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Kurians Business acumen

Has been credited with innovative successes. Took private participation in developing park in Kerala. Ability to execute plans and motive employees, anticipate

and act on strategic requirements, and make the difficult things happen.
Believed in management by common sense.

Return of Kurian to CIAL

Mapped in mind the future needs of CIAL when he was

not with CIAL..

Quickly expand the congesting international terminal to

avoid future problems..

Many types of aircrafts flying in Indian skies promoted him

to establish a company for aircraft maintenance hangars with kurian as a chairman and MD

The Human Side of kurian

He is sensitive and socially conscious person who wants

to do something for the society.

He serves the needy. He has positive impact on the society to make life easier. He is self motivated.

He knows each and every employee and also about there

families and help them if they need anything.

Uses his influence whenever possible. He sees for the welfare of the orphans and there

He is a family man and knows about the human emotions.
He is empathetic.

Kurians personality
He is workaholic. He is aggressive. He does not take weakness in others lightly. Money is not a motivating factor for him. He is persistent like a bull dog, never let go when he wants it. Does not tolerate dishonesty.

Persuasive in his approach. He is basically a entrepreneur, who is driven by high risk

and high stake.

He does not have any ego in his interpersonal interaction.
He is friendly in his approach. He has an uncompromising ,straight forward style. He is not a corrupted citizen of India


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