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Name_____________________________________ Class________ Date_____________ Unit 2: Political Cartoon Assignment Your assignment is to create a political cartoon about a problem in our

society today. It should show the problem, but also a possible reform to that problem. Your cartoon should show your point of view on that topic as well. Your cartoon should show your point of view on that topic as well. Use ideas from the list we created in class. lso ma!e sure someone who "reads# your cartoon would have possible answers to the $uestions below. %his assignment is due in class %hursday December &, '()*.

How to analyze (examine) a political cartoon

+hat do I see, -+ords, ob.ects, people, actions/ re there any symbols in the cartoon, If so, what are they and what do they mean,

+hat is the overall message of the cartoon, -+hat is the cartoonist trying to tell me,/ +hat $uestions do I have about the cartoon, +ho would agree or disagree with this cartoon, +hy,

Rubric: Problem/Re orm in !ociety

0utcome Not Yet 1eets 2tandards %he student creates a political cartoon that shows a problem in society today and proposes a possible solution. %he student6s point of view could have been developed with better evidence or use of symbols. 34ceeds 2tandards %he student creates a political cartoon that shows an in7 depth analysis of a problem in society today and proposes a possible solution. %he student6s point of view is clear. %he student accurately uses symbols to convey her message. Communicate: %he student created a 1a!e ideas and information political cartoon but the problem understood, and5or solution mindful of audience, is unclear. %here purpose, and are few, if any, setting. symbols

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