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Seton Hill University

Greensburg, PA 15601

Lesson Plan for Art Education Majors

Grade: 5 Title: Gesture Drawing Description/ Learning Target: Unit: Drawing Time: 40 min

*This is a Team-Teaching lesson, collaborating with another student teacher in the Physical education department. We are working together teach the student how art, and gym and relate and even over lap. After the 5th grade gym class is finished with their routine and told what they are going to be doing today is when we will go over and set up. Fifth grade gym is learning about how to identify space. So when we pause the students in gym class for the art students to draw, they will be trying to see if they are in a good spot, and identify if they are in an open space to correctly play the game. Every class will get to draw, pose by the end of the 5-day rotation, so will each have a turn from each perspective. We can observe a classmate and quickly draw the gesture they are making. Behavioral Objectives/Essential Questions (3-5): Students will be able to learn what a gesture drawing is. Students will be able to understand the human form. Students will be able to apply what we learned today in their sketchbook for grading. Pennsylvania State Academic Standards: 9.1.3.A: Know and use the elements and principles of each art form to create works in the arts and humanities. (visual arts: color, form/shape, line, space, texture, value) Modifications for Individual Differences: If a student does not finish this their picture within the time limit then there will be time to finish them in between drawings. If a student if working really fast with this lesson, they will be asked to think of some descriptive words about their drawing. If students seem to be finishing early with their project they are able to talk about their drawings with their friends, and get feedback.

Materials and/or Equipment:

1. Pressed crayons in a cup for students 2. Large Paper 3. Pencils- for name Preparation: Discussed ideas with Physical Education Student Teacher about how we can collaborate, and prepare. Paper is cut to size. There will be an example for students to reference. Crayons will be available for students to take with them to the gym.

Anticipatory Set: As students walk in they will be asked to work in their sketchbook until all students have arrived. Does any one remember the kind of drawing that we did last week? Review contour line drawing- contour is an outline. Today we will be working our friends in gym to capture a gesture drawing. Gesture drawing- is a quick drawing to capture the form of a person that is making a movement. What are some descriptive words that can describe movement? *list on board What are some words that dont describe movement? Student Work Time: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Paper will be passed out, Please write your first name, last name, room number, date Students are to practice a 30 second gesture of me first. Then students will have a neighbor pose and take 30 seconds to draw them Then about 15-20min into class we are going over to the gym to practice gesture drawing from their peers. They will be in groups and when the gym class pauses, (all the students will freeze) they will pick a student and they will have 30 seconds to make a gesture drawing. X2 In between pauses they will write at least 3 descriptive words about the motion of the student Then when students pause they will be asked to complete a 20 second drawing of a student that is paused X2 Finally they will work one 15 second drawing and then one 10 second drawing for a challenge. When students are finished drawing they will be asked to gather materials and line up at the door.

Clean-up: All students will enter the room, and quietly make it to their seats. I will ask the students to take a look at their neighbors to see what they have drawn. Students will be asked to put their crayons away, and their drawings in their portfolio. Closure:

This is another way you can practice drawing in your sketchbook. What is a gesture drawing? Evaluation of the lesson: Grading the student: Students will be graded on effort, completion, and understanding of project. They will be also graded on participation, and behavior when visiting another classroom. Resources for this lesson: Teacher example Journal ideas:

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