Standard 4 Checklist

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STANDARD 4: ADVOCACY AND LEADERSHIP Candidates advocate for dyna ic sc!

oo" "i#rary $ro%ra s and $ositive "earnin% environ ents t!at foc&s on st&dent "earnin% and ac!ieve ent #y co""a#oratin% and connectin% 'it! teac!ers( ad inistrators( "i#rarians( and t!e co &nity) Candidates are co itted to contin&o&s "earnin% and $rofessiona" %ro't! and "ead $rofessiona" deve"o$ ent activities for ot!er ed&cators) Candidates $rovide "eaders!i$ #y artic&"atin% 'ays in '!ic! sc!oo" "i#raries contri#&te to st&dent ac!ieve ent) 4)* Net'or+in% 'it! "i#rary co &nity 4), Professiona" deve"o$ ent 4)- Leaders!i$ 4)4 Advocacy E.a $"es of activities Net'or+in% 'it! "i#rary co &nity *Participate in an activity that connects the library with other libraries (school, public, academic, special) and/or other information agencies in the community. Co ents Attended Japanese class field trip to ! to attend a festival with opportunities to study Japan (J"# program), plus many $how%to& activities li'e flower arranging, the abacus, origami, gift wrapping, dressing, musubi ma'ing, etc. (tudents saw opportunities at !)only two high schools invited along with ! Japanese classes Joined !A(+. -ov. /012 Joined +in'ed ,n. 3ec. /012 Co $"eted *

Participate in a social or intellectual networ' of professionals (e.g., +in'ed ,n, -ing, aaslforum). Professiona" deve"o$ ent Join the !awaii Association of (chool +ibrarians. *Participate in a school%organi4ed professional development session and report on it.

Joined -ovember /012 -o P3 sessions during my time at 5!(. 3id attend a (trive !, meeting that was informative that , too' bac' to my grade level team at 5aneohe. (ummary included. -one offered during practicum 7isited 5apolei 8iddle, 5apolei "lementary, +eilehua !igh, and -iu 7alley 8iddle. (ummary included

* *

*Participate in a session or conference sponsored by one of the professional organi4ations or the 36" and report on it. *7isit another library and report on it.

*9reate and self%assess the culminating :;: e% portfolio. *9ompose a personal essay of insights gained and plans for professional growth (part of e%portfolio). Leaders!i$

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3iscuss your cooperating librarian<s involvement in school, district, or state level planning committees. *Assist or ta'e the lead in conducting a professional development activity for faculty/staff members. *Publish a news item or article and/or present at a conference on the library<s role in student learning. Advocacy *Assist with an advocacy activity at the school or community level. ?ather methods and strategies used to garner support from administrators, faculty, students, and families. 9ollect samples of promotional materials.

"=amined (+8( and (+8P together via 3r. !arada<s provided draft of state<s rubric. (not included) -one available during practicum -one available during practicum

+ibguide. >oo' +ove 3one in%person 7iewed +!(<s $report card& (from @vonne +au)

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