The Old Hag

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The Old Hag In Paris, France at the West Barricade, a cart came up with an old hag driving it.

The old hag was wearing a dirty bonnet on her head. Her hair was yarn-like, dirty, and went down past her shoulders. Her face was wrinkled. She had an eye swollen shut along with her big nose, and her weird chin. The old hag had a very messy and dirty shawl on that looked like she knitted herself. She was also wearing fingerless gloves on her hands as she was holding the horses reigns. She was wearing a skirt that was white and is now beige. On her feet she had poorly made shoes. On the cart was her grandson who had the plague. Her horses were dark brown, at the West Barricade in France where the guards were yelling at her to go through the gate.

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