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Grace Rucker

1113 E. James Street Derby, KS 67037 Tel: 316-305-4633 Philosophy of Education E-mail:

I believe all children can learn but each child learns differently. I believe it is the teachers job to find out how each child learns best and adapt accordingly so all students can be successful. I believe as a professional educator I should constantly seek strategies to increase student learning; I need to make adaptations to meet student needs. I believe good teachers need to continuously learn and reflect on best practices. Teaching is not a stagnant profession the best teachers are always learning new methods of instructions and classroom management and thinking which methods are the best for his or her students. No two students are alike; it is vital for teachers to continually reflect on instructional strategies to ensure success for all students. I believe students should learn to take responsibility for their actions. I want students to understand their behavior has consequences so they will learn to make better choices. I understand students come from a variety of backgrounds and will need me to demonstrate and model my expectations of them. I believe with practice and positive reinforcements my students will be able to meet my expectations of good behavior and responsibility. I believe mutual respect is the cornerstone of a successful teacher-student relationship and it is my responsibility to set the tone and model respectful behavior. In my classroom, individual differences and opinions are valued and celebrated. When students leave my classroom I want them to hold on to the following important attitude and skills. One, it is OK to make mistakes but NOT ok to give up learning. Two, I am smart and I can succeed IF I work hard and work smart. Lastly, every action has a consequence and I can choose and be in control of my actions. I choose to become an educator because I can

make a difference in a childs life. I want to share my passion for reading, my thirst for knowledge, and my love of learning to my students.

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