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Market Analysis

1. 15-30 years of age, high school or college, there isnt a shop in Chalmers to eat at before or after games and things like that. 2. There are no shops of this sort at all anywhere close. 3. Wide open, because Chalmers has no open food places of this sort. 4. Small, but I hope to open it up more 5. I can reach it by staying on top of things and selling a good variety of food and service. 6. There are no competitors. 7. They will expect me to provide them with good, quick sandwiches. 8. It must have a different type of sandwiches that are special in some way. 9. Depending on what they buy, they would pay anywhere from $4 to $6 for a sandwich and fries. 10. I will be the only sandwich in Chalmers and they will be a special type.

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