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OB Notes

Paper Pattern: 100 Marks: Q1. Compulsory. Based on Ek ruka hua faisla ( ns!er any " out of # options$. E%ample &uestion: Personality ' (eadership )raits of Chara*ter +o.# in the mo,ieQ. / Q#. ns!er any " (.0 marks ea*h$

Q.. !ould 0e 1hort +otes Q2. / Q#. / Ea*h &uestion !ould 0e of t!o parts ( 'B$. Part in 3P format Tip: Please answer in Bullet points only.

/ )heory ' Part B / Caselets

Topics: 1. Basic of Behaviour 2. Organisation context of opp and nterdependence !. Personality ". Beliefs # Paradig$s %. &roups # Tea$s 'o$position( )dvantages( *isadvantages( for$al( infor$al( +ow ,est tea$s co$e into existence. -. 'ore .alues # )daptive .alues /. 0ive levels of change 1. )daptation # 2eadership Theory 3. 2earning 14. 'onflict 11. Basic of 5otivation stress $anage$ent # Ti$e $anage$ent( Traits fro$ Personality Traits for Transfor$ational # Transactional( 5otivation # 5orale

Theories: 1. Blate # 5otoun 5anagerail &rid. 2. 6ingle$en 7ffect !. Bruce # Tact$an 5odel of Tea$ for$ation ". 5alow8s Pyra$id %. The 5edici 7ffect fran9 :oha$sson -. The fifith *iscipline Peter ;enge /. 'lassic 'onditional Theory of 2earning 1. ;ti$ulus 6esponse 2earning 3. 67BT 6ational 7$otive Behaviour Theory 14. The ce ,erg $odel 11. The Big % $odel 12. 'attell8s 1- Personality 0actor 1!. Tho$as Profiling 1". 0 6OB 1%. 5BT 1-. :ohari <indows 1/. Transactional )nalysis 11. * ;'

= &enesis of 4 4 4 4 4

OB: Psy*olo5y 1o*iolo5y 1o*ial Psy*olo5y nthropolo5y Politi*al 1*ien*e

Beha,iour is an *tion Communi*ation leads to 0eha,iour 6e *ommuni*ate at all times )ypes of Communi*ation 4 7er0al 4 +on47er0al 4 6ritten

= >nsound Behaviour # ;ound Behaviour 8 1ound Beha,iour is )ype B Beha,iour 4 Communi*ation is Basi* 4 9ou *ommuni*ate all the time 4 B is a form of *ommuni*ation: it is e%ternal. 4 7alue at 0ottom B is adapted ,alue 4 Core ,alues are *ommon to all of us = .alue: (;in5leman Effe*t$ 4 Core 7alues ' dapted 7alues: 1ound Beha,iour is out*ome of sound ,alues 4 7alue is a 2 le5 )ool: Comfort <one: Meanin5fullness: =dentity 81tru*tural Confli*ts of 7alues: 7alue (e,el Person >i5h >onesty 4 4 4 (o! 4444444 ??????? 4444444 Money

Person B Money 444444 ?????? 444444 >onesty

4 4

+ature of >uman is 3ynami*: not stati* 1elf 3e*eption

= +ow to resolve conflict in such situation@ pproa*h / 3ia5nosis: Pres*ription ' *tion 1. .. 2. ". =ndi,idual 3is*ussion (!ith person ' person B separately$ 7alue *he*k of ea*h indi,idual =dentify indi,idual 5oals Common ?oal (Creation of super ordinate 5oals so that ,alues of 0oth the person are not diluted$

Iceberg Model
Behaviour Aaction we co$$unicate 7$otionsB )ttitudes A nternal choice C OrientationB Perception APoint of viewB .alues A)ttri,ute we cherishB

Topic 2: Tea$ # &roup 8)eam:

4 4 4 4

)eam is like entity =t does not form 0y itself. =t is *reated outside )aken as human 0ein5: it has its o!n ,alue )eam is *onsidered as or5ani* 0ody ' has emotion ' *ohesi,eness

4 4 4 4

)eam has to 0e fle%i0le to a*hie,e the super4ordinate 5oals (*ommon 5oal@*om0ined 5oal of different persons$ )eam is only !hen it is *omprised of e%perts E,ery mem0er of team has to 0e an e%pert in a parti*ular field 1u**ess or failure of the team is 0e*ause of the leader

1ta5es in Aormal to =nformal: 1. Aormin5: =ntrodu*tion: 0rin5in5 team to5ether: 0rin5in5 a0out unifi*ation .. 1tormin5: Confli*t mana5ement ' leadership: e5o *lashin5: most important parts are resol,ed: it is al!ays ne,er endin5. 2. +ormin5: 1ettle do!n. ". Performin5 1teps a (eader has to take: 1. Cohesi,eness .. )eam 0uildin5 (stren5thenin5 the team to5ether to!ards an a*ti,ity$ 2. 3ifferen*es ha,e to 0e 0rou5ht do!n to *on,er5en*e of differen*e ". de,elop dependen*e 0et!een team mem0ers to ha,e *on,er5en*e of differen*e

= &roup: 4 4 =t is *olle*tion of resour*es (money: men: material: ma*hine$ / denominated 0y man po!er Can 0e formed e%ternally or internally

0or$al &roups 1. ?oal forms outside .. =t is 5o,erned 0y *ertain rules 2. ;estri*ted ". ?oal oriented B. Communi*ation ' 0ondin5 not ,ery stron5 C. Conditional 0eha,iour to!ards 5oal a*hie,ement #. 7alues may or may not e%ist D. Moti,ation dri,en 0y 5oal = 5erits of 0or$al &roups: 4 1tru*tured 4 ;ule oriented 4 3is*iplined 4 ?oal oriented 4 ?oal fo*used 4 E; s: 3uties are ,ery *lear

nfor$al &roups 1. 1tated 0ondin5 .. 3is*ipline is la*kin5 2. =mpenetra0le ". )hey make or 0reak the or5anisation B. Communi*ation and 0ondin5 is ,ery stron5

C. 7alues do e%ist

1takes are ,ery hi5h: hen*e 0eha,iour 0ased on stakes

= *e$erits of 0or$al &roups: 4 ;estri*ted Beha,iour 4 +o transparen*y: not 5enuine 4 +o natural 0ondin5 4 +o ,alues ' *onfli*ts are al!ays hidden = nfor$al &roups: 4 6ithin e,ery formal stru*tures 5roup: !e al!ays ha,e informal 5roups 4 =n an or5aniFation ea*h one is at a le,el ' has 5ot: i. Po!er ii. uthority iii. **ounta0ility i,. ;esponsi0ilities 4 Ener5y of informal 5roups should 0e used to!ards produ*ti,ity 4 )hey *an make or 0reak an or5aniFation 4 )hey !ould not allo! or permit a mem0er from another informal 5roup !ith ,alue or ,alue system different from his 5roup as the ,alues and the *omfort Fones ' identities are different.

= 2 2aws of 'o$$unication: 1. (a! of Entertainment: 6hen . 0odies are in pro%imate they e,entually entertain / 5et affe*ted 0y ea*h other. .. (a! of 1yn*hroni*ity: 6hen . 0odies entertain o,er a period of time they e,entually syn*hroniFe / *hara*teristi*s of one tends to ru0 of into the other ' ,iF (emotional e%*han5e$. ;eprimand in pri,ate and praise in pu0li* = " Dones in 2ife: 1. =nternal <one: 6here you operate from your home. =t is suppose to ha,e nurturin5: ad,i*e: *riti*ism: *orre*tions. .. 1piritual <one: =ndi,idual Commitment !ith spirit 2. 6ork <one: ". 1o*ial: Gutside the !ork pla*e ' home. ll the people you meet outside the !ork ' home.

Intimate Spiritual Social Work

M od el of Te a m Fo rm ati on Tu ck m an

Stage 1: Forming

Stage 2: Storming

Formal Group Stage 3: Norming

Formal-Informal Group Stage 4: Performing

Informally-formal Group Stage 5: Adjourning

Informal Group

= Organisation ;tructure



Managing Director




VP - Finance

VP - Marketing

Manager Recruitment

Manager dmini!tration

Manager - Finance

Manager - Marketing

"fficer Recruitment

"fficer dmini!tration

ccount! "fficer

Marketing #$ecuti%e!

E,ery Gr5anisation 1tru*ture *omprises of Aormal ' =nformal ?roups. =nformal 5roup is formed automati*ally: !ithin a formal 5roup

8 >; udit 8 Hp!ard 1piral 8 (earnin5 Cur,e 8 ttitude: 4 Con5ruent (Beha,iour in line !ith thou5hts$ 4 3issonant (differen*e in 0eha,iour and thou5hts$ 8 1ta5nation 1ta5e

= 2earning: Eno!led5e I *tions (repeated a*tions$ J 1kills learnin5 is a learnin5 !hen *ertain 0ody of kno!led5e is effe*ti,ely transferred into a*tiona0le skills 4 4 1kill de,elopment: =ntensifyin5 e%istin5 ' enhan*in5 ne! skills Phase of (earnin5 of an employee in an or5aniFation: 1st Phase: )e*hni*al 1kills .nd Phase: Beha,orial 1kills 2rd Phase: Con*eptual 1kills )!o types of (earnin5: a$ *ti,e: 1elf4dri,en desire to learn. 6hen an indi,idual e%perien*es the need to *han5e: the learnin5 0e*omes a*ti,e.

0$ Passi,e: Aor*ed 0y situations ' *ir*umstan*es 4 4 4 4 4 = <hy do we 4 4 4 =t is upto the indi,idual dri,en 0y his ,alues ' per*eptions to *hoose to a*ti,ely learn or reKe*t the learnin5 till it rea*hes its hi5her stake 6hen an indi,idual a *han5e a0out to happen in future ' that to !ith meanin5fulness: he@she is on *riti*al path of learnin5 !areness of *han5e normally initiates a*ti,e learnin5 (earnin5 is the *oura5e of a*&uirin5 kno!led5e ' puttin5 into a*tion (earnin5 has ethi*al ' moral needs learn@ +eed to Chan5e 1ituations >i5h 1takes

= 2earning BlocE 4 Hna!areness 4 ttitude (=s the kno!led5e really re&uired 0y meL....$

= 'hange 8 )ypes of Chan5e: 4 Per*ie,ed ' +on4 Per*ie,ed 4 Aast Chan5e ' 1lo! Chan5e )hose *han5es !hi*h are per*ei,a0le 0y our sensory e%perien*es are per*ei,a0le *han5es: !hereas those !hi*h do not fall under per*ei,a0le *han5es are termed as non4per*ie,a0le *han5es. = % 2evels of 'hange: 1. Cosmi* Chan5e (Chan5es in ?ala%y$ .. En,ironmental (?lo0al 6armin5$ 2. 1o*ial Chan5es (1o*iety$ ". Gr5ani* Chan5es (Body$ B. Cellular )he !hole uni,erse is in the pro*ess of eternal *han5e. Chan5e is re&uired for e,olution. )he purpose of *han5e is to adapt ' e,ol,e daption mean a**eptan*e of *han5e 0y addressin5 ,alues ' per*eption ' there0y 0eha,iour dKustment is painful: adaption is po!erful daption o**urs !hen an indi,idual de,elops self a!areness of *han5e: *ontinuously learns ' de,elop lateral skill

= " ;tages of 2earning: 1. Hna!are of in*ompeten*y (=5noran*e$ .. !are of the in*ompetan*y (Eno!led5e$ / 1ta5e !here you stay or &uit 2. !are of *ompeten*y (1kills$ ". Hna!are of *ompeten*y (Competan*e$ Competan*y is a pro*ess *entri* and not *ontent *entri*

= 2earning Theories: 1. Classi*al Conditional )heory of (earnin5@1timulus ;esponse (earnin5 .. ;esponse 1timulus (earnin5 2. Co5niti,e (earnin5 ". 1o*ial (earnin5 1. Classi*al Conditional )heory of (earnin5@1timulus ;esponse (earnin5: ;ussian Psy*holo5ist E,an Paulo, *ondu*ted an e%periment: 3o54Meat ' Bell Meat *alled as the un*onditional stimulus: un*onditional stimulus *reates un*onditional response alon5 !ith the meat he rin5s the 0ell. )he 0ell *alled as neutral stimulus. .. ;esponse 1timulus (earnin5: 4 )rial ' Error (earnin5 4 BC (earnin5: 4 nte*edent: B4Beha,iour: C4Conse&uen*e 4 Aor e,ery 0eha,iour MBN: there is an ante*edent M N to *onse&uen*e MCN any trial ' error is a**idental. 2. Co5niti,e (earnin5: 4 Meanin5ful mental map: !hi*h !e *reate of a reality: !hi*h ,aries from person to person 4 ;e*o5nise repeated *o5niFe ". 1o*ial (earnin5: 4 (earnin5 from so*iety (e.5. peers: friends$ 4 )his is the hi5hest form of learnin5 follo!ed 0y *o5niti,e learnin5 and then 1timulus response and there on 3ominant ,s. Ba*k4up style of learnin5 )rusteeship ' o!nership (eadership (earnin5 1tyle 4 =5noran*e 4 Eno!led5e 4 1kills 4 Competen*y

= 7$otional ntelligence: 4 Empatheti* (istenin5 4 Ao*us to the issue and not on person 4 Empo!erment 4 6ho is learnin5 ' !hat type 4 E= is e%periential learnin5 = 2eadership: 4 (eadership is a 1tyle 4 5ood leader has a 5ood E) / Emotional =ntelli5en*e = ;teps to ,e a &ood 2eader: 1. )o 0e an empatheti* listener .. )ries to fo*us on the issues ' solution path ' not on the person 2. >e empo!ers the follo!ers ". Brin5s in *onfiden*e 0uildin5 B. )o understand the learni5 *ur,e of the follo!er C. >e re*o5niFes his o!n skills as !ell as others #. >e de,elops trusteeship (deta*hment$ and not o!nership (atta*hment$ D. >e is kno!n 0y his a0sen*e and not 0y his presen*e O. >e is a risk taker as he has a fo*us on lo*us of *ontrol 10. (eader is not a position: it is a pro*ess = Types of 2eadership: 1. uto*rati* .. 3emo*rati* 2. (aisseF Aaire ". 1ituational (eadership FPersonality G People G 7ffectiveness H 2eadershipI F;ituational 2eaders has two styles *o$inant (o!n skill$ # BacE?up (learned skill$I 4 3urin5 *riti*al situations: dominant style *omes in pla*e ='ategories of 2eadership: 1. )rasa*tional (eadership: Creates follo!ers .. )ransformational (eadership: 4 ."%# approa*h: *reates leaders: *reates ,ision 4 Communi*ate it ,ery *learly to e,ery0ody 4 )hey a*t on the ,ision himself first. )his de,elops inspiration amon5 others and *reates follo!ers 4 People on their o!n Koin the leader 4 >e *reates future leaders 4 )o de,elop EQ : 4 >e has to take risk (emotional$ !hi*h *omes only throu5h e%perien*e

4 >e needs to 0e a55ressi,e: 5o 5etter: pushes others ' himself in a*hie,ein5 5oals Emotional =ntelli5en*e is the separator 0et!een Mana5er ' (eader

= - Personality Traits: 1. (o*us of Control: stron5 internals: *ontrol o,er situations .. Ma*ha!allism: 4 >i5h Ma*h (hi5hly manipulati,e$ 4 (o! Ma*h ((ess Ma*h$ 2. )ype M N ' )ype MBN: 4 J 55ressi,e: 5o 5etter 4 B J (aid Ba*k &' 1elf Moti,atin5: pause 444 (isten 44 ;efle*t 44 ;espond. 4 =t starts !ith self4a!areness of oneNs thou5hts: !ords ' a*tion. =t *on,erts a rea*tion to a response. 5ood leader !ill ha,e a moderate le,el of self4 monitorin5

B. ;isk )akin5 C. 1elf4Esteem = Blate # 5otou$ 5anagerial &rid ATraining $odelB Con*ern for people

(1: O$ (B: B$ (1: 1$

(O: O$

(O: 1$

Con*ern for results@produ*t

(1: 1$ 4 =mpo,erished leader / least *on*ern for result ' people (O: 1$ / >i5h *on*ern for results ' least for people / uto*rati* (1: O$ / )ermed as MCountry Clu0 Mana5erN. >i5h *on*ern for people 0ut less for result

(O: O$ / =deal: Proa*ti,e Mana5er / )he leader. E&ual *on*ern for 0oth. =tNs not a destination 0ut a Kourney !hi*h a leader *onstantly tries to a*hie,e. >e is a situational leader. >e uses the peopleNs *ompeten*ies to!ardNs a*hie,in5 5oals. >e is al!ays MEthi*alN. ;e&uires tremendous self4dis*ipline. ;ole Personality is a *onne*ti,ity 0et!een the ;ole ' the ?oal. )hey ha,e personal sense of humility (B: B$ / MMiddle of the ;oad Mana5erN. =t is a pro*ess. )ries to rise from the strate5i* le,el to ,isionary le,el.

= Personality: 1. 3efinition .. )raits 2. MB)=@)homas Profilin5 ". 1C PA@A=;GB@3=1C 1. 3efinition: =t is a sum total of inner ' outer attri0utes: !here 4 =nner Aa*tors: 7alues: attitudes: per*eption: 0elief: paradi5ms Guter Aa*tors: Physi*al disposition: mannerism: ha0its: 0eha,iour. ll the fa*tors put to5ether *omprises of personality

;ole Personality ;G(E Personality

4 4 4

;ole Clarity is su0Ke*ti,e !hereas ?oal Clarity is o0Ke*ti,e =nner fa*tor dri,es the outer fa*tor 6hen meanin5fulness of the 5oal is ali5ned !ith ,alues: per*eption of role: the indi,idual de,elops the role personality in line !ith the 5oal. =n most *ases he is effe*ti,e in a*hie,in5 5oal. Aor e.5.: 1tudent has a 5oal of learnin5 a su0Ke*t: i. >e must ha,e a *larity !hat he is learnin5 ii. (earnin5: as !e kno! is a0sorption of kno!led5e into doa0le a*tion *alled skills. iii. )his is of the purpose of a*&uirin5 kno!led5e is to transform an adopted 0eha,iour then the learnin5 is effe*ti,e i,. )he indi,idual needs to fo*us this aspe*t of learnin5 ' ali5n these aspe*ts !ith *onsistently: he tends to play the ;ole Personality effe*ti,ely ,. lthou5h all 5oals are measura0le: the measura0le may not indi*ate his learnin5 (at times he may 5et hi5her Pa5e: at times lo!er$ ,i. ll in all his fo*us should 0e to a0sor0 kno!led5e ' *han5e his 0eha,iour. 1o lon5 as this fo*us is maintained: !e *an see him maintain ;ole Personality &uite effe*ti,ely. )his is seen throu5h his

0eha,iour of a*ti,e parti*ipation in all situation to a*&uire and assimilate indul5in5 ' *on,ert them into skill ' 0eha,iour *han5es

;cenario: : B: C: 3 are team mem0ers in a *ertain ,erti*al. 4 M N is hard!orkin5 0ut: sti*kler to time / he !orks stri*tly O.00am / B.00pm. >is output is remarka0le 4 MBN / =ntelli5ent: 5enius: errati*: ma,eri*k / a,aila0le only !hen a *risis o**urs. rro5ant ' indi,idualisti* 4 MCN / Quiet: laid40a*k: seemin5ly unintelli5ent: ,ery o0edient: slo! !orker: e,eryone likes him 4 M3N / =nto mood s!in5s: *reates 5oals: disappear for days ' returns ' !orks for lon5 hours to *omplete his tasks: rarely talks: ,ery helpful thou5h: does not like to 0e asked &uestions )he a0o,e " team mem0ers are assi5ned a proKe*t for 1M? (self4mana5ed 5roups$ )he time frame is 1 month. ll " team mem0ers need to 0e optimally used. 3esi5n a 5oal ' perform a 3P 0y mappin5 *hara*teristi*s: personality Create roles ' 5oals to attain effe*ti,eness 1tren5ths ' !eakness of ea*h team mem0er: )eam Mem0er M N: 1: )ime mana5ement: hard!orkin5: 5oal oriented: fo*used: *ommitment: dis*iplined: or5aniFed 6: ;i5id )eam Mem0er MBN: 1: Crisis mana5ement: *onfident: 5o45etter attitude: indi,idualisti* 6: rro5ant: selfish: indi,idualisti* (lo! people skills$ )eam Mem0er MCN: 1: 1tron5 ,alues: o0edient: stron5 interpersonal skills: approa*ha0le: &uiet: laid40a*k: 5ood follo!er 6: laid40a*k: slo! *oa*h: &uiet )eam Mem0er M3N: 1: ?oal setter: =nno,ator: *ompassionate: helpful 6: 3isappearin5 a*t: moody: does not like to 0e asked &uestions

= Need *rive theory of 5otivation: 4 ll needs are 0asi* re&uirements for or5aniFation 4 6hen a need arises: it indi*ates a defi*it

4 4 4 4 4 4 4

)his defi*it leads to a distur0an*e in *omfort Fone )here arises instantly !ithin the or5anism: a type of dri,e that propels the or5anism to fulfill this defi*it: there0y restorin5 *omfort Fone 6hen this fulfillment is *omplete: the or5anism is set to a*hie,e total satisfa*tion )his dri,e is *alled moti,ation )his dri,e is automati*: instant: sin*e it has its ori5ins on sur,i,al of spe*ies: inshort it is instin*t dri,en >en*e moti,ation is a term 5i,en to instin*t dri,en that almost instantaneously de,elops the need defi*it into need fulfillment )his is the animal side of the human

=n day4to4day s*enarios: !e need to identify the diferen*e 0et!een needs ' !ants. +eeds are 0asi*: !ants are desired +EE3(instin*t$ I 3E1=;E J 6ant (;ational$ +eed !hen fulfilled 5i,es 100P satisfa*tion (does not lea,e any memory$. an instant 5ratifi*ation need is al!ays

Moti,ation +EE3 (Hnmet$ 3esire AH(A=((ME+) (1atisfa*tion$

= 0rustration 5odel: =t is deri,ed from need4dri,e theory of moti,ation. =f a need defi*it arises in an indi,idual: it *reates a dri,e almost instantly to fulfill this need. 6hile in pro*ess of fulfillin5 the need: if there arises an o0stru*tion or 0arrier: the or5anism !ill any!ay 0e fulfillin5 it throu5h alternate means. )his altered 0eha,iour is al!ays unsound 0eha,iour )his 0eha,iour is a repetiti,e 0eha,iour. 6ithout a*tion there is no moti,ation = 0unda$ental Theories of 5otivation: 1. ;einfor*ement )heory of Moti,ation .. ?oal Path )heory of Moti,ation )he indi,idualNs moti,ation is a result of . influen*es / =nternal ' e%ternal 8 6hat moti,ates youL 4 Content theories of Moti,ation: i. Maslo!Ns )heory of needs

ii. Aedri*k >ers0er5Ns / )!o fa*tor theory of needs iii. E;? )heory of +eeds / al0ert i,. 3a,id M* CleelandNs )heory of +eeds 8 6hy and ho! are people moti,atedL 4 Pro*ess )heories of Moti,ation i. ii. iii. 1ta*ey damNs E&uity )heory 7i*tor 7roomNs )heory of E%pe*tan*y Poter ;ollerNs )heory of =ntrinsi* re!ards

1. 6einforce$ent Theory of 5otivation: =t has . parts: a. Positi,e ;einfor*ement 0. +e5ati,e ;einfor*ement En*oura5in5 0eha,iour that are desired 0y an or5aniFation *onstitutes the frame&ork of I,e reinfor*ement. )he employees are en*oura5ed to re5ret ' *ertain 0eha,iour that are desira0le for the end *ustomer of 5oal )his is usually done 0y re!ards: hen*e also termed as moti,ation 0y ;e!ards Gn the other hand there are *ertain 0eha,iours !hi*h are not in line !ith or5aniFational needs. )hese 0eha,iours need to 0e dis*oura5ed. =nstead of allo!in5 these 0eha,iours to repeat: or5aniFation resort to *ollapsin5 these 0eha,iours. )his is 0rou5ht a0out throu5h the pro*ess of punishment termed as moti,ation 0y punishment or /,e reinfor*ement. >istori*ally su*h reinfor*ement is resorted to at the fun*tional le,el of or5aniFation: !here re!ards ' punishment form the ,alue *riteria of employeesNs 0eha,iour s 1st time learners: all of us resort to stimulus response learnin5: our 0eha,iour are also stimulus response 0ased. >en*e: it is natural for us to respond to the reinfor*ement method of moti,ation 2. &oal Path theory of $otivation:

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