Mrs.

Cox English 281 22 November 2013 451 Through Time Intro Paragraph Grabber: bring a book through time Background: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury Topic: time periods contribute to events in story Bridge: aspects of society changed from time period in Fahrenheit 451 Thesis: If Bradbury had written the novel Fahrenheit 451 took place in present day, rather than the 1950s, major changes would occur in the plot of Fahrenheit 451 to accommodate modernday differences. Body Paragraph 1 Claim: To begin, the emergence of the internet as a communicating source in present day would contribute to major changes in the plot of Fahrenheit 451. Proof: In Fahrenheit 451, books [made] everyone unhappy with conflicting theory and thought (Bradbury 59) which resulted in their burning, but the government would have a harder time of eradicating these thoughts now because these ideas can circulate through the infinite internet, not just through books anymore. Proof: The means to reproduce or store books has significantly grown more efficient on the internet rather than having to find man who printed [a] college paper] (Bradbury 85) in order to reproduce books.

Tran 2 Analysis: connects people to discuss ideas; in 451, people live far away from each other in hiding Analysis: information stored on chip, easily hidden, in electronic files, quickly copied Analysis: groups form quickly on the internet to oppose changes Reconnect: Internet powerful tool in present-day 451 story Body Paragraph 2 Claim: In addition, modern popular culture thinking, especially in the United States, would change the plot of Fahrenheit 451 in the way the society enjoyed themselves in their free time. Body Paragraph 3 Claim: The expansion of social media such as cell phones and handheld devices in present day would change the plot of Fahrenheit 451 in the aspect of how the consumption of mass media affected the everyday person.

Tran 3 Work Cited Bradbury, Ray. Fahrenheit 451. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1967. Print

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