Taxi Clothing Pty Limited I Konkrete Design

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Hi Alex, Further to our telephone conversations regarding change of trading terms, firstly thank you for the offer

of revised claims fee, further to our previous concerns could you also take into consideration the following: 1. Current pricing angladesh situation and the pressure this has on

!. "irect competitors and difference in settlement terms #can discuss further if re$uired% &. 'he marketing (udget we have implemented for #)&*+,+++,% -. 'he increase in (uyers re$uired ../. *. Current exchange rate and the added pressures this has 0. 1o assurances 2 forecasting to ena(le us to (udget 2 arrange facility with (anks Could 3u 4ong and myself re$uest a meeting at your earliest convenience as the proposed changes have a huge impact on our financial via(ility. 4ours sincerely, ad oy


Taxi Clothing Pty Limited I Konkrete Design 6nit 12117 ourke 8oad, Alexandria 19: !+1* 'el: +! ;&1+ &0<< = Fax: +! ;&1+ &0&0

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