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Civil War Unit: Lesson 1 Social Studies: Grade 4 Essential Question: What is different culturally in the North and

the South today versus in the 1860s? How were the economics different in the North and the South? NCSS 1: Culture: Cultures are dynamic and change over time. Social Studies SOL USI.9: The student will demonstrate knowledge of the causes, major events, and effects of the Civil War by: a) Describing the cultural, economic, and constitutional issues that divided the nation Objective: Students will be able to describe cultural and economic differences held in the North and South. Teacher Materials: - - Power Point - Index Cards - Baggies - Flash Card Worksheet - Prior vs New Knowledge Worksheet - Cultural and Economic Differences Worksheet - Culture and Economy Summary Worksheet Students Materials: Pencil Glue Scissors Social Studies Journal

Introduction: 1) Students will begin their Prior vs. New Knowledge Worksheet (10 Min.) * Students will define and draw a picture of culture and economy 2) As students are working questions will be asked for students to think about while working What do you think an economy is? What kind of economy do we have today? 3) Students will glue this in to their SS Journals 4) Watch the video Leading up to the Civil War Instruction: 1) The teacher will have teacher assistants hand out Cultural and Economic Worksheets. The teacher will explain to students that they are to fill this out while they go through the power point.

(30-35 min) 2) The teacher will begin the power point and discuss it with students. Students may sit on the carpet in the front of the room to see the power point with their textbooks.

Slide 3: Talk about what students notice in these pictures about the Northern cities. Slide 5: Talk about what students notice in these pictures compared to the Northern city pictures. Slide 6: Point out different political viewpoints. Go back to slide 4 to show students. Slide 7: Ask Students What do you think of when I say the word economy? As students begin to express their ideas, move through the slide (4 points). Slide 8: Where do you think these pictures are from? What evidence do you see to help support your answer? Slide 9: Tell students to turn to page 110 in their textbooks. Ask What do you think the Northern economy was like. (Move through the slide as students begin to give answers) Slide 10: Where do you think these pictures are from? What evidence do you see to help support your answer? Slide 11: Now look at page 111. What do you think the Southern economy was like? (Move through the slides as students begin to give answers) 3) Ask students if they have any questions about their worksheet. When they are done they will cut of the bottom and glue it into their social studies journal. 4) One teacher assistant will hand out a baggie with 8 index cards to each student. The other will hand out the flash card worksheet. - The teacher will explain to students they are to number each card and its match with the same number written small in the top corner. The teacher will model this using the projector. - The teacher will give directions to students. Cut and glue each flash card on an index card. These will be used as your flash cards to practice with throughout the unit. We will also be adding to these as we go along. - They will be taped to the side of students desk. Summary: (10 Min) Extensions The teacher will conclude by telling students to complete a summary sheet. Give students about 8-10 minutes to complete their sheets.

- Students will be adding to their flash cards for the next 3 lessons. Students will use these cards throughout the day when they have finished an assignment early by themselves or with a partner.

Assessment: - Teacher will informally assess students throughout the power point. The teacher will be walking around to make sure everyone is on track with their Cultural and Economic Differences worksheet. The teacher will also informally assess the summary worksheets. Depending on the answers, the teacher will plan the next lesson accordingly. Differentiation: - A special ed. teacher will be in the room to help children with special needs. She will work with them throughout the power point and worksheets. She

will also have a copy of the power point on her computer to show them close up. - Two other special ed. teachers will be in the room to help a small group of students who struggle with reading and writing. Copies of the power point will be printed out for those students at the special ed. teachers discretion. They will work as a group and discuss when completing the summary sheet. Each student will still complete their own worksheet. - Visual students will benefit from the powerpoint. These students will be able to put pictures with the ideas and that is talked about. The flashcards will also help visual learners understand the lesson.

Prior vs. New Knowledge

Prior Knowledge (Before)
Culture is

New Knowledge (After)

Culture is

Prior Knowledge (Before)

Economy is

New Knowledge (After)

Economy is

1) The Northerners lived in an had cities. 2) Many settled in the North. society which

3) Most Northerners belonged to this party? 4) The South was an

5) People lived on 6) Many Southerners belong to the 7) Southern towns were very and party.


1) 2) The North was very People worked in warehouses. The Souths economy was based off of Tobacco and were their biggest crops tariffs and the South was like cloth mills, papers mills and

3) 4)

5) The North tariffs.

Cotton Immigrants Democratic Spread Out

Industrialized Agricultural Republican Agriculture

Plantations Factories Against Industrialized

Large Was For Farms

Flash Cards
The economy of the Southern states was mainly agricultural and relied heavily on what? What does industrialized mean?
Slave Labor

Having many factories and small businesses

What kind of economy existed in the Southern states? What kind of economy existed in the Northern states?

Agricultural (farming) and plantations




Cultural and Economy Summary

Would you rather have lived in the North or the South in the 1860s? Explain

How were the economies different in the North and the South different?

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