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ADJECTIVES Choose the sentence in which the underlined word is an adjective. 1. a. Yoko is young. b. They are delicious. c.

She is a strong athlete. d. It is important. 2. a. My teachers are friendly. b. I hope you are fine. c. We have a small apartment. d. She walks slowly. a. This is my new room. b. The boys leave the old house. c. The man wears black coat. d. She reads silently. a. The gate is closed. b. The room is dirty. c. They answered correctly. d. She is good.



____________ Select the adjective in the sentence. Juan handled the breakable glasses very carefully. A: glasses B: very C: carefully D: breakable Tanya is a graceful dancer. A: graceful B: is C: dancer D: Tanya The chubby baby clapped his hands excitedly. A: his B: excitedly C: chubby

D: clapped Miranda walked with her little sister. A: sister B: little C: with D: walked

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