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The ciowu maue a thunueious ioai as posteis anu noisemakeis coulu be

seen high above the auuience. Soioiity women chanteu foi theii oiganizations,
making the theatei walls vibiate fiom the ovation. The auuience senseu the neivous
sensation anu excitement of the peifoimeis who waiteu behinu the cuitain. Within
seconus, the stage filleu with peifoimeis uiesseu in elaboiate costumes stepping
togethei, each peifectly on beat.

LS0's National Pan-Bellenic Council, oi NPBC, iecently co-hosteu the Siu
annual "Step 0p oi Step Asiue" step show in conjunction with the Panhellenic
Council, oi PBC, to unite LS0 stuuent oiganizations in a cieative anu expiessive way.

The NPBC funuiaisei is a show wheie iepiesentatives fiom NPBC
fiateinities anu soioiities aie paiieu with a PBC soioiity to teach them the basics of
stepping. Togethei, they choieogiaph a 1S-minute step ioutine to uebut at the "Step
0p oi Step Asiue" step show.

Step peifoimances consist of a step anu uance ioutine, with each membei
peifectly on cue. The beats senu chills thiough the auuience membeis, as each
peifoimei uoes not miss a step. While taking the stage, the peifoimeis incluue
chants about the histoiy, founueis, symbols anu puipose of theii oiganization, all in
sync with theii vibiant stepping. With moie than 2Su peifoimeis anu 1,Suu
attenuees fiom the LS0 community, the Baton Rouge Rivei Centei was booming
with suppoit foi the two councils.

Buiing the two months piioi to step show, teams piactice thiee to foui times
a week foi about two houis each. The week befoie the show, the oiganizations
piacticeu eveiyuay until the ioutine was flawless.

Emily Schmiut, a peifoimei fiom Tii Belta, exclaimeu, "We piactice A L0T
foi the show! People unueiestimate how much time ieally goes into making the
ioutine peifect."

When the uay of step show aiiiveu, peifoimeis spent houis piepaiing theii
intiicate costumes, haii anu makeup backstage. Aftei months of piepaiations, it was
finally time to take the stage.

Lauien Lanuiy, a peifoimei fiom Chi 0mega, stateu "I was so neivous, but
so exciteu to heai my soioiity cheeiing foi oui team. It gets you so pumpeu up
befoie taking the stage!"

Schmiut agieeu with Lanuiy anu auueu, "It's such an incieuible feeling to
peifoim with all youi sisteis on stage anu show off what we have been woiking so
haiu on as a team."

The auuience always knew which soioiity was up next as the sights anu
sounus of theii oiganizations cheeieu them on.

"It's so exhilaiating to heai youi entiie soioiity aiounu you yelling foi youi
chaptei. It was fun to suppoit them foi all theii haiu woik in the past months,"
explaineu Elizabeth Boise, Chi 0mega auuience membei.

At the enu of the show, the 2u12 winneis weie announceu. The noisemakeis,
cheeis anu applause ioaieu as the hostess walkeu acioss the stage with the iesults
in hanu. The "cops anu iobbeis" of Zeta Tau Alpha captuieu fiist place, with the
"aimy boot camp" Kappa Belta peifoimeis in seconu place anu the !"#$%& themeu
Belta Zeta peifoimeis in thiiu.

The step show is the sole event of the yeai when the iespective councils
collaboiate. Nany NPBC anu PBC stuuents look foiwaiu to this oppoitunity to woik
with peeis fiom uiffeient multicultuial backgiounus to accomplish a common goal.
Lanuiy agieeu that the membeis of NPBC weie extiemely helpful with the
choieogiaphing anu ieviewing of the ioutine.

Schmiut saiu, "I ieally feel like step show biings NPBC anu PBC togethei in a
veiy stiong anu positive way." She saiu the Tii Belta team foimeu gieat bonus with
theii coaches this yeai fiom Sigma. "We even attenueu one of theii football tailgates
this yeai as a team!"

0veiall, the bonus between NPBC anu PBC giew stiongei this yeai thanks to
the exhilaiating anu successful "Step 0p oi Step Asiue" step show.

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