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When I was applying ice pack to a patient, a physiotherapist ask me the differences between cold pack and hot pack. I told the answer hesitantly, so told me to search for a better answer. My reaction I look for a journal about the uses of both hot pack and cold pack. The use of cold modalities such as ice packs, gel packs and ice massage to decrease the effects of the local inflammatory response created by soft tissue trauma. A study by Craig Taber (1994) explained that tissue cooling produces an initial vasoconstriction in the cutaneous blood vessels, which results in a decrease in local blood volume. For the hot modalities, Jerrold S. Petrofsky explained that numerous modalities such as diathermy, microwave, ultrasound and hot pack have been used to heat the skin in an effort to increase skin circulation as well as the circulation and the temperature of the underlying tissue. Value earend Based on my reading, Lewis (1930), found that skin temperature initially fell rapidly when a subjectss finger was immersed in ice water. This temperature drop was replaced after the first few minutes with a spontaneous rise in skin temperature.the rise in skin temperature occurred when the tissue temperature of the finger reached 15C. Lewis called this phenomenon as hunting response. Then, for the hot modalities, Jerrold S. Petrofsky said this technique develop a thermal gradient from the skin to the underlying muscle such that the muscle, soft tissue and tendons begin to warm and thereby increase extensibility and reduce pain. My new understanding The term reactive vasodilation is thought to occur as a protective measure to prevent soft tissue death attributable to freezing. Whether reactive vasodilation or a cycling hunting response, the important implications for the application of a cold modality to control local oedema following soft tissue trauma, increase in local blood volume, and reduce tissue swelling.

How it will affect my behaviour in future clinical practice Based on the evidences, I have already know about both hot and cold modality effects and uses. So, next time in my future clinical practice, I hope I am able to identify which modalities I can apply to patient based on their condition correctly. Besides that, I am able to explain about the treatment that I have done to the patient.

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