LTC 4240 Art Integration Unit Plan Template

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Art Integration Unit Plan Template

LTC 4240: Art for Children Unit Title & Big Idea: Exploring the Great State of Missouri Unit Overview/Summary: Students will participate in three lessons covering various topics through Missouri state history. After the unites completion Students will create a state backpack which includes all of Missouris state symbols, a map of Missouri with the major cities labeled, a recreation of any of Thomas Hart Bentons work, with a written bio about the piece of art, and will master math skills through measuring and cutting to create the backpack itself. Grade Level: 4th Class Periods Required: Four to Five 45 minute periods

Key Concepts (3-4) 1. Missouri State Symbols 2. Identifying Missouri Cities 3. Thomas Hart Benton 4. Mathematical Measuring

Essential Questions (3-4) 1. What are our Missouri state symbols? 2. Who is Thomas Hart Benton, why is he important to Missouri, and what did he do? 3. How can we use math to help us create art?

Unit Objectives: (Excellent resource at Students will be able to identify all 27 of Missouris state symbols. Students will be able to describe who Thomas Hart Benton was and his importance in Missouri History. Students will be able to use mathematical thinking and skills to create a backpack from a large paper bag. Grade Level Expectations (GLEs) (3-4) ( 1. 3a. Identify and describe individuals from Missouri who have made contributions to our state and national heritage; examples include Thomas Hart Benton 2. 5b. Construct and interpret maps, Locate the cities of Kansas City, Springfield, St. Louis, Jefferson City, Columbia and St. Joseph 3. 7b. Create maps, timelines, diagrams and cartoons to enhance studies in civics, history, economics and geography 4. Understanding the visual arts in relation to history and culture. 5. Make connections between visual arts and other disciplines. Core Academic Standards (Common Core State Standards) (3-4)

1. 4p. Represent a mathematical situation with manipulatives (objects), pictures, numbers or symbols. 2. 4r. Represent objects or individuals by numbers assigned to certain measurable properties, such as their length or their age 3. NOTE: I only have two Common Core State Standards because Math was the only subject with CC available; I made up for it with extra GLEs for Art and History.

Art Integration Unit Plan Template 2

Content Areas Integrated: 1. Visual Art 2. History/ Geography 3. Math

Lesson Titles in Sequence/Order 1. Exploring and Discovering Our State Symbols! 2. Thomas Hart Benton: A Missourian Extraordinaire 3. Measure Twice, Cut Once: How Math can help Us Create. Students summative assessment will be creating their own backpacks that contain all the information they have collected during the week.

Identify & define common vocabulary/concepts that connect the art form with the other identified subject area(s): Printing press: A machine that presses images onto paper using ink. Print: A work of art made by inking a surface with a raised design and pressing it into paper or another surface Measurements: The size, length, quantity, or rate of something that has been measured. Symbol: Something that represents or stands for something else. (Encarta Dictionary English (North America)) Brief Lesson Descriptions (2-3 sentences each) 1. Students will participate in research over Missouri State symbols. While researching students will be asked to complete a list of all 27 state symbols. ( Students will be asked to draw a representation of each symbol and label them for their final project. They will need to keep this formation in order to complete their final project. 2. Students will participate in a large class mini-lesson over Thomas Hart Benton. After completion students will be given time and internet access to explore the many works of art that Thomas Hart Benton created. Students will then be asked to select a piece that speak to them and find out any information they can about that piece. They will need to keep this formation in order to complete their final project. 3. Students will first participate in a large class discussion about their ideas on how math can aid us in creating works of art. After students will get a bit of practice through a measuring math worksheet. ( This will be hands on, so rulers and scissors and of course paper will be provided. Students will need this skill when creating their final project.

What student prior knowledge will this unit require/draw upon? For each lesson no real prior knowledge is needed, however, students will have to use the knowledge gained through the lessons to complete their summative assessment. What activities will you use to engage students in imagining, exploring, and/or experimenting in this unit? All of the lessons integrate at least two subjects which appeals to a wider range of learners. This Unit also allows for students to explore their creative side,

Art Integration Unit Plan Template 3 the backpack itself is a blank canvas for them to create on, as well as how they choice to represent each state symbol. The math lesson also allows students to explore and experiment with measurement and the action of cutting, and its consequences.

How will this unit permit/encourage students to solve problems in divergent ways? Students will have to problem solve when researching, creating the backpack itself, and when representing the 27 state symbols. How will you engage students in routinely reflecting on their learning/learning processes? By completing/ compiling their research, Students have to first find the information and then record it and most importantly keep it for the whole unit in order to create a final project which is a culmination of everything they have learned, researched, and created. How will this unit engage students in assessing their own work and the work of peers? By completing a list and or recording information students will be constantly assessing their work. A learner will know if they have completed their work by looking at their list and making sure it is completely filled out. What opportunities/activities will students be given to revise and improve their understandings and their work? Students will be allowed to ask others for their ideas if they are struggling to come up with the answer or a solution on their own. Also by participating in the gallery walk students will see if they forgot something in their final project and will therefore be able to fix or add something to theirs before turning it in. This unit will focus on the skill of self-assessment, a skill students need to learn before entering middle school, and will ease them into the idea of checking their work as they go. What opportunities/activities will you provide for students to share their learning/understanding/work in this unit? After students have finished their final project (the backpack) Students will participate in a gallery walk (half the class at a time) that way they will be able to share what they have learned and created as well as see what other students in their class have done. How will you adapt the various aspects of this lesson to differently-abled students? ELL- This can be a very English based project with a lot of research and writing, so you as the teacher could make research groups and pair Students up after they have had time to research on their own they will have a chance to meet up with their group and compare answers and fill in any missing parts. This way the students struggling with English arent singled out. ADD/ADHD- It can be hard for these types of students to sit in one place or concentrate on research for a longer period of time, so offering them supplies to create their representations of the 27 state symbols is a good way to keep them on the task at hand in a more hands on way. And when they feel like they can go for another round of research they can just switch back!

Art Integration Unit Plan Template 4 References Silverstein, L. B. & Layne, S. (n.d.). Defining arts integration. Retrieved from Encarta Dictionary English (North America)

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