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Gonzalez, Eric DEJ 5 Heath and Heath, Switch Page # #123 What the text says The positive

emotion of interest broadens hat e ant to investi!ate" #hen e$re interested, e ant to !et involved, to learn ne thin!s, to tac%le ne e&periences" #e become more open to ne ideas"' Questions, reaction, clarifications



( can see here this idea can be p)t into practice" (n toda*$s classroom, h* is it that the avera!e st)dent is bored b* hat the teacher is teachin!+ ,r is it the a* it$s ta)!ht+ (f ed)cators can chan!e the a* a s)b-ect is bein! ta)!ht perhaps this can be a shinin! opport)nit* for the f)t)re !enerations" (n other ords, if necessar*, e need ( as%, is it necessar* to create a crisis in one$s to create a crisis to convince people o n head to !et him active+ ( thin% it$s a bad the*$re facin! a catastrophe and have no thin! to al a*s have someone thin%in! as if a choice b)t to move"' horrible thin! co)ld happen the ver* ne&t instant" (s it necessar* to have a crisis, rather than to e&pect !ood thin!s to come o)t of a decision ta%en+ ( thin% this is h* some of the messes e have toda* occ)rred, people panic%ed and too% a /)ic% ro)te itho)t thin%in! it over" To be clear it$s not so m)ch that *o)$re Thin%in! it caref)ll* it is tr)e to hat the* a brilliant predictor1 it$s that he$s a lo)s* are sa*in!" #hen people are intervie ed the* self2eval)ator" #e$re all lo)s* self2 either act h)mble or ha)!ht*" 3an e chan!e eval)ators"' the a* e thin% abo)t o)rselves or are e al a*s !oin! to !ive o)rselves s)ch lo standards+ (f e ta%e a moment to eval)ate o)rselves e ill probabl* not thin% m)ch of an*thin! e have done" #h* do e do that+

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