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Year 2 / Year 5 Christingle 2013 Dear Parent / Carers, On 11th December at 2pm, as part of our school celebration of Christmas

2013, we will be holding a Christingle service for Years 2 and 5 which is integral to their learning in RE. We would like to encourage the children to think about sharing with children who are less fortunate than themselves. In order to do this we are asking that each child puts whatever loose change they may have into this Christingle Collection Candle and returns it for the Christingle service. The money collected will be counted and sent to The Childrens Society UK. If you would like to attend the Christingle service please return the slip below to your childs class teacher before Friday 6th December. Thank you for your support.

Year 2 and Year 5 Teachers _________________________________________________

Year 2 / Year 5 Christingle 2013 I would like to attend the Christingle Service on Wednesday 11th December 2013. I am the parent / carer of _____________________ I would like _____________ tickets please in class __________ Signed __________________________

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