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Student Teaching Weekly Log

Print this log for re-use and submit completed logs to your student teaching supervisor.

Name Richard Willams Reflections for week number: 3

Date 13 Sept 2013

Class(es) taught or assisted in this week: Math, Writing Most satisfying experience(s): I work very well with my mentor teacher; we think a lot alike. I am also getting more responsibility in the classroom and am starting to get more comfortable in my role as "teacher". Teaching techniques that worked (Why?): Consistency and using the classroom management techniques works well. Also, being able to modify "on the fly" to help students that aren't "getting it" is very helpful.

Teaching techniques that didn't work as expected (Why not?): When doing a small group demonstrations, involve EVERYONE - otherwise I'm just teaching 4 kids and the rest are just sitting there.

Targeted areas of improvement: Continue to improve classroom management - find "teacher voice" and be more of a mentor and less of a friend. Be more sure of myself and my role!

Mentor Teachers comments:

Approximate % of time spent in classroom: Observing______ Teaching______ Supervising______ Planning______ Misc______

Student Teacher

Mentor Teacher


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