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Data Used in this exercise

SRno 1 ! % ' ) $ * Activity Duration (weeks) ! $ ' ! ! ' ) 1 1 1 % ) !+%+'+) Predecessor (SR-no of predecessor activity)

Requirement Gatherin "se #ases Ana&ysis (stimatin #ost Desi n Review Desi n #ode

Creating Gantt-Chart 1. open Ms-project 2. FILE SAVE 3. on above menu bar !"#EC$ !"#EC$ I%F"!MA$I"%choose S$A!$ &A$E 'ou se(ect S$A!$ &A$E )ie(* b' c(ic+ing once the *rop *o,n icon as in picture be(o,

-&o not change other )ie(* va(ues but 'ou can see an* un*erstan* ,hat their purpose is. S$A$.S &A$E )ie(* ,i(( be use* ,hen ,e nee* to ana('/e the project on some speci)ic *ate *uring project *uration. SC0E&.LE F!"M )ie(* is )or sche*u(ing project )rom start *ate or )inish *ate1

4. on above menu bar $""LS " $I"%S SC0E&.LE -'our sche*u(e page shou(* have )o((o,ing settings1

2. Enter *ata as u see in be(o, picture #ust ma+e entries in $AS3 %AME4 &.!A$I"%4 !E&ECESS"! co(umns. S$A!$ 5 FI%IS0 *ates ,i(( be automatica((' manage*. -activit'6tas+ number is use* to mention pre*ecessor1

7. no, on the right si*e 'ou can see gantt-chart 7. )or critica( path on above menu bar F"!MA$Gantt Chart 8i/ar* %E9$ se(ect C!I$ICAL A$0 %E9$se(ect &A$ES%E9$se(ect :ES%E9$c(ic+ F"!MA$ I$c(ic+ E9I$ 8I;A!&

8. on above menu bar $""LS LEVEL !ES".!CES c(ic+ CLEA! LEVELI%G button on bottom o) this page se(ect E%$I!E !"#EC$ press "3 - no, 'ou ,i(( see C!I$ICAL A$0 as in be(o, picture1

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