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Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June-July 2009

Non-TraditEona! Machining
Time: 3 hrs.

Max. Marks: 100

Note: Answer an1, F{YE fult questions, selecting at least TWO questions from each part.


a. t,. c. a b.

Compare the conventional machinins ri'ith non traditional machining Explain how the non-traditional machining processes are Explain with sketch the principle of ,-rireration of ultrasonic

classified? machining.


(06 Marks) (06 Marks) (08 Marks)

Explain the ditlerent paramete rs th:ri :itt'ect the ulirasonic machining. (08 Marks) Calculate the depth of indentatior, pr.-.jLiced on o ceramic surface in ultrasonic machining by the throu'ing action of abrasive grains of 1-;() 1Lm diameter using following data: Amplitude of vibration - 0.1-i ni;.n Frequencv olvibration - li Kc s .\brasirc Jcnsit.r - I 5 Kul' r:r: Yield strength ot-ceramic -1 -. r 1i-)ii N ml (06 Marks) N,{ention the advanta-ees. disadr anraq.s and anplications of ultrasonic machining. (06 Marks)


a. b.

c. a. b.

trrplain with schematic diagrarn th.:.-\brasiie jet machining process. (07 Marks) frrplain the fbllotvinq rariables thai inf]ucnce the rate of metal removal and accuracv of rrachininc in .{brasir e jet machinrng ii Carrier cas ii) fr pcs of iibrasivcs iii) Stand off distance r') mean number of abrasive grains per unit r,olume of the carrier gas. (08 Marks) \\/hat are the advantages and applications olnater jet machining? (05 Marks)

What are the elements of electrochernical machining process? Explain any two elements.


Calculate the metal removal rate anci electrode feed rate rvhen Iron is electro chemically machined, using copper electrode and sodium chloride solution (specific resistance : 5.0 The porver suppl1'data of'thc e lectro chemical machine used are : Supply voltage - 18 VDC Current - 5000 amps A tool gap of 0.5 mm (constant)ma1,be assumed. Atomic weight of Iron : 56 ; Valenu, - 2 Density -l.n x lo6 gimi (07 Marks) Explain with schematic diagram the eiectro chemical grinding process. (07 Marks)

(06 Marks)


a. b. c.

Explain the elements of chemical machining process. Explain with the flow chart the chemical blanking process. What are the advantages and applications of chemical machining?

(06 Marlts)
(09 Marks) (05 Marks)


b. c.

E;<piain with sketch the mechanism of metal remor.ed by electric discharge machining.
(06 iVlarks)

Explain with sketch the process of electrode feed control in Electric discharge machining.

(08 Marks) process. discharge machining Explain the different methods of dielectric flushing in eiectrie (06 Marks)


Explain with sketch the principle of plasma generation and mechanism of metal removal in
(08 Marks) piasma arc machining. What are the factors that govem the performance of plasma arc machining? Explain any one (08 Marks) of them" Vlenrion the safety precautions to be considered during plasma arc machining. (04 Marks)


Explain with sketch the principle of operation, mechanism of metal removal, advantages, disadvantages and appiications of the following process :

Laser beam machining. Electron beam machining.

(10 Marks) (10 Marks)



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