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Derba MIDROC Cement Core user Controlling Training

Course Objective:

Understand and configure organizational structure and master data Understand Key Concepts of cost center, profit center and internal order accounting Gain Understanding of Integration between other modules and CO Learn to configure Assessments and istributions Calculating product cost ! analysis of product profitability Analyzing "rofitability based on sales region, product line#$ "ractice e%ecuting and setting up standard reporting to support management

Who Should Attend: Controlling Core Users (Domain Expert) Prerequisites: SAP

basic training


Duration: 100 Hrs

1. Introduction

Controlling Training Course !ontent

1.1.O er ie! o" Controlling 1.#.Structure O er ie! 1.#.1. Controlling area 1.#.#. $iscal %ear 1.#.&. Special Periods #. SAP 'a igation #.1.(ogin to SAP S)stem

&. *aintenance o" *aster data &.1.Cost center

Derba MIDROC Cement Core user Controlling Training

&.#.Cost center +roup &.&.Pro"it Center &.,.Pro"it Center +roup &.-.Cost Element &...Acti it) /)pe &.0.Acti it) t)pe +roups &.1.Posting 2e)s &.3.Document /)pe ,. Costing Process ,.1.Planning Processing ,.1.1. Cost center planning ,.1.#. Internal order planning ,.1.&. *anu"acturing cost center planning ,.1.,. Product cost planning ,.1.-. Acti it) t)pe planning ,.1... Cost element planning ,.1.0. Standard cost estimation "or products ,.#.Actual processing ,.#.1. Internal order actual calculation ,.#.#. O er4ead cost calculation ,.#.&. Standard cost calculation ,.#.,. Product cost period end processes ,.#.-. ,.&.Period end closing transaction

Derba MIDROC Cement Core user Controlling Training

,.&.1. Assessments ,.&.#. Distribution ,.&.&. 5ariance calculation ,.&.,. -. 6eports -.1.Cost centers 6eport -.#.Pro"it center 6eport -.&.Planning report -.,.Cost element report

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