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#$%ICA& EDUCA"I'N UNI": Gol( %)I&&%: itc* %+in, (-./ s+in,) "#E!

E: %tress 0nd itc* G1ADE &E2E&: --t* DA"E: / !0r 20-3 "EAC#E1: Co0c* Gome3 AGENDA: Introduction (2-5 minutes) Safety Listen to instructions and listen for the whistle, NO horse playing, NO hitting with clubs or playing with golf balls during instruction, be respectful of others and maintain swings below the waist, etiquette when not in a position to swing (club in the bag) Description of the o erall layout and plan of instructions for the stress and pitch theme !rouping "rea# up into $ equal groups (use $ s#ill persons to lead a group, if any lefto er students they will %oin a group and alternate throughout acti ities) Activities (20-22 minutes) &arm 'p "ody rotations, (unning in place, %umping %ac#s, pushups, arm circles, and stretching Drill ) *ractice swing without a ball, ha e partner critique swing Drill + ,-ecute ). practice swings at arious distances/ partner must critique !ame 0he stress and pitch game is to help gain control and e-ecute a perfect pitch after conducting an easy stressful e-ercise1 0here are $ stations where each group will perform designated tas#s1 Once each station is complete all of the group will sit on the ground and wait until all other groups are complete and then rotate to the ne-t station1 Station ) ) member will do $ burpies and then ha e $ seconds to conduct the first pitch swing then immediately do the second and third swing to the designated target and gain a certain amount of points for the team1 ,ach member will do the same until complete1 (epeat again until each member has done the spot two more times1 Station + ,ach member will do a bear crawl and ha e $ seconds to do the first pitch swing and immediately do the second and third swing at the designated target and earn points for the team1 0he acti ity must be done two more times and record the earned score1 Station 2 &ith a partner, do a wheel barrel cart and the person that is the wheel barrel does $ push3ups before getting up and has $ seconds to do the first pitch swing and immediately do the second and third swing1 (ecord scores of entire team1 Station 4 (un one lap around the entire course and you ha e $ seconds to do the first pitch swing and immediately do the second and third swing1 (ecord each member score1 Station $ Do ). star %umpers, then you ha e $ seconds to do the first pitch swing and immediately do the second and third swing1 (ecord each member score1 Note5 6ll drills and game sub%ect to change pending modifications or number of students or weather1 Conclusion (2-3 minutes) 0ally scores 7erbally go o er swing 8uestions EQUI !EN": 29 !olf clubs ). <ump ropes + &histle = Scoring cards +. *oly Dots ). !olf, birdie catcher ) Dry eraser board ). "uc#ets +$ :ula hoops ) Net 4 4;4 boards + ,-ercise ladders ).. "irdie balls 9 *en>*encil ). Dome cones

4ACI&I"$ &A$'U": ?onduct warm up, practice swings and drills on field near con o, then relocate to the field near *, building to conduct stations1 @f rain, then mo e into con o1
O O O O O O O O O O O O O CON !C T "R #C T$C E S *$N+ S #N R $L LS -$E L NE #R C ON.O X X X X X X X X X X X X X 1 0 star jum pers S tation 5 x L TR E E S O _____ O ___ O ___ x S tation 1 5 %urpies O B O B x x S tation 2 S tation 3 %ear &ra'( ')ee( %arre( an, pus)ups TR E E S O B run S tation 4 x N TR E E S O O O C C C

-$E L $N -R ONT O- "E B !$L $N+

"EAC#ING 'IN"%: ,nsure safety ?ues5 ?ues5 Aodify any wrong technique (Straight bac#, chin away from chest, feet apart, slightly bent #nees), ensure correct body position, encourage peer e aluation *ro ide feedbac# !'DI4ICA"I'N%.ADA "A"I'N% Student can modify position of ball if necessary Student can perform swings without doing e-ercises 6llow student to ta#e his>her time '56EC"I2E%."E)%: ?ogniti e 0he students will demonstrate how to score the game of golf1 6ssessment Student will fill out score card correctly1 *sychomotor Students will perform a correct pitch shot with different difficult challenges1 6ssessment Student will be e aluated physically by placing the ball on target with a proper swing to score points1 6ffecti e 6ll students will encourage, praise and moti ate peers within designated groups to accomplish tas#s as a team1 6ssessment Student will be e aluated by peers with the use of a peer e aluation1 0,BS C))=1+21a1),+ b1)1",D,! b1+1?,,,D b1$1 6,?,D,, b191",D 1E4E1ENCE%: http5>>ritter1tea1state1t-1us>rules>tac>chapter))=>ch))=b1html http5>>www1google1com>searchE qFgolfGhlFenGsourceFlnmsGtbmFischGsaF;GeiF+isq'emHDuS8+6&*h4:o"8G edF.?6o8I6'o68G biwF)+J.GbihF9)9

!et*od o( Assessment s7c*omotor 8 %tudents +ill 9er(orm 0 correct 9itc* s*ot +it* di((erent di((icult c*0llen,es: Assessment 8 %tudent +ill ;e ev0lu0ted 9*7sic0ll7 ;7 9l0cin, t*e ;0ll on t0r,et +it* 0 9ro9er s+in, to score 9oints: %tudents +ill e<ecute 0 9itc* s+in, 0nd *it t*e ;0ll 0t 0 desi,n0ted t0r,et t*0t is outlined +it* 9oints so t*0t t*e cumul0tive score +ill re(lect 0 90ss or no-,o outcome +it* 9oints: "*e student +ill need 5 9oints to ;e considered 9ro(icient +it* t*e 9itc* s+in,: I( t*e student (0ils= t*e student +ill re-tr0in 0nd conduct t*e 0ssessment t+o more times i( needed: "0r,et +ill ;e 20 70rds 0+07 0nd *0ve 3 s*ots 0t t*e t0r,et: "*e outer rin, is +ort* - 9oint: "*e intermedi0te rin, is +ort* 3 9oints: "*e inner rin, is +ort* 5 9oints:

- oint
3 oints 5 oints

Co,nitive 8 "*e students +ill demonstr0te *o+ to score t*e ,0me o( ,ol(: Assessment 8 %tudent +ill (ill out score c0rd correctl7:

A((ective 8 All students +ill encour0,e= 9r0ise 0nd motiv0te 9eers +it*in desi,n0ted ,rou9s to 0ccom9lis* t0s>s 0s 0 te0m: Assessment 8 %tudent +ill ;e ev0lu0ted ;7 9eers +it* t*e use o( 0 9eer ev0lu0tion:

eer N0me !otiv0ted Neutr0l Not !otiv0ted 2 3 / !0r> 9eer ins9ir0tion +it* 0 0n ?@?

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