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A d v e r t i s em e n t s t h a t s h o w s c l a i m , hy p e a n d m o r e.

Hype: the word victory indicates that if buy their product, you will in the game.

Hype: the word Elite makes the buyer feel that the product is premium that promotes to say that it is good quality


Slogan: the slogan always note the consumer that their product is natural unlike other brands
Description: this promotes the product by saying that it is highly suggested by professional dermatologist. Claim: this proves to the consumer that their product actually works in a range of time. Claim: makes you want to by the product in order to have a healthier skin

Promotion: the word free, creates the feeling of wanting to buy it so that the consumer gets something free

Call to ACTION!
Call to action: with the phone image, I sends out a message that when called to order, it is fresh and hot.

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