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Sunnyvale Day School

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Student Life Testimonials

Welcome to Sunnyvale Day School! We hope that this website will provide you and your student with all of the information about our special school and the opportunities available to you. Take a look around, contact us with more questions, and on behalf of everyone at Sunnyvale Day School, we hope to see you soon!
-Marcus Smith, Principal

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Sunnyvale Day School

About Us
Founded in 1998 and located in beautiful Summertown, California, Sunnyvale Day School specializes in providing individualized attention and education to students who may not be reaching their full potential at traditional public schools. In a variety of engaging classes taught in innovative ways by a diverse team of teachers, students at Sunnyvale Day School will thrive academically while discovering their own unique talents and skills. No students individual needs are a challenge that Sunnyvale Day School isnt willing to embrace. Our excellent staff and teaching team embrace the different learning styles and behaviors of all of our students.

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Sunnyvale Day School

Why Sunnyvale?
Sunnyvale Day School is willing to provide the services your child needs in order to succeed, and our team is always willing to go the extra mile. Through a series of advanced teaching methods, your student will be well on his or her way to academic achievement at Sunnyvale! Classroom Group Activities At Sunnyvale, we believe that social skill development is equally as important as academic achievement. Many of our classrooms incorporate activities that involve the entire group so that your student will learn to work with peers in a healthy and educational way. Classroom Individual Attention To supplement the group activities that take place in the classroom, many of our students have an individual aide to assist them with their personalized classwork at their own desk. Because each student has a unique learning style and ability, students may all be working on very different types of assignments, activities, or tasks that best suit their needs and talents. Our staff to student ratio is just 1:2, ensuring that your student will get the attention that he or she deserves.

Transitioning to Sunnyvale
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Sunnyvale Day School

Why Sunnyvale?
Experiential Learning Students at Sunnyvale Day School do more than just thrive in the classroom at a desk; many of our students participate in experiential learning activities to enhance their learning experience. Experiential learning activities include community service, internships, extra help around the school, and much more depending on each students skills or abilities. ADL Assistance Our staff at Sunnyvale Day School is trained to help students with Activities of Daily Life (ADLs) if they require assistance . These processes promote independence in these daily functions and increase a students ability to reach their full potential.

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Sunnyvale Day School

Meet the Staff
Marcus Smith Principal (555) 847-9251 x100 Sandra Jones Vice Principal (555) 847-9251 x101 Maureen Franklin Secretary (555) 847-9251 x102 Lisa Sanders Special Education Teacher (555) 847-9251 x103

Transitioning to Sunnyvale
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Why Sunnyvale? Meet the Staff

Sunnyvale Day School

Meet the Staff
Kevin Griffith Special Education Teacher (555) 847-9251 x104 Melissa Woodson Special Education Teacher (555) 847-9251 x105 Kathleen Carter Special Education Art Teacher (555) 847-9251 x106 George Collins Special Education Physical Education Teacher (555) 847-9251 x107

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Sunnyvale Day School

Transitioning to Sunnyvale
Choosing to move your child to Sunnyvale Day School can be both an exciting and overwhelming decision and process. Our team works hard to make sure that all students, new and existing, feel comfortable and welcome in their classroom environments and as members of our school. We have put together a few pages that detail what the admissions process is like, how to talk to you child about making the change to Sunnyvale, and what to expect from the process.

Transitioning to Sunnyvale
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Sunnyvale Day School

Once youve decided that you believe Sunnyvale Day School is the best place for your child, fill out an application for him or her here. Be sure to attach any transcripts from previous school(s) and a letter of recommendation from the students current teacher, aide, or therapist. Our admissions process is competitive with an acceptance rate of about 25%, but we strive to accept as many students in need of specialized services as possible. Once your childs application has been processed, you and your child will be invited to visit our school to shadow a classroom of students at the same age or skill level as your child. After visiting the school, our admissions team will be in touch with you regarding your students acceptance decision. If you and our team are in agreement that Sunnyvale Day School is the right fit for your child, he or she will be able to begin on the first day of the next term of the school year (view a calendar of the academic year here).

Transitioning to Sunnyvale
Admissions Preparing Your Child What to Expect

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Sunnyvale Day School

Preparing Your Child
Before making the transition to Sunnyvale, there are some things that need to be explained to your child so that he or she can have a smooth start. This is a scary time for parents as well as new students and we have a few tips for a successful conversation with your child about making the change. Saying Goodbye It is important that you clearly explain to your child that he or she will be leaving the school that they are currently attending. You should instruct your student to say goodbye to his or her friends and teachers at school, but establish some sort of plan for them to be able to still visit or play with these friends in another setting. Remind them that just because they will not be seeing them everyday in class anymore, they can still be friends and share stories about their different schools now. Making New Friends If the idea of leaving old friends is upsetting to your child, be sure to encourage him or her about all of the new friends that can be made at Sunnyvale Day School. In additional to all of your childs old friends, he or she will have even more friends from Sunnyvale as well as new teachers. It is important that your student knows that the students at Sunnyvale do not necessarily replace current friends.

Transitioning to Sunnyvale
Admissions Preparing Your Child What to Expect

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Sunnyvale Day School

What to Expect
Shadow Day If you and your student have been invited to shadow a classroom for a day as a part of the admissions process, you will receive information regarding a date and time that is best for observation. When you arrive at the school, simply check in with the secretary and she will direct you to the classroom that has been assigned to you. You will be assigned a classroom that has students that are a similar age and/or ability level to your child. From there, the teacher of the classroom will instruct you about where to sit, let you know how and when to participate, and answer any questions you may have. First Day Once accepted, your student will begin school on the first day of the soonest academic term. The first day will be mostly about introductions and getting comfortable. Your child will be greeted by his or her new teacher and have a daily schedule set up for them. He or she will be introduced to all of their classmates and special subject teachers and have time to explore and ask questions. Progress Reports Throughout your childs time at Sunnyvale, you will receive updates about his or her progress academically. You will also be provided feedback about their social skills progress and any other areas you may have questions or concerns about.

Transitioning to Sunnyvale
Admissions Preparing Your Child What to Expect

Whats Happening at Sunnyvale?

Student Life Testimonials

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Sunnyvale Day School

Whats Happening at Sunnyvale?
Half Day! Talent Show 7:00pm Winter Chorus Concert 7:00pm Winter Break Begins
Holiday Party (families welcome!)

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Sunnyvale Day School

Student Life
In addition to academic learning taking place in the classroom, Sunnyvale Day School puts an emphasis on a variety of other learning subjects |available to our students. All students partake in a variety of subjects for a balanced education and experience, but students are also given the opportunities to participate more in the activities and programs that they enjoy the most. At Sunnyvale Day School, we believe that it is important to provide a well-rounded experience to every student while still allowing them the freedom to make decisions about their schedule each day. Art Classes Taught by Kathleen Carter, students are given the chance to get creative with a selection of arts and crafts materials ranging from paper and stickers to paint and paper mache. Although the goal here is creative independence, students are supervised in all projects and assisted when necessary. Physical Education Taught by George Collins, students at Sunnyvale Day School will participate in gym activities that promote teamwork, friendly competition, and healthy physical activity habits. Gym activities are always supervised but there is also plenty of free time where students can choose to play, run, etc. during their gym class.

Transitioning to Sunnyvale
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Sunnyvale Day School

Since transitioning to Sunnyvale Day School, my daughter Samantha has truly excelled in all of the talents that I knew she had. A traditional education was not allowing her to reach her goals and nothing makes me happier than seeing her succeed academically and socially. All of the teachers at SDS are determined and committed to her journey and keep me informed and involved in every step of the way. I cannot thank everyone at Sunnyvale enough for all that they have done and continue to do for our family. -Pamela Goode, Parent At my new school, I get to do lots of fun things like art class and gym class. I also do my homework at school with my teachers. We play games sometimes in class to learn and I have a lot of friends in my class. -Kyle Johnson, Student

Transitioning to Sunnyvale
Admissions Preparing Your Child What to Expect

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Student Life Testimonials

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Why Sunnyvale? Meet the Staff

Sunnyvale Day School

Contact Us
General Information & Inquiries: Phone: (555) 847-9252 Email: Admissions Information: Phone: (555) 847-9253 Email: Staff Directory 5 Sunview Drive Summertown, CA 12345 Get Directions

Transitioning to Sunnyvale
Admissions Preparing Your Child What to Expect

Whats Happening at Sunnyvale?

Student Life Testimonials

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