Risk Analysis by Thinksky Academy Hyderabad

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How to do risk analysis and mitigate user in SAP GRC 5.

We need to create a Business Process ZTSA

We need to create Functions namely Function 1 as ZTSAFUN1 along with actions XK 1 and XK ! and sa"e#

We need to create Functions namely Function ! as ZTSAFUN! along with actions FK 1 and FK ! and sa"e#

$reate a %is& '( )or the action ty*e along with t he )unctions which we created earlier and sa"e

Now it will *rom*t us to generate ris&s clic& on generate# 't will gi"e the a"aila+le ris&s li&e a)ter running the ,o+ in either )oreground or +ac& ground# 'n order to see the ris&s goto %ule architecht- rules

action rules

search +y +usiness *rocess# Then you will get the rules list#

.itigation $reate an administrator /oto mitigation administrator create as a**ro"er

$reate an administrator

/oto mitigation

administrator create as monitor

$reate a Business unit /oto mitigation +usiness unit TSBU create along with add a**ro"er

And then add monitor in the same screen and sa"e#

$reate a mitigation control )or ris& id ZT%' /oto mitigation mitigation control create

Select the ris& id a)ter )iling all the a+o"e the columns And then select the monitor and re*orts along with )re0uency#


Now create a user and role with the a+o"e T-codes and assign it to user in the +ac&end system# When we run ris& analysis in /%$ %A% it must gi"e us the ris&s in"ol"ed in it#

Now with the ris& descri*tion we will mitigate the user along with the mitigation control which we created earlier in %A%# $lic& on ris& in)ormation then it will ta&e you to ris& resolution screen as +elow#

Now we can mitigate the ris& so clic& on mitigate ris& it will gi"e a *o* u* li&e +elow

Now with the created mitigation control in %A% )or that *articular Business *rocess we will mitigate the ris& with all the credentials li&e mitigation control and monitor control and all with control "alid )rom and "alid u*to dates li&e

A)ter su+mitting1 we will get in)ormation as mitigated user is created success)ully#

Now i) u run ris& analysis then it must not *o*ulate ris&s )or this *articular user li&e

'n the same way we can mitigate users )or any +usiness *rocess +y creating the monitor and mitigation controls# Thin&s&y Academy#

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