Consumer Involvement: 1) KRUGMAN S Theory of Passive Learning

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Consumer Involvement

1) KRUGMANS Theory of passive Learning.

2) SHERIFS Social Judgment Theory.


L.I. Theory 1: KRUGMANS Passive Learning

Perspective of Television 1) TV is L.I. medium that results in passive learning, little influence on attitudes 2) TV advertising is animate, viewer is inanimate.

3) Pace of viewing is out of control, little opportunity for reflection of making connections 4) TV is effective for L.I. products 5) The public lets down its guard to the repetitive commercial use of television.

L.I. Theory 2: Sheriffs Social Judgment

1) Sheriff describes an individuals position on an issue according to that individuals involvement with the issue.

2) Concept of involvement with latitude of a) Acceptance, b) Rejection, c) Non committed. a b c

(Say H.I., with definite opinion will a less, b more and c few!) (NOTE: (1) President = H.I. & (2) State = L.I. election)

L.I. Theory 3: Elaboration likelihood Model

Petty and Cacioppo model
1) THE WAY (PROCESS H.I. and L.I. Conditions).

2) Elaborate (central) to Non-elaborate (peripheral)

3) Degree of elaboration depends on the RELEVANCE

4) Uninvolved customer is PASSIVE so provide stimuli that are peripheral to the message.

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