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Greek Lifes Phi Delta Theta Hosts Annual Philanthropy Kickball

SepLember 9, 2012

8A1Cn 8CuCL- 1he Loulslana 8eLa ChapLer of hl uelLa 1heLa ralsed $3100 for Lhe
AmyoLrophlc LaLeral Sclerosls, or ALS, AssoclaLlon, on Sunday SepL. 9 aL Lhe chapLer's annual
klck lL for Lhe Cure" phllanLhropy evenL held aL Lhe LSu 8ecreaLlonal CenLer.
LlghL of LSu's anhellenlc sororlLles parLlclpaLed ln Lhe evenL, each formlng a Leam of
Len players Lo compeLe ln Lhe LournamenL. 1hls year Lhe kappa uelLa Leam Look flrsL place, wlLh
Lhe uelLa uelLa uelLa Leam placlng second. 1he evenL was an exclLlng way Lo brlng LogeLher
members of dlfferenL chapLers wlLhln Creek Llfe Lo en[oy Lhe beauLlful weaLher and have some
frlendly compeLlLlon ouL on Lhe klckball flelds, all whlle ralslng money for Lhe ALS AssoclaLlon.
ln addlLlon Lo Lhe wlnnlng Leams, oLher parLlclpaLlng sororlLles lnclude: uelLa Camma,
uelLa ZeLa, kappa Alpha 1heLa, hl Mu, l 8eLa hl and ZeLa 1au Alpha. Members of hl uelLa
1heLa volunLeered as coaches for each sororlLy Leam. arLlclpanLs, coaches and volunLeers allke
agreed Lhls year's phllanLhropy LournamenL was a success.
Creek Llfe sLrlves Lo develop a communlLy LhaL enables lndlvlduals Lo achleve Lhe
hlghesL sLandards of personal lnLegrlLy and clvlc engagemenL for leadershlp ln a global socleLy.
WlLh a focus on phllanLhropy and broLherhood/slsLerhood, Lhe sLewardshlp and servlce of Lhe
38 Creek chapLers has been an lnLegral parL of Lhe LSu experlence for more Lhan 140 years. 1o
learn more abouL Lhe vlbranL and growlng communlLy, vlslL


Carollne Schulln
Creek Llfe ubllc 8elaLlons CoordlnaLor
(304) 982-2373

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