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Family Strengths Lesson Plan

Name: Abby Peskorse Organization: Gateway 180 Title of Lesson: Family Strength. Built to Last. Date: 10/18/13 Grade/Age Level: Adults Cooperating Teacher/Mentor: Length of Lesson: 30 minutes External Micro Teaching

1. Goal(s) Validate the family unit as the keystone of society, and a springboard for individual growth NASAFACS Competencies 1.1.6, 1.3.3, 6.1.1 Diffuse issues regarding past adversity and future uncertainty pertaining to the familys success NASAFACS Competency 6.1.6 Provide examples of positive communication styles that succeed across gender and age barriers NASAFACS Competencies 6.1.5, 12.3.1, 13.3.4, 15,2,1 Illustrate through activity the importance of shared family ritual to increase family connectivity through change and time NASAFACS Competency 6.1.4

2. Prior Knowledge Through open discussion, the teacher and learners will discuss the following: -What is a family? -What makes a family strong? -What barriers do families face that create conflict and prevent connectivity? -What rituals or traditions do families currently practice?

3. Learner Outcomes: After discussing what a family is, learners will be able to recognize and list as defined by them - the members of their family, on the My Family worksheet. This addresses the cognitive sphere. After participating in Tin Can Communication, learners will evaluate negative and positive communication techniques

4. Assessment of Learner Outcomes: Learners will have a complete family portrait, built by them, that lists their family members and an attribute they appreciate about each family member. Learners will know 4 ways in which to improve the communication they have within their family.

5. Procedures: I will discuss what family is, facilitate group discussion of what family is, and provide a blank portrait for learners to build their families as defined by them. This reaches the visual/spatial learner. I will interact with a learner with tin can communication to

6. Questions: Can you identify and list the members of your family, given your personal definition of a family? Can you compare these communication styles and explain to me their positive and negative aspects? Can you describe to me a ritual or tradition unique to your family? Can you construct a new ritual

Family Strengths Lesson Plan

Name: Abby Peskorse Organization: Gateway 180 Title of Lesson: Family Strength. Built to Last.

Date: 10/18/13 Grade/Age Level: Adults

Cooperating Teacher/Mentor: Length of Lesson: 30 minutes External Micro Teaching

and be able to verbally describe them. This addresses the psychomotor and affective sphere. After discussing tradition and ritual in a family setting, learners will be able to recognize a current ritual in their family life and will build a new ritual for their family to participate in, sharing with the group if comfortable. This addresses the affective sphere.

Learners will recognize the benefit of ritual for family strength and will feel confident in reinforcing current and/or creating new rituals for their family.

demonstrate both good and bad communication techniques and have the audience describe what is good, and what is bad. This reaches the verbal/linguistic, and interpersonal learners. I will explain the benefit of ritual and tradition in regards to family strength and through discussion help the learner to recognize ritual and tradition in their life, and facilitate them creating a new ritual. This reaches the existential learner.

for your family that will increase your connectivity to one another?

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