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The more I forget my purpose, the more I forget my present purpose, the moment I ignore the Holy Spirits

present whispers, I will fall into depression and sin. Anxiety will overtake me. Spirits of oppression will haunt me; the way to war against this is to never stop praying. Live in the present. Pray in the present, because tomorrow is not certain. It may never come. My life might end tonight. This is why I have to dream almost unrealistically.



Dreams and visions:

Compile functions of the youth center in a binder Rap-preach on Saturday and Friday nights (X-child, dj Rev Ray) Connect with Raymond in these regard; work with each other for some nights, and separate on others. Create videos and recordings with visuals. Prezi, music videos, find videos online, urban youth ministry resources, etc Design short situational scripts (2 person skits). Some will be done by leaders; eventually get some of the youth to do it. Come up with a comprehensive plan of effective evangelism, with levels of outreach. Like Duffy Robbins funnel process; what will the funnel process be for the Hub Come up with an outline of philosophies, boundaries, verses, truths, and prophetic messages to be remembered; weave these throughout everything in the year. Make sure people can always walk away and remember the main thing per night and per year Do video interviews in which kids are heard, and their friends hear them talking about deeper things. [Do interviews, counseling, conversation, and transition to having some kids talk on video Come up with methods of advertising and popularity for the Hub. Focus on inner-city first, middle schools which feed into J-high. Then, think about methods to branch off into the wider spectrum, like Northwest, Western, East Jackson, Lumen, etc Meet with school district leaders to cast vision while being a part of their lunch times, serve as security-chaperones during proms Pray Network with all other leaders to be aware of what they are doing; find out what the goals for the bigger picture are. Where is the Hub headed in 1 year? 2 years? In schools, which other extra-curricular activities should be advertised for the Hub Street outreach events Create events to take place outside of the Hub; water balloon fights with Hub info pamphlets. These will take place in neighborhoods, parks, schools, etc Develop emerging leaders: how will they be reached, developed, discipled Gym area with Mike dancing, fighting, lifting, conditioning Companies to donate items Other ideas

Eph. 6.10-20 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but
Against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces Of this darkness.

Sidewalk talk: Each week during the school year I hang out on the sidewalk in front of our church as students from the nearby junior high school walk home. I hand out free sodas and snacks and have footballs or discs to play with. I spend the time getting to know the youth and inviting them to our youth events.


Eph. 6.10-20 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but
Against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces Of this darkness.

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