Relative Pronouns - Who, Which, Whose - Exercise

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Relative pronouns - who, which, whose - Exercise

1) I talked to the girl whose car had broken down in front of the shop. 2) Mr Richards, who is a taxi driver, lives on the corner. 3) We often visit o r a nt in !orwich which is in "ast #nglia. $) %his is the girl who co&es fro& 'pain. () %hat)s *eter, the bo+ who has , st arrived at the airport. -) %hank +o ver+ & ch for +o r e.&ail which was ver+ interesting. /) %he &an, whose father is a professor, forgot his &brella. 0) %he children, who sho ted in the street, are not fro& o r school. 1) %he car, whose driver is a +o ng &an, is fro& Ireland. 12) What did +o do with the &one+ which +o r &other lent +o 3

What are relative pronouns? A defining relative clause states defining information about a person or a thing. It is used to define one object/thing or a person from another. Without this information the sentence would not be clear. Note: The relative pronoun replaces the noun. !amples:
Who is that man in there street? Whose husband is that waiting in the car? Is that ca"e good? When are #ou going to call her?

Wh# are #ou so tired? Which house is #ours? $elative %ronouns & 'ubject )bject Time && When $eason %erson && Wh# Who( That %lace Thing Where That( Which That( Which Whose

Who/Whom/That & Whose &

%ossessive Whose &

Q1 - Stratford is the town ____ Shakespeare was born in.

where which ither could be used here. Q2 - The hotel ____ we stayed was good. where which ither could be used here. Q3 - The man ____ interviewed me seemed friendly enough. who which ither could be used here. Q - The !ritish "rime #inister$ ____ was interviewed yesterday$ denied responsibility. who that ither could be used here. Q% - The &ar ____ was stolen belonged to my partner.

which that ither could be used here. Q' - The house ____ they have rented is in the &entre of town. which that ither could be used here. Q( - The &rowd$ ____ were making a lot of noise$ were told to move on by the poli&e. who that ither could be used here. Q) - The &ompany$ _____ *+, is under investigation$ is doing very badly. which whose ither could be used here. Q- - The &apital &ity$ ____ &athedral is one of the finest in the &ountry$ is worth visiting. whose which ither could be used here. Q1. - The s&hool$ ____ has seven hundred students$ had the be/t e/am results in the &ountry last year. that which ither could be used here.

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