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Dear Parent/Student,

It is my pleasure to have you take part of my program of physical education. My expectations are high and my motivation is at a high level. I look forward to sharing new or old experiences and expanding the realm of physical education. What I expect of parents is to help promote physical activities through actual participation, if possible, and through encouragement for your child to at least experience each and every designated activity. There will be homework assignments to help gain awareness and promote healthy living. Knowledge is key and a main component in being successful to improve healthy living and conducting healthy activities. If you are aware and have a certain practice that may help, I am open to any and all suggestions. If your child has an idea, that would be a great motivator to share with other students. What I expect of the student is to listen and practice all activities and to at least try to have a healthy diet. The students progress will be monitored and evaluated along with other earned grades throughout the course. The student will work with others and be competitive. There will be activities that will need creativity, risk, and adventure. The success of the program will stem from your participation and maximum effort. So long as you give it your all, there will be many rewards and self-gratitude. I look forward to sharing personal experiences and keep the student and family up to date with the current trends and activities. Physical education is important and I look forward to our experiences and development. Thank you for your time, Rene Gomez, PE Teacher

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